- Magistrate Carol Peralta in a Court sitting on 4th February 2002
... and 4 months later
The defendant was suffering from psychosis of delusions of persecution ...
- by that fraudster, crime-launderer and big liar of Psychiatrist David Cassar, in a Court sitting messa 'n scena in front of the same Magistrate, on 12th June 2002
... and in this way, on false testimony, ended for the first time locked kidnapped and drugged up in Mount Carmel Hospital by Magistrate Carol Peralta himself
... all the way to
Tell me you are sick and I have them (the Social Benefits) issued for you
- by that fraudster (1, 2, {3}, 4, 5, 6, 7, "Tell me you are sick ...", etc.) and sadist (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) of Psychiatrist Joseph Spiteri on 6th June 2024 when vindictively began issuing rofocos one after the other 6 in total (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) for a total of 168 days.
Because in an instant we chop you off your balls
- once again by the same Psychiatrist Joseph Spiteri on 25th September 2024 at the 5th rofoco (9) from 6 in a row he vindictively began issuing me one after the other.
If you find the name of this website offensive, imagine how much more it is to be threatened in this way in no other than a Court room, by no other than the Magistrate himself. For all these years I was held hostage by that sadist, fraudster, and big liar of Psychiatrist David Cassar that if I dare reveal any of the so many abuses, he will instantly turn them as me suffering from delusions of persecution, as me deteriorating in health, and an excuse to keep me locked, to issue the umpteenth restriction of freedom of communication order (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10), and to drug / destroy me further with pills and injections and their so dreadful side effects.

Had it been me who threatened the Magistrate, rest assured it would have ended front page on all newspapers, headline news on all TV stations, but the other way round, only deafening silence. Have already passed since I launched this website way back on 28-Apr-2018 09:56:27 CET and was indexed by Google few days later. Website already contains around 0.7GB of documents and incriminating evidence, besides another 0.5GB I dedicated to the history of my hometown Mosta. To this day and still counting, already spent innocently locked kidnapped (equivalent to 37d in 2002, 2m in 2005 and dd since 2014), of which without access to fresh air outside (even was denied access to visit just once my dying mother even in her last 3 months of agony - instead they issued this: 3, a dying mother denied even just once of a few minutes with her son and vice-versa: never underestimate the evil and venom of Psychiatry), as from 22-Feb-23 when on purpose came to speak to me the Commissioner for Health within the Ombudsman Raymond Galea in what was a messa 'n scena (guess why, you find this swindler listed here amongst other fraudsters of Psychiatrists, and seeing this just as well fraudster himself on their side, they issued this: 4, just a week later), almost completely isolated from the outside world with no access to the internet and mail (latest updates with the help of friends), got transferred to 9 different wards (MW10-MiW, Sec-MW3A, For-MiW-MW3A-MW1-HWH-MW1-HWH-MW7-StJA-MW7-MW1), got 67 drug-induced depression / parkinsonism injections, and amongst the multitude of poison of pills I was forced to swallow, had to swallow as a consequence of which I ended suffering from aphasia and even more from parkinsonism amongst many other terrible side effects, and had to force myself on that vomiting vegetables-only diet and drink many litres of tap-water a day because of the terrifying drug-induced constipation, only to be prescribed the just as well of poison of Risperdal once again. All poison of drugs, pills and injections for illnesses originally invented with the stroke of a pen to save Magistrate Carol Peralta's the career and in their effort to hasten kill me disable my mind keep my mouth shut and cover-up the subsequent multitude of abuses.
This video from this link, is a case almost similar to mine, only that in corrupt Malta, the story is the other way round ... "I just remember smashing into the wall ... I smasked into the wall ... He was so determined and so violent, ... It was scary I didn't think I was going to get that ..."
I became known from the case of animals, which I used to find dead on roads, crucified, and hanged around in my hometown Mosta for which the Court, presided by that narcissist of corrupt Magistrate Carol Peralta, vindictively, sent me to Mount Carmel Hospital when the most I should have got was some suspended sentence (compare to this prank by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). Excluding those that came in February, all were hanged on the 16th of the month and they conceived it as if I suffered form an illness so particular to be dependent on the calendar and seasons of the year, with the symptoms incredibly always occurring on the 16th of the month while uniquely for February they varied, miraculously no symptoms occurred in the many days between them, and similarly neither in Summer with a pause of 5 to 6 months I sometimes took.
This that I am mentally ill originated from the blatant lies of Psychiatrist David Cassar from another case I had in Court no less than 13 years before in 2001 in his effort to discredit me and reduce my credibility in case I tried to reveal the abuses that I had suffered. Amongst them was a court sitting on 4-Feb-02 where Magistrate Carol Peralta, in front of whom the case was being heard, called me near him, with me just having the chance of telling him that in another court sitting, that of 5-Jul-01, they made false testimony, and his reaction instead of investigating was to threaten me with the words "Don't respond me because I will smash you against the wall" (money crime laundering Peralta's style). Subsequently he put his threat to action when in another sitting that was hastily made on 12-Jun-02 with the excuse originating from David Cassar that I didn't want to take the pills he prescribed me, they locked me up kidnapped me in a mental institution (Mount Carmel Hospital Ward 10) for 37 days to continue to intimidate and discredit me in case I tried to reveal the threats of Carol Peralta amongst other abuses, with David Cassar vilely turning it that I was suffering from "psychosis of delusions of persecution" (money crime laundering Psychiatry / Psychiatrist David Cassar's style). I alone and against all and with the risk of being locked up again, chose to report Carol Peralta to the Commission for the Administration of Justice which after hearing from the witnesses, in a letter dated 4-Oct-04, when Carol Peralta was safely working in another job abroad (had to exile himself there because of me having reported him), justified my complaint when it referred to the threats he made me "from the tribune" as "words which could have not been said because they were not fruitful for the proceedings of the case," exposed how much David Cassar had deceived when he manipulated the case making it appear as if they were my delusions, but stopped there without taking any further actions against Carol Peralta to the point that incredibly years later Carol Peralta came back to Malta and ended once again amongst the judiciary as if nothing had happened, in the same job he had when he committed the crime, and even worse, I happen to have another case in court 13 years later in 2014 and ended once again being heard in front of the same omnipotent of impunity Carol Peralta who despite living a life full of controversies, always got away with it, and instead of recusing himself, took the opportunity to have his utmost revenge on me for having in the past reported him to the mentioned commission, by appointing the same Psychiatrists who had in my 1st court case saved him the career (and had once again miscarriage of justice). Actually this might as well mean that Carol Peralta is a classical example of one being a psycopath himself who needs treatment to control his emotions and gaffes, and I a classical example of one who ended being a victim of such an insane mind, so much that even the date the sentence was given, 26-Jun-14, not a day before nor a day after, was chosen specifically to show me the revenge he had long been planning of doing me since my 1st Court case.
It can be expected that David Cassar didn't convince me in good faith to take the pills, neither did the hard way by innocently and so malignly locking me up in Hospital (in 2002) so that amongst others save Magistrate Carol Peralta's career. Apart from the delusions of persecution, he continued to attribute to me more illnesses related to paranoia, pondering, to more lessen my credibility with chronic and severe mental illnesses like paranoid psychosis, schizophrenia, mental alteration, and even of being a disabled with dopamine missing from my mind, all the fruit of his blatant lies without having the least scientific basis, say originated from blood or urine samples, CT scan, MRI, ultrasound, X-ray, Neuroimaging (brain scan), etc., simply the stroke of a pen all that was needed. The reality is that till the second arrest in 2014, I spent 15 and a half years working in jobs of responsibility and despite never taking the pills for the chronic and severe mental illnesses he invented that I was suffering from, I managed not to take a single day as sick leave except when he locked me up in hospital in 2002. In the second case I had in Court, 13 years later, I couldn't avoid from being condemned once again as a mental when already maliciously labeled so, with the case also prejudiced from the start by the Police and the media, and told them that it was only during the 3 years before the arrest when I was hanging the animals that I had stopped taking the medication, which consisted of just a single small insignificant pill daily. Convinced that it was impossible to expose the intrigues of my first court case, I gave them the bait to condemn me as a mental on false facts when at home I had the proof with pills going back to the early years that showed that I never took pills in the 12 years I was supposed to take them (from 2002 from the very start when David Cassar began seeing me after Peralta's fiasco). And all 5 of them, Psychiatrist George Debono, Criminologist Roberta Holland, and then all together Psychiatrists David Cassar, Peter Muscat and Ethel Felice, fell to my bait for the fake they are like would have done a total idiot, because you know, these supposed experts pretend they can read you your mind when in reality they aren't even capable of detecting if one is lying to them, if one is taking them for a ride misleading them, dictating to them what to wrongly write!
Destroyed with the side effects of the injections Cassar prescribed me, in a letter dated 9-Oct-16 I informed David Cassar that in fact I had never taken the pills he prescribed me from the very start and that this would overturn everything after everyone had attributed my wrong doings for having "stopped taking the medication." But he told me that it doesn't matter if I took them or not because at all costs he wanted me to remain labeled as a mental so as not to knock over the sand castle he built in all these years when he depicted me so, so that he doesn't appear to intentionally having made an incorrect diagnoses of me (like how to explain that in the previous 9 years didn't do any wrong doings despite also never took the medication), so as not to appear that he lied on me and has been doing so from the beginning since year 2002, to not be revealed the incompetent he is to have to withdraw the incorrect conclusions he had reached in the court report after having been quoted by all the media, amongst others. On this alone he should face criminal proceedings for failing to inform immediately the Court of this new testimony and that the conclusions they reached in the Court report of the second case were totally wrong, kept me locked innocently in a mental institution, and kept sedating and experimenting on me with pills and injections which through their side effects are ruining my health. I reported him amongst others to the Medical Council but when I probed why after several months they didn't take any action I found that most of the Council Members publicly are his facebook friends or his wife's, who also happens to be a member of the Council, with the others probably also his friends but didn't make it so public. I wrote also to the Commissioner of mental health once, twice, seven times, to the Chairman of Psychiatry four times, to the Ombudsman and lately to the Commissioner for standards in public life (as at 2019), amongst others on this fact that the court report is based on incorrect conclusions but no one took action. It is as if there was one who on a particular testimony was found guilty and imprisoned, and then when it later turned out that this testimony was false and even that there was proof to sustain this, they chose to leave him locked innocently anyway (see this link for the emails and letters I wrote).
Everything can be understood better when lately I went to the Court’s Archives to bring a copy of the reports and found that my case (of 2014), one of the most celebrated cases of all times, incredibly vanished completely from under the eyes of the same Court and still are unable to find it, has vanished to hide the evidence that could incriminate them (compare with the recent case of Keith Schembri who said he lost his mobile phone). And if not enough they also “haven’t found” my medical file at Mount Carmel Hospital and you must be a total idiot to not realize something so malignant intentionally wrong. Fortunately the conclusions of the Psychiatrists had been quoted by the media when the sentence was given in 2014 and in some way I managed to obtain a copy of some of the reports in another way, the most important thing being that the reports I have in hand are complimented with finger prints just in case they try to alter what had been written. Particularly interesting are the last 3 pages of the main report because apart the blatant lies, there is written down that famous wrong conclusion that apart from incriminating them, shows how unprofessional they are in their work, how instead of verifying facts, they invent lies to the same Court (commit perjury) and have literally transformed their own profession into a joke (to invent lies and to come to wrong conclusions, the Court might as well employ Jack of the village instead).
In a country since ever corrupt, expect the Court to have its fair share in this corruption. Because in the same way the Court has sometimes sent persons to prison innocently on false testimony, one can mention that famous case of Emanuel Camilleri who on the false testimony of his daughter who testified she was sexually penetrated by him and then it resulted it was her mother who forced her to falsely testify and because of that, that Camilleri ended doing more than one year locked in prison for nothing, no less as in my case, the Court has sometimes sent persons innocently to Mount Carmel Hospital on the false testimony of Psychiatrists. And if it was difficult for that Camilleri to prove his innocence, to discredit the testimony of a simple girl, despite the proof of her still intact virginity which the Court vilely chose to ignore, and had it not been for her who ended exposing herself he would have had to do all the sentence term, imagine how much more it is difficult for me, once discredited as a mental everyone ends taking me with a pinch of salt, to discredit the testimony of a Psychiatrist/s who whatever they say is so easily believed with closed eyes no one dares question them on the many contradictions they say and me can present documents and black on white evidence because they keep stirring doubts because I am vilely stigmatized as a mental.
The following is a little more in detail of the injustices, abuses and the never ending ordeal I had to endure and am still passing from, discredited as a complete mental so that others could avoid justice and their crimes be swept under the carpet as if they never happened. By now I have had enough amongst others of being called a psychopath and a "cat killer" when in reality I am nothing of this sort, and time has come to break the silence, to speak. The Police by character assassinating me and framing me up managed to save their face in what was the most humiliating and embarrassing case in their entire history of all times even also of those yet to come. The sole fact that the media used to continuously refer to me as "cat killer" before being found guilty, apart from had trial by the media, was in itself instigation of hatred against me (this one, the illustrious Andrew Azzopardi, went even further as he asked that I be killed crucified) but how could you expect the Police to take action on this when it was themselves who incited hatred against me in the first place amongst others with the way they made me the unfounded accusations made them appear the most macabre possible. As others seem to have the right to invent things and spread rumours on me (like accusing me of cruelty and killing of animals and then I had 3 cats as pets at home and no one felt the need to examine them, or how the research I was doing was turned into violation of tombs), how much more I should have the right to say the truth and give my version of how the events actually happened and clear my name. Unfortunately in the process to expose all contradictions and blatant lies and to sustain everything with facts, evidence and numerous proofs, it came a bit too long, but just keep in mind you reader that whatever happened so vilely to me, it can just as well one day happen to you, to your children, to your loved ones. In this website I have literally done the Police job of investigation. Yet the Police do not act for laws don't exist with those treated as demigods and their crimes, shortcomings are wiped away even if at the cost of framing up the innocents. Also rest assured, had I dared write something untrue, they would have for sure massacred me with libel cases with the Court being their playground (not come intimidating me with these to end killing my mother instead: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). Guess for sure none other than that tyrant of Psychiatrist David Cassar would have come the first one to confront me having me 24x7 locked in hospital at his disposition, it's not that he can't do it because we happen to be on different planets. In fact, through THEIR SILENCE, they CONFIRM even more THEIR CRIMES (QUI TACET CONSENTIRE VIDETUR, UBI LOQUI DEBUIT AC POTUIT - He who is silent, when he ought to have spoken and was able to, is taken to agree). Had I not such a concrete basis and so many evidence at hand (their silence suppliments further the multitude of evidence in incriminating them), would have just kept silent accepting the injustices I suffered as being part of life, for sure would not have risked everything, but far from being the case I would have instead sinned greatly by keeping everything within myself and so I am obliged to fight these injustices for the benefit of everyone and above all to society in general, hoping one day the impunity of being above the law so many persons in high positions in Malta have been enjoying since ever becomes something of the past, as it should have been long time ago.
I don't blame you if you think these are some pictures from daily life as it was in the Middle Ages as in Psychiatry this is the era in which we are still unfortunately living. In fact this is me, who knows maybe in year 2020, in what was that dreadful Male Ward 10 at Mount Carmel Hospital (actually have discoved lately it is the ward on which the MW10 I experienced was copied with minor variations), not that much different to what it was in year 2002 when that blatant liar and big frauduster of Psychiatrist David Cassar and Magistrate Carol Peralta had maliciously locked me with the excuse that I was suffering from "delusions of persecution," as for one who manipulates facts so blatantly like Cassar, being threatened in a court room by the magistrate himself of being smashed against the wall is so unbelievable to have really happened that must be some illusion of one with a truly sick mind thinking he is being persecuted. Till now, for only that I can say, I survived the ordeal to tell part of the story as I am still working on it; possibly many others, victims of Cassar, victims of this fake branch of medicine they call Psychiatry, have long been buried and forgotten, overdosed with pills and injections as if they were guinea pigs and killed slowly slowly through the so ugly side effects of this fake baseless medication. The jacket I am wearing in these photos is a relic left from some Eastern European personnel who had dumped it with rubbish after their job on the construction of the BWSC plant at Enemalta was over. Never underestimate what others dumped to the rubbish - just check facts yourself rather than rely on the presumptions of others. For the moment, ... let us say that, like I made a bunch of fake Court experts fall to my bait to intentionally come to the wrong conclusion in their Court reports as a proof of them being that incompetents and of how fake Psychiatry really is, I came with another similar idea to make this time the incompetent Administration of this so fake Hospital believe I was some maintenance expert from a foreign company to gain access to this Ward 10, ... one day will hopefully survive to tell you the whole story. In life NEVER succumb to injustice, just keep believing in yourself till one day, not before they have made your life hell, maybe you overcome it.
The blatant lies of Mental Illness
When you want to destroy someone but can’t deny facts, can’t deny the obvious, yet at all costs want to shut his mouth up, one way is to discredit him label him a mental, say he needs Psychiatric medication, and then even the most absurd fabricated lies on him will spread much easier and be believed without raising doubts, as they did with me, as they have been doing with climate change activist Greta Thunberg. This presumptuous Dr Michael Carr-Gregg described as ‘a leading psychologist, one of Australia's most-high profile psychologists’ must have used some ultra innovative still unknown sort of x-ray technology to do a brain scan of Greta from the opposite side of the Globe in diagnosing her as mentally ill and should be getting treatment. Because you know Psychiatry is so astonishingly scientific that to the contrary it is based principally on presumptions rather than facts, more like a fortune / horoscope teller than a branch of science / medicine (see interesting article "The Lie of Mental Illness" where in it is mentioned that: No longer do people feel “sad” or “depressed”—now they are all “mentally ill”, they are “bipolar”, other articles: Psychiatry: The Hoax Exposed, Myth of the antipsychotic, etc.). Yet, he not only got world attention and publicity at the expence of Greta, but for sure must have got his share from the lobbyists denying climate change as got the Daily Mail.
In corrupt Malta Psychiatrists sought the services of a freelance writer, Belle De Jong, to write fake stories and articles promoting Psychiatry and with a hidden agenga (that of having Mount Carmel Hospital closed and relocate in a new mental hospital next to Mater Dei). Really incredible. So much Psychiatry is totally fake, our local media puppets on a string, and money speaks. Rest assured that if a patient writes to the media, his letter won't even be considered, as they did with me and others. All this lobbying to close Mount Carmel hospital to built a new psychiatric hospital is the cause of immense mental stress not only on patients but also on the staff. Rest assured that a new one will solve nothing of the stigma, for within a short time will become known as the "New Ta Frankuni" and we will be back to square one. Guess that the only ones to gain will be the Psychiatrists who will pride themselves in having a hospital next to Mater Dei Hospital to appear to be nothing less than doctors, at taxpayers' expense. When this Belle calls herself "Mental Health Advocate" and at the same time intentionally keeps lying on me playing her part in my character assassination calling me cat killer when there is all evidence black on white to the contrary, she is giving you a taste of the abuses far worser you can expect from the evil of Psychiatry.
Above video recorded and was ready from editing by end of May '24, when few days before the corrupt Government has outlined his intention of closing Mount Carmel Hospital to the satisfaction of Psychiatrists, to the detriment of patients, Psychiatry's hypocrisy at its best. All the fuss about the energy sector sold to the Chinese, 3 public hospitals (St Luke’s, Karin Grech and Gozo General) similarly given away in a fraudulent deal, and unbelievably the Maltese idiot suspects nothing wrong in the mishandling at Mount Carmel Hospital, a one complete hell of systematic fraud which started under Minister Chris Fearne even demolishing entire wards (MW3A and MW3B) fraudulently to serve as an excuse to send patients to private homes, will probably be even more under the current Minister JoEtienne Abela, an incompetent puppet from day one. For uploading this video on Youtube and Tiktok few days before EP and local councils elections, they had their revenge on me the Malta Labour Party and Psychiatry's way with a series of restriction of communication orders one after the other, 6 in a row in total (rofocos: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, record of 5½ months or 168 days, from 6--Jun till 20-Nov-24), and on the 5th one (9) and not only was intimidated they will prescribe me again the injection which had in the past already made my life really a misery, but was even threatened / mocked up with the vulgar words: "Ghax f'malajr naqtghulek il-bajd / Because in an instant we chop you off your balls " to the point that to intimidate me further I should not take it lightly, they prescribed me once again as from 25-Sep-24 that poison of Risperdal pills 3mg daily which amongst others causes erectile dysfunction. I admit I was mistaken calling Psychiatrist Anton Grech simply a nacissist. He is much much worser than that, a new word needs to be coined to such evil of persons who take such pride and satisfaction (note each rofoco is addressed to the management, himself included as Chairman of Psychiatry at Mount Carmel Hospital where this video was filmed) in so vindictively doing their utmost to destroy those who expose them as the incompetents, corrupt and super nacissists they are.
The above (a simple Google search of timesofmalta / lovin malta jackpot) is just one out of many examples showing how easy it is for Maltese media getting paid to write fake articles, to fall to the lowest levels of decency, as long as it benefits their bottomless pockets - for "independent journalism costs money," makes lots of enemies and in Malta can cost you your life, while it is the biased journalism that makes the easy money.
Simply consider this complete website full of evidence and documents, despite having it 24x7 at their disposal if they want to seek truth, if they want to do investigative journalism, they don't do it for that would even more expose them as the big liars they are, for after for so long have labeled me as a psycopath and kept calling me cat killer, it would be a bit too much to have to swallow their own words admitting I have killed harmed none and the real psycopaths are none other than themselves who for the greed of money amongst others character assassinate someone based on pure lies without in any way having it on their conscience. Isn't it impressive how in Malta I who simply to convey a message made use of animals found already dead was blamed to have killed them myself, while those who actually killed them through overspeeding, etc. are rewarded with more lanes and flyovers making it almost impossible to cycle through these roads, those who shoot birds as part of their passtime are won referendums to keep shooting even more, those who kill animals the Halal way are excused for following the custom of their so fake religions, etc. Isn't it impressive that an MP in British Parliament caught watching some porn catches local media attention, but a local magistrate who threatens one in a court room of smashing him against the wall, not in any way, they remain completely silent.
Note how man / woman of power take the utmost revenge against the man in the street for the slightest mishap on them, in this case against this old man Navarro who in a mere facebook comment wrote that "traitors" like and including Roberta Metsola "deserved" to (not "should") be burnt alive. But of course she sees nothing wrong the other way round, great offences by man / woman of power abusing their position on the man in the street as happened with me, so much she has double standards. Imagine this Navarro ending framed up and character assassinated by the Police saying they found his car fuel tank full of petrol ready for committing the crime, some influential Professor you can expect from University of corrupt Malta issues on his 24x7 blog a death fatwa to have this Navarro crucified, when Navarro tries to make his point in Court the Magistrate cuts him short threatening him of smashing him against the wall, the Magistrate seeing he now risks his career, appoints a Psychiatrist to falsely label Navarro of suffering from "delusions of persecution" to make it difficult for him to expose the abuses on him and be that easily believed, Navarro ending drugged up, kidnapped, vilified with unfounded hatred by the media, defrauded by his own lawyers (1, 2, 3, 4a and 4b, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5img, 5rec_a, 5rec_b, 5rec_c and 5rec_d, and from those of the Legal Aid paid by taxpayers' money), abandoned all by himself to be further abused at leisure (1,
10, with my laptop broken and my mobile screen cracked), wherever he knocks for help he finds only closed doors, etc., and amid all these injustices, abuses and violations of human rights, Roberta Metsola remains silent, making herself complicit through her inaction, as she had done with me when informed her of my ordeal. If venom of big heads like Roberta Metsola take such satisfaction in their vindictiveness on the man in the street, with this Navarro ended arraigned to Court and given a suspended sentence (with possibly the Magistrate ordered his mobile phone to be destroyed with guess say how many photos and memories of his loved ones he ended losing forever), imagine the so many big heads I made so much serious allegations on them in this whole website including Metsola herself, how much more they would have salivated in seeing me prosecuted had I dared write the slightest thing untrue or abusive on them, let alone would have since long shutdown my website in the first place. Guess one like Roberta Metsola ended the European Parliament President, and I submit a petition to the EP about the blatant impunity enjoyed in Malta by persons in high positions regarding my case and question Metsola's role, through her silence inaction on the matter, as head of one of Europe's top institutions, and they found my petition as inadmissable and "incoherent reasoning" (as if a Magistrate [Peralta] who had a 'parasite ... scum' of journalist arrested, would [the same Peralta] ever tolerate a "mental" [as he saw I be fraudulently labeled to save his career] had I dared write something abusive or untrue on him anywhere in this whole website). Was a screenshot as above (size about 110kB) enough to prosecute against Navarro (a simple man in the street), but an entire website (size about O.7GB) full of documents and evidence not yet enough to prosecute against those (very big heads) involved? Impunity in Malta can be understood even better if one considers that had I suffered all these abuses in a normal country, I would end compensated say billions in euros, while in Malta even if I had to spend a billion euro on lawyers they would still have not started prosecuting those involved, and if they ever start, it would be just a farce.
Really a case of from "SPES ALIT RURICOLAM," my hometown motto, to "SPES ALIT INNOCENTEM" or "Hope sustains the innocent" for as Seneca once said: VERITAS NUMQUAM PERIT - Truth never dies. I went from a phase of cursing God for all the injustices and misfortunes He made me pass from, to thanking Him for choosing me and many other victims to be on the good side of history. The main problem remains that corruption and the big business involved behind the evil of Psychiatry mutes everyone. For at one point I was in contact with a certain Sandra Gauci, who every now and then uploads videos of her speaking on hot topics. I wrote to her around July '21 to speak on victims of Psychiatry, where as can be seen in this thread of emails, at one point on 12-Aug-2021 3:14pm she replied back with the following, translated in English:
I found someone also victim of the same doctor of yours (namely Psychiatrist David Cassar). I am trying to convince him to testify. This one his brother died from the medicines he prescribed him. Will keep you updated as the one involved wants justice and will work in your favour. For now I am not going to disclose anything, but you are not the only victim. At least you are (still) alive.
But this hope of some help was short-lived for I never heard anything more from her. For as the latin proverb says: CURAE LEVES LOQUUNTUR, INGENTES STUPENT -
Slight griefs talk, great ones are speechless. Bad luck for the many victims of Psychiatry left all alone abandoned to their fate - another umpteenth death from it doesn't matter, what matters if one dares to speak against.
Part One (Back to Part Selection)
Relevant Dates | |
13-Jun-01 | Was arrested in my first court case for sending anonymous letters and having wrote defamatory language on some walls. |
15-Jun-01 | Was brought to Court for the first time in front of Magistrate Carol Peralta who released me on bail. It happened that the father of the one whom I harassed was an ex-registrar of Court and Carol Peralta to please him made me the conditions of bail extreme to the point that I was forced to sign twice daily, from 7p.m. till 6a.m. I had to stay inside, and prohibited from going to 4 localities which had nothing to do with the case (not simply to a particular place but to an entire town/ village, Tas-Sliema, Saint Julians and Rabat which includes Mdina within it - simply because in those places there was nightlife and restaurants she used to frequent). Carol Peralta nominates Psychiatrist David Cassar to draw a report on me. The need for a Psychiatrist arose because the Police made it appear that I had a fixation on her, continued to build on this theory the Inquiring Magistrate Miriam Hayman, and I didn't contest it as long as it lessened the responsibility of my wrong doings. Actually I was attributed with having a fixation, and hence indirectly the need to be seen by a Psychiatrist, because she happened to be the daughter of such big head, an ex-registrar of the court, because if she happened to be the daughter of Jack of the village it would have been a completely different story (a sort of variation to suit their needs of the Latin Proverb: De mortuis nihil nisi bonum - Speak no ill of the dead. It's like labeling that Mark Camilleri to having been obsessed with Rosianne Cutajar). |
5-Jul-01 | After just 3 weeks outside on bail, they took me again to Court accusing me of having violated the conditions of bail and said that they had a video recording showing that I went to a place I was prohibited from going to. From the way the contents of the video were described, I realized that it was true that I was the one appearing in it but it concerned an event that happened before the arrest and instead they made it appear as if it happened afterwards. Not only false testimony was made, perjury, with the malignant intention to loose me the bail, but they had done blatant tampering of evidence. As it was said that the video was still under investigation, which on its own already raises suspicions of something intentionally wrong, Carol Peralta chose not to loose me the bail. This video was never mentioned again despite all the commotion about it in this court sitting, which continues to raise suspicions. The one who made this false testimony was that same ex-registrar of the Court and there inside the Court he was playing at home with the support of everyone behind him, he was more than privileged, no one was going to challenge him: he knew all advocates, magistrates and judges, wherever he was everyone sending him their regards, and now that I was caught you could just imagine how much he wanted to use all these friendships to exact the maximum revenge on me. |
4-Feb-02 | The fourth court sitting I had which once again was scheduled to another date because David Cassar not only had still not done the report on me requested by the Court more than 7 months earlier, but has still not seen me. During the short time of this sitting, Magistrate Carol Peralta happened to call me to the bench in front of him to speak to me face to face, and with reference to the video mentioned in the second sitting of 5-Jul-01 in their effort to loose me the bail, said to me something in the sense as if I had gone to that place I was prohibited from going and said that ex-registrar of the Court had all reasons to be suspicious of me. I with absolutely no wrong intentions, instinctively, and as I had the chance was in front of him, just managed to tell him that they had fabricated that story and that on that day false testimony was made in the Court. But he, to shut my mouth up, to stop me from exposing more wrongdoings (that is, he made a cover-up of a severe criminal acts), and continue to please that ex-registrar of the Court (that is, instead of remaining unbiased, he was going to be biased against me to so blatantly favour him), ended threatening me with these precise words (in Maltese) of intimidation and out of proportion: "DON'T RESPOND ME BECAUSE I WILL SMASH YOU AGAINST THE WALL"- words that if you hear them from a common person makes your blood run cold let alone from a Magistrate in front of whom is being heard your case and from whom you are expecting the verdict, that is with such a measure because I simply tried to expose such a severe abuse on me by my opponent, one could only imagine to where he would smash me when it comes to the sentence with fines and prison to continue to please. Even if it had occurred in a court in Sudan would have sparked an international outcry with repercussions on senior government positions and calls for the magistrate to be dismissed or the case not to continue be heard infront of him, but in Malta and in my case, everything kept going as usual as if nothing ever happened. And whom do you want to believe you? Yet it ends turning against you if you dare uncover something so impossible, so unbelievable, that it actually happened. It is as if you are saying that the Bishop (the Magistrate) after telling him that a priest relative of him (an ex-registrar his friend) abused me (made false testimony), instead of taking action and investigating, ended in the rage uttering the most blasphemous words (the Magistrate breaking the law he was appointed to safeguard with his so blatant threats on me). You just don’t even had the chance to start and find yourself already not credible, that if you reveal such thing they will take you as a joke. Now this wasn't Jack of the village who said it in the rage of the moment in an argument he had privately with his neighbours, but one in the capacity of a Magistrate, in the tranquility when by far he wasn't provoked (rather I was telling him something very serious which he was duty bound to investigate), when was in a public place, in his job of safeguarding the law and when expected to be unbiased, and even in the middle of a court sitting in a Court room – to see what a bad example he gave. So much was he privileged the one who had made the perjury, who had given false testimony with that lie of the video in that court sitting of 5-Jul-01, that ex-registrar of the Court with the contacts and friends he had, that a Magistrate was ready to go to such low level of threats for him to cover him up, please him, terrorize a Court room (actually it seemed that only on me and my relatives had an impact as all others present vilely seemed to consider it as business as usual), and lower his own dignity and that of the Court. Imagine if the incident happened the other way round, if it was me the accused who said those words to the Magistrate in a Court room what a terrible storm would have I stirred and where would they have locked me. But because instead it was said by Carol Peralta, the Magistrate himself, it seems that they do not apply the law with him, he seemingly being above the law and above everyone is always excused, and the one who was supposed to be my lawyer didn't even object to such misconduct which was a true sign of how Carol Peralta was going to be biased and not going to give me a fair hearing. Now ask yourself if one in the role of Peralta who behaved in this way and sunk to such low levels could be considered a normal person or instead must have been some eccentric psychopath without control on himself. Reality is that the one who was about to be depicted as the mental psychopath was no one but me, who alone tried to fight for my rights and despite this provocation from Peralta, remained calm without reacting or uttered a word. After all, it was more than enough to have been threatened with violence, now getting out from the court room with a broken leg and bruised all over after some bang with the wall by such a tyrant was what remained. |
18-Feb-02 | I couldn't be worse in my first case I had in Court, with a statement presented to the Court in my name not containing my true signature and at the same time accused with falsification of signatures, with false testimony intentioned to loose me the bail, with tampering of evidence where a video prior to the arrest made it appear as if it happened after the arrest, with the Magistrate himself threatening me with violence in the Court room of smashing me against the wall, with my lawyer not defending me on these abuses and conflict of interest, and now remained Psychiatrist David Cassar to make it complete who all of a sudden entered the scene 2 weeks after the threats of Carol Peralta on this date, 18-Feb-02. This is something worth noting how David Cassar who had been prolonging my Court case for more than 7 and a half months to see me and make a report on me since he was nominated on 15-Jun-01 for this purpose by the same Carol Peralta and had cancelled the first 2 appointments he gave me he himself, now saw me in a short time to salvage the fiasco Carol Peralta himself had created. With this move he showed that he saw me not because he was interested in my health (God forbid I was sick in all this time because if I was before the arrest I would have for sure gone totally mad with all those abuses I suffered since then) but because he was interested in Carol Peralta's 'health' for the convenience of friends they were. I inform David Cassar amongst others of the abuses of perjury and tampering of evidence that took place on 5-Jul-01, and the threats of violence on me by Carol Peralta on 4-Feb-02 and he tried to arrive at a compromise saying he will help me not face a prison sentence but will have to pay the fines including for the defamation, that is they had already planned a sentence for me, and with all that favouritisms that Carol Peralta showed till then with that ex-registrar of the Court, I could just imagine how much they would boost the fines, maybe after pleasing him with a large fine on me he wouldn't end eating everything alone (from experience of others, another alternative of how justice is done in Maltese Courts especially if it a serious crime is for your lawyer to come with the excuse charging you a large sum of money from the start telling you "because you know, it's not that I end eating everything alone " - of course not especially when considering the difference it makes if you appoint certain lawyers over others, literally in Malta you can so blatantly buy justice instead of let justice prevail). I told David Cassar that if I am going to be penalized, they should penalize also those others involved in the severe abuses I suffered, amongst them Carol Peralta himself for the threats he addressed to me which would have meant an end to his career when he was still young and also criminal action would have been taken against him. If this didn't happen, I would have ended discriminated by applying the law against me and not against those. If instead of me was another one who was threatened in that way by a Magistrate, they would have said he ended traumatized, but for me there was another fate awaiting me. David Cassar, seeing I was not one that imbecile to be dictated that easily what to do, and maybe realizing that I had to be really strong to not end mentally ill with all those abuses I suffered, came with the excuse that I needed psychiatric medication and ended prescribing me some pills as if to convince me he was worried about my health. But I having told him of the abuses and not only he didn’t take any action but acted as if nothing happened, got a good picture of him of how biased and prejudiced against me he was going to be, wanting me to take the blame while others get away with it, and told him that I didn't want to take his medication because the intention behind it was to sedate me with the pills and prevent me from exposing those abuses that I had suffered. Now this is already very serious in itself: instead of helping me to expose their crimes, he helps those who committed the crimes on me by trying to drug me to shut my mouth up. It is still dawn but already gives you an idea of how the day is going to be, of how far he can go, for the worse is yet to come. |
12-Jun-02 | The culmination of the abuses was reached on this date, 12-Jun-02 almost a year after the arrest, when in front of the same Carol Peralta, with the excuse orchestrated by David Cassar that I didn't want to take the pills he prescribed me, made an urgent court sitting or show of force, act of bullying to intimidate me by locking me in a mental institution in Mount Carmel Hospital in Ward 10 (that which was the equivalent to prison for sick people) – the exact opposite to the medication for "paranoid psychosis" that David Cassar subsequently invented that I was suffering from. For those who don't remember Ward 10, it was closed because of the bad and inhuman state it was in and ideal for mental torture, where the patient was treated as an animal: you are locked for 21 hours in a small cell with a bed and a toilet in it, you don't have access to flush the toilet, sunlight determines the light in the cell, you can speak with your relatives for not more that 15 minutes and make a telephone call of not more than 5 minutes daily. In this court sitting David Cassar testified falsely, that is he himself committed perjury, and manipulated the case so brazenly to make it appear as if I was imagining a conspiracy being set against me, to quote his words, that I was suffering from a "psychosis of delusions of persecution" after all that I had passed from in my first experience in Court where I don't know what else could have happened: amongst others perjury, false testimony, tampering of evidence, verbal threats of violence from the Magistrate, my lawyer is there for nothing, and now locked up all of a sudden in a cell in a mental institution abusively and innocently by David Cassar to continue to intimidate me, show how far he can go, and above all to discredit me and reduce my credibility if I try to uncover those abuses (as I told him I would do if he fails to do it himself), apart from the fact that with their act of bullying indirectly wanted to show me that the small fish never ate the big one, and that there in Court was their playground, they do whatever they want, and don't dare to stop them because you end up destroyed. This apart from the fact that in the conditions of bail there wasn't anything which enforced on me that I should take the medication prescribed by David Cassar at all costs to the point that I had no Treatment Order, and his role was just to make a report on me, a report which till then after almost a year he had still not done. David Cassar had locked me up not because I needed pills or any type of medication, not because I was mentally ill, not because I was a detriment to myself not coping with the extreme conditions of bail or not coping to go to work and continue in the daily routine, but because I was a detriment to those who made the abuses by exposing them, and wanted at all costs to shut up my mouth, silence me, discredit me before it was too late, and above all show what means friendship being a shoulder to Carol Peralta when he so much needed David Cassar's aid to save his face and career in such a delicate moment. In his role of a Psychiatrist and expert appointed by the Court, the word of David Cassar has enormous power, whatever he says he is believed even if he is saying blatant lies without anyone challenging or asking him about the anomalies and contradictions he is saying, especially when he is saying them in front of a Magistrate who is an accomplice with him because he has so much to loose - really has his own career in the judiciary at stake and even would have ended accused facing court proceedings. On the other hand, I once labeled as a mental, with the stigma that this brings with it, with all the chronic and severe mental illnesses he subsequently continued to invent that I was suffering from, and with the taboo of having been locked in a mental institution, no one will care or take notice of whatever I have to say and everyone looks at me in suspicion (you are prejudiced), especially when I was already disadvantaged in the role of the accused and now depicted as a mental need to discredit the word not of Jack of the village, but of no other than that of a Psychiatrist. As an example, consider a school boy who had been abused by no other than the headmaster, and for this reason, with the assistance of his teacher, they kidnap him for some weeks to cut his tongue and hands so as not to be able to speak or write and incriminate them. It is just the same what Cassar and Peralta did to me, where with the power they had, they kidnapped me in no other than a mental hospital, to make me mute by casting a shadow of doubt on whatever I dare to say, labeling me as the mental imagining things, to make my word meaningless and be prejudiced from the start to not be credible not at all. Also in this court sitting of 12-Jun-02 I was without a lawyer because he had abandoned me just a few days earlier after I had insisted with him that he should take action on all those abuses I had suffered, amongst them that of Carol Peralta for having threatened me of smashing me against the wall on 4-Feb-02 in his effort to obstruct justice and cover-up the perjury of that ex-registrar of the court, or otherwise he would be defrauding me defending and covering-up the crimes of my opponents with my own money. In fact if one searches the case would find the letter of lawyer Anglu Farrugia renouncing from wanting to remain my lawyer (maybe all lawyers would find it uncomfortable to take action against a Magistrate, it is as if a Policeman has to take it against the Police Commissioner, especially in a Court where who you are or having certain friends makes such a big difference and justice can sometimes so blatantly be bought with money). Because I was without a lawyer, I tried to defend myself, but didn't even had the chance to open my mouth that Carol Peralta fined me for despising the Court (I don't know if it was effective or just for intimidation because my relatives told me they had paid nothing). Everything was premeditated in this sitting to the point that it was set up when I was without a lawyer and in such a short time to not be able to find one of my trust. In fact Carol Peralta continued by appointing a lawyer as legal aid and mentioned verbally the name of Tonio Azzopardi who was not the one who should have nominated from the list. In fact if one searches the case will find the name of Martin Fenech written down. My relatives, once he had mentioned Tonio Azzopardi, went to seek his advice till the time I was locked in hospital and in fact the case continued with him. This Tonio Azzopardi was by no means legal aid because he anyway took payments for his services and I had no other option but to ask him how much he wanted because I needed his services, and it was he who should have told me that he should take no payments because he was appointed by the court as legal aid (and not because I had chosen him). (Lawyer1 were the lawyers Anglu Farrugia (and Edward Gatt) that my relatives appointed from the start and a few days before the sitting of 12-Jun-02 renounced from remaining my lawyers. Actually it was a friend of my father who suggested to use the services of Farrugia because they didn’t know whom to nominate. Edward Gatt was still in the beginning of his career as a lawyer and was probably working with Farrugia to gain experience. In that court sitting of 4-Feb-02 when I was threatened by Peralta, Farrugia was not present and he was represented instead by this Gatt, who was one of the names I gave subsequently to the Commission for the Administration of Justice as witnesses of that incident. Other witnesses I named who were present were my sister, her husband, and a certain Probation Officer Mary Grace Vella. In her reports she was asked to do ON ME for the Court, she did not mention that I HAD called her as witness in front of this Commission, so as to leave Cassar unhindered to maliciously label me the mental to cover-up the abuses amongst others of Peralta – she even did a cover-up herself by not mentioning anything in her report about this incident so severe. Back to Farrugia, to be move vile, he was at the time shadow minister of justice for the Opposition. He could have made life hell for the then PN Government who had appointed Peralta years before as a Magistrate and even could have possibly forced the then Minister of Justice to resign, but of course, instead of loyality to the country, as always, comes loyality to friends – blatant cover-ups of their crimes. Lawyer2 was Tonio Azzopardi appointed by Carol Peralta verbally, not by coincidence, and abusively, as my legal aid instead of another one, Martin Fenech, who should have nominated from the list. He boasts himself as a lawyer who focuses mainly on human rights cases in Malta, only that from experience he would better clarify that actually for him some are much more human than others or even not at all, inferiors to deride. Lawyer3 was Martin Fenech that Carol Peralta should have appointed as my legal aid from the list where in the court sitting of 12-Jun-02 he was referred to as "the Court is nominating Dr.Martin Fenech as legal aid whose turn it is") |
21-Jun-02 | Once locked in hospital, on this date appeared in front of the Psychiatrists David Cassar, Joseph Pisani and Peter Muscat. The other 2 Psychiatrists were nominated on 12-Jun-02 and apart from seeing me for just half an hour, they were by no means independent because they were not present from the start as was the case with David Cassar and both needed to consult with him (in fact I already had 5 appointments with David Cassar since 18-Feb-02) and on 12-Jun-02 when David Cassar made an urgent Court sitting to lock me up in Mount Carmel Hostpital with the excuse that I didn't want to take the pills he prescribed me, he was solely by himself, that is it was him who started everything by labeling me as a mental when he falsely testified in Court on that day that I was suffering from "psychosis of delusions of persecution," and obviously a doctor does not contradict another one, and maybe also so as not to break it up with him avoid challenging him, they believed what he said with closed eyes. In fact I began experiencing in practice what meant the label of a mental David Cassar had put on me just a week before because when I tried to mention the abuses I suffered they immediately began seeing them as my delusions as David Cassar had put them, who assumed he had a much clear picture of me than themselves that they could keep to his word without even doubting him. David Cassar told me (and subsequently mentioned it if I am correct when he testified in Court) that I have dopamine missing from my mind, a chemical or whatever it is that cannot be tested scientifically (say from a blood or urine sample, CT scan, Neuroimaging /brain scan, etc.) so as not to be caught that he is lying. A lie brings another lie: from imagining a conspiracy is taking place against me, the "delusions of persecution", to the dopamine missing from my mind – if it were so, I would have suspected bad things from everyone, even from my colleagues at work, from my friends, from my relatives and whoever I met would have suspected bad on him and would have ended locked up in home, not even going to work, when by far it wasn't so. Another anomaly was that since locked in hospital on 12-Jun-02 I was not given any pills and it was only on 22-Jun-02, the day after being seen by the 3 Psychiatrists, that David Cassar began giving me pills after having spent already 10 days in that famous Ward 10 and in all these days I had shown no symptoms of any illnesses despite this unexpected trauma and the risk of losing the job, my only venture that was left to me, because of his blatant lies. And as I was doing well without pills it was worthwhile not be prescribed anything, and as such against his wish he had to prescribe me the minimum possible dose simply to justify the necessity of having maliciously locked me in hospital with the excuse that I so much needed the medication. |
19-Jul-02 | He kept prolonging for 37 days till this date to release me from hospital with a minimal dose of just 2 small pills Risperdal 2mg daily. For all that long time I was kept locked and for all those illnesses he invented that I was suffering from, one would have expected doses much greater of pills in the morning, noon, and in the evening and not a misery of just 2 small pills daily. Among the chronic and severe mental illnesses he continued to invent that I was suffering from, apart the delusions of persecution, were paranoid psychosis, schizophrenia, mental alteration, dopamine missing from my mind, etc. everything without any scientific basis. I must have really cut a poor figure of myself during that half hour in which I was examined by the 3 Psychiatrists on 21-Jun-02 and I wonder what I may have said so weird for not even if I began tearing my hair out or hitting my head against the desk would I have been accredited with such bizarre and severe illnesses, which is yet another proof that the report by the 3 Psychiatrists was just staged up premeditated to discredit me, with the other 2 Psychiatrists serving as a rubber stamp to whatever David Cassar was going to dictate. Yet another blatant proof that everything was staged up is the letter Tonio Azzopardi had sent me the day before the 3 Psychiatrists were going to see me who knew beforehand that they were going to label me a mental to the point that he suggested I take the pills they were going to prescribe me, the pills intentioned to sedate me with to keep me silent. He must have been instucted well what was necessary to do by no other than Peralta himself. The time I was locked in hospital between 12-Jun-02 till 19-Jul-02 were the only days I ever took as sick leave in all my life (and I took them not because I was ill but because I was abusively locked in hospital by David Cassar) from 17-Aug-98 when I started working till 19-Mar-14 on the second arrest of my second court case, a time of more than 15 and a half years (time so long as it takes for a baby to become an adult, imagine him always growing without ever getting sick - the greatest certificate I could have proving the perfect state of my health as ever was). Here attached is the sick leave I took from the time I started working at Enemalta on 21-Aug-00 till the second arrest on 19-Mar-14 (that of 9-Jan-06 is wrongly listed as sick leave: on that day was on unpaid leave when the court sentence of appeal was delivered, see further below) which include solely those days when David Cassar locked me up in 2002 and this is yet more striking when considering that government employees are renowned for taking lots of sick leave. Indirectly the aim behind locking me in hospital and for such a long time could have been intentioned also to dismiss me from work or be given a transfer, and end suffering from depression and he would have had all the excuses to justify that I was ill, could then silence and sedate me with pills without any restraint, and even serve as an excuse to keep me locked, or if once I am let out, to not take long to lock me up again in hospital (he locked me up when I wasn't ill, one could just imagine what he would have done if I felt ill). During this time that I was locked in hospital, was taking place the 2002 World Cup (from 31-May-02 till 30-Jun-02), sports that although not that much interests me, still remains the fact that while everyone was celebrating an event taking place once every 4 years, I was locked innocently in a mental institution to be discredited and intimidated amongst others, so that those who made the abuses on me could sleep well with a peaceful mind and continue enjoy the spectacle. As I said before, you must be really mentally strong to avoid going crazy after all those abuses I had to endure that now included also those of David Cassar who in his role of a Psychiatrist instead of being a shoulder to me and spoke where there was wrong so that criminal action be taken where needed on matters which could have easily destroyed me mentally, made me harm himself and at all costs tried to make me ill passing me from that trauma to the point that he ended a shoulder to those who abused and broke the law, and I ended the victim twice, and even ended locked up innocently and abusively in a mental hospital on his blatant and fabricated lies to see what a man without scruples he is and how far he can go, and truly showed that instead of integrity on his job first came the friendship between friends. One may at first be overwhelmed that in a Court such injustices are administered, but the more you become accustomed to the workings of the Maltese one, the more you realize that it is just the norm to the point that what seemed was not normal was me reporting these abuses as just no one bothered at all to take action and I was literally left alone fighting for my rights against everyone. I ended living continuously in fear, having a sitting in Court it felt as if I was going for execution, with 2 of them so hastily made informing me the same day at 10a.m. when I was at work in that of 5-Jul-01 and in less than 24 hours in that of 12-Jun-02, always terrorized if they were going to invent something new and even worse than before, and I believe it was a simple cat who brought up as a kitten from work some months earlier which gave me the hope and consolation that I much needed to prevent myself from despair and to not give up – it was really a case of you must be the doctor of yourself (as a vague idea, imagine going to work always expecting that phone call telling you to go immediately to a court sitting to be framed-up and to lie so blatantly on you for the umpteenth time). |
16-Aug-02 | After just 4 weeks since I was released from hospital, from a misery of 2 small pills Risperdal 2mg daily, he reduced them further to just 1½ pills daily (-25%) as I made it seem to him that I was too much sedated to cope well at work. That is for this reason he so hastily made a Court sitting on 12-Jun-02 because he said I so much needed psychiatric medication, for this he locked me up for 37 days in hospital, for this all those chronic and severe mental illnesses he invented that I was suffering from, for this he forced me to go on sick leave, for a mere pill and a half daily, you can call it the wonder pill, and a type of pill so special that cures no less than 4 severe mental illnesses which he invented I was suffering from – they might as well disregard all the other pills in existence and prescribe this pill in all situations. Years later he reduced it further to just one pill of 2mg daily (another -33%). What was important for him was that he caused me harm by labeling me a mental and reduce my credibility if I ever try to uncover the abuses I suffered and now include also his abuses: used a Government facility, a hospital, where he kept me kidnapped without having any illnesses or needed any medication, made false testimony, manipulated facts, intentionally made an incorrect diagnosis or me, and made a cover-up of very serious crimes (perjury/ false testimony, tampering of evidence, and threats of violence on me by the Magistrate in front of whom was being heard my case) amongst others. The French poet and writer Charles Péguy once said: “He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.” Yet how far David Cassar has followed in these footsteps and ended contradicting himself further can also be seen in the complete mess in the dose of pills he prescribed me:
(The pills Artaine can be ignored because they are prescribed to combat the side effects of the other pills, like restlessness. The appointments initially used to be held on a Monday at Saint Luke's Hospital, but after he locked me in Mount Carmel hospital, they were held there on a Friday. It is worth noting the blatant lie of David Cassar when he testified in that court sitting of 12/06/02 to lock me in hospital when he said that the delusions I had began increasing with time because if it were really so he would have subsequently continued to increase the dosage of pills, not reduce them to just 2 Stelazine 2mg daily on 22/06/02, 10 days later and the day after he had seen me together with the other 2 Psychiatrists for the court report). The fact that at first all that emphasis that I needed psychiatric medication and as a consequence held hastily a Court sitting and locked me up in Mount Carmel Hospital for considerable time, 37 days, and then later left me with just a few small insignificant pills daily, shows that he didn't want to aggravate his position embezzling too much the Government prescribing me pills that cost a lot of money for nothing when he knew I didn’t need as he had faked and manipulated the case himself, and at the same time didn't want to appear to have locked me up in hospital with the excuse that I so much needed medication and then ending giving me nothing – the important thing for him was to intimidate me and harm me by discrediting me labeling me as a mental and reduce my credibility more than everything else so that I could never be in a position of uncovering the abuses and be believed. One can arrive alone to the conclusion that he didn't convince me in good faith to take the pills, for sure he didn't convince me the hard way by locking me up in hospital, to the point that once outside I more convinced myself not to take them despite telling him that I was doing so or risk being locked up again or prescribed the injection in ever increasing doses until that sedated that my mind can't function anymore and become literally paralysed. I had taken a good picture of who in fact was David Cassar, of how expert he is in lies and manipulation of facts, and how much he is without scruples with no limits to how far he can go, and because I no longer mentioned the abuses I suffered, he began telling me that I was doing well (being so without scruples and without conscience, this is how he does the diagnoses - he ask you if you are still imagining they have it against you, you tell him of course not, so its fine for him, but if you dare persevere to fight for your rights and reveal the truth, for him it means you are deteriorating, so he overdoses and drugs you more and more until he destroys you with medicines). Psychiatry is still so backward compared to other sciences that litereally takes you back to the times of the Middle Ages, with my case reminds me amongst others of the case of Galileo Galilei who in the beginning of the 17th century was charged in front of the Roman Inquisition because he insisted that the sun is the centre of the Universe and ended having to renounce this, saying what these presumptuous wanted to hear, exactly the same as with the Psychiatrists, Psychologists, etc. who think that because they have studied a fake course based principally on presumptions rather than science pretend they have acquired the 6th sense become capable of reading your mind (compare to that cretin idiot who because he has simply learnt how to light a match, all of a sudden thinks he is a genius) and presumptuous to the point that you need to accept they are right in everything and praise them how much you are doing well with their medication – “You really hit the nail on the head Dott., my compliments” you must tell him and applaud him – it’s incredible and so ironic at the same time the fact that despite the continuous advancements in medicine, in Psychiatry it is exactly the opposite because the percentage of persons considered mental is always on the increase instead of decreasing as a result of their superiority complex that makes them see everyone as sick except themselves obviously … a rewarding business that makes them become rich with the help of deceit abusing the vulnerable who happen to end in difficulties and find these to exploit them to suck them dry. The fact that I made it seem to him as if I didn't care anymore about the abuses, made him presumptuously believe he had reached his so malicious aim in having successfully sedated me and conditioned my mind enough with pills and especially through his intimidation and that of Peralta. Indirectly Cassar gave me a taste of what is to him Psychiatry: the art of blatant lies, manipulation of facts, and of abuses; while Peralta a taste of the Maltese Court where you have to forget about justice and truth and above all of applying the law the same with everyone, as instead it is the place for injustices and discrimination. But my instinct told me not to surrender. In fact I would have been a total stupid idiot, a completely sedated and disabled mental, had I allowed myself to be intimidated, to be led from the nose and let them go away with it without taking action to fight for my rights. And because by far wasn’t so and despite risking being locked up once again in the manner they did on 12-Jun-02 and with even worst consequences, I alone, in their own playground, and with all the cannons turned against me from all sides top and bottom, took the risk and with the only option left, wrote to the Commission for the Administration of Justice on October '02 amongst others regarding the abuses of Carol Peralta (Ref: 67/02). I said to myself that if I just stay dumb, next time they could only do worse, and this was the impetus that gave me the out of this world courage to fight back, literally like a lonely small fox about to take it against a pride of blood thirsty lions right in middle of the jungle. What I had in my favour was that I had suffered too many abuses, one leading to another even worser, to be a mere coincidence or to be just the imagination of a sick mind, as opposed to a single isolated case which may have not caught so much in the eye. It had started from the very beginning, with the Police Inspector presenting an admission in my name in which he invented how much he could to make me appear the most diabolic possible, and when seeing I did not sign it with my true signature, he nevertheless presented it anyway in my name and even took the opportunity to make me that additional accusation of falsification of signatures. He was confident that that ex-registrar of the Court with his too many friends he had in the Court no one would dare mention this blatant frame-up he did on me for the sake of helping him in having his revenge on me and yet will prove fruitful for his advancement in his carreer and maybe get a higher share from the fine the higher he manages to make the Court incur on me when the sentence is given. He knew more than well how money, friends, and authoritive power work in a Maltese Court, and what I had to suffer is a crystal clear proof of all this. |
17-Feb-03 9-Apr-03 1-Dec-03 16-Dec-03 13-Oct-03 |
When, once free, spoke with the lawyer nominated by Carol Peralta as my legal aid abusively not from the list, Tonio Azzopardi, to take action against those abuses that I suffered, he immediately ruled it out amongst others with the excuse that he can't bother with what happened before his involvement in the case to see how Carol Peralta by far didn't choose him by coincidence despite it was not his turn. It was clear from the start that Peralta had nominated him to apparently defend me but behind the scenes with my own money was to defend those who made the abuses on me by not mentioning anything regarding their crimes (do them a cover-up) and even continue building on the same argument that I am mental so that I won’t be credible if I dare mention something myself. Amongst others I asked him to use the fact that David Cassar has pictured me as mentally ill to withdrew the Police statement that was made during the arrest, one because of the circumstances in which it was thus made, and the other because the police inspector to more put me in bad light began writing whatever he wanted to the point that when he asked me to sign it, I made him a false signature not mine and totally different from the one I had on my Identity Card (in fact amongst the accusations that he fabricated was that of falsification of signatures, with which it uncovered how he intentionally had presented something not mine in my name, he framed me up - it showed black on white how far he could go and exposed his true diabolic character, and in the same way he had framed me up so blatantly from the start, he might as well that easily frame me up again as he in fact did when he tried to make me appear as if I had broken the conditions of bail with a video which took place before the arrest - I had mentioned these facts also to the previous lawyer, Anglu Farrugia, but to no avail) and also mention the incident of the video that was mentioned in the court sitting of 5/7/01 to uncover that on that day they had tamepered with evidence and so could not be accused of anything because if they so brazenly tampered one evidence (a video which took place before the arrest made it appear to have taken place after), they could just as easily have tampered other evidence. What do you expect he did? He withdrew the Police statement on 17-Feb-03 but did absolutely nothing of the rest I told him to do (amongst them to mention that the Police statement did not contain my true signature and that tampering of evidence had taken place), and instead he used the withdrawal of the Police statement to do me the most damage possible by giving an excuse to the prosecution to begin summoning the witnesses (who could only put bad light on me saying whatever they wanted without anyone to confront them) and prolong the case as much as possible:
This shows how Carol Peralta with that premeditated court sitting of 12-Jun-02 had made a shield for himself on one, two, three, four fronts, because he knew he had so much to loose:
In other words, what Carol Peralta and David Cassar had done illegitimately with that court sitting of 12-Jun-02 in locking me up in hospital without a true justification, without basis, now stood for David Cassar, the supposed court's expert and above all the expert in lies and manipulation of facts, that with the road half done by Carol Peralta, invent a justification for what was unjustifiable, to legitimate what was illegitimate: all of a sudden he invented that I was suffering from 4 mental illnesses, each one chronic and severe, invented that I was disabled with dopamine missing from my mind, and manipulates the facts so blatantly and in such a way to make it appear as if it was something providential that Carol Peralta had nominated him to see me and subsequently to have locked me up in a mental institution because it makes you wonder where I would have ended without his extraordinary medication with all those mental illnesses and disability and delusions of persecution. But like one who entered in the middle of the night to kill and ended getting out covered in blood, David Cassar ended contradicting himself and by how much:
These contradictions expose even further the true mask of David Cassar, of how much he lies so blatantly and what a man without scruples he is to have amongst others locked me in a mental institution based on his lies to cover-up the abuses of others and don't let truth prevail. But it transpires that he who has labeled me a mental to discredit me and lessen my credibility, has in the process with all his lies and contradictions, lost the credibility of no other than he himself. The question comes naturally: WOULD YOU BELIEVE ONE WHO WAS CAUGHT IN NO LESS THAN 17 SO BLATANT CONTRADICTIONS? |
Part Two (Back to Part Selection)
4-Oct-04 | After the Commission for the Administration of Justice had heard the witnesses, I received a letter with from it dated 4-Oct-04 where it refers to the threats Carol Peralta made me in that court sitting of 4-Feb-02 as "words which could have not been said because they were not fruitful to the proceedings of the case." This letter of the Commission continues to reveal the true mask and supplement the contradictions of David Cassar because he labeled me with the delusions of persecution, and this Commission is contradicting him because it clearly shows that something really abnormal and out of limits was taking place and that the conspiracy / delusions of persecutions by far weren't my imagination / perception but were severe criminal acts that really happened, where it was David Cassar who turned them as if they were my imagination amongst others to be able to manipulate the facts and cover-up Magistrate Carol Peralta (David Cassar's friend) and that ex-registrar of the Court (Carol Peralta's friend, the friend of David Cassar's friend) amongst others from taking criminal actions and opening a case against them. When you have a Magistrate who threatens you with violence with "words which could have not been said" in a case you had in front of him in his effort to cover up severe criminal acts done by your opponent, false testimony, tampering of evidence, in their effort to loose you the bail, by far isn't "delusions of persecution" as David Cassar had depicted them, but were exactly the opposite: premeditated persecution to silence you, to intimidate you at the earliest possible so as not go to reveal the reality of their own crimes. So much is David Cassar a fraudster and manipulator of facts, and vilely in his role of Psychiatrist and expert appointed by the Court, that was ready to condemn the destiny of a person depicting me as a mental to save them their face in his effort to cover up severe criminal acts, to see what a person without any scruples he is and how far he can go. He had condemned as a mental, intentionally made incorrect diagnosis of me, and even had locked me up in a mental institution for 37 days in 2002, so that amongst others to intimidate and discredit me while others can play it safe evade justice and even continue progressing in their career: Police Inspector Carmelo Bartolo was promoted to Superintendent in 2006 (the one who presented a Police statement in my name with a false signature not mine and at the same time accused me of falsification of signatures – frame-up, who had tampered with evidence a video that took place before the arrest that was mentioned in the court sitting of 5-Jul-01 made it appear as if it happened after the arrest to loose me the bail – yet another frame-up, and in the same court sitting testified falsely when he said that “the video is still under investigation” amongst others), while Carol Peralta found a job in an international Court in 2003 (had to exile himself there because of me having reported him): when the Commission sent this letter in 2004, Carol Peralta was playing it safe in a job away from Malta, and with the case no longer being heard in front of him, I came at crossroads whether to continue to insist that justice be done and my case ends up in the public domain, and being alone against everyone was risking that it could even turn against me threatened as I was still under David Cassar who could when he wanted lock me up again in hospital (I had already risked enough by reporting Carol Peralta’s abuses to this Commission while at the same time make Cassar believe that through his medication I was no longer having such “delusions”), and instead chose to take a step backward and didn't continue to inflate it, and once Carol Peralta completed his job and was to return home, everything was forgotten and incredibly found his way back in the judiciary. This Commission is somewhat not suited for the job because if it was serious it would have taken the necessary measures and actions so that at least a person like Carol Peralta who said "words which could have not been said," that when on duty with his behavior gave such a bad example broke the law so blatantly himself, and lowered the Court’s esteem and dignity to the lowest possible levels, doesn't end up again as a Magistrate giving sentences in Maltese Courts after what he did to me when on duty (and in work which demands the greatest integrity, seriousness, etc.), but criminal actions be taken against him as would have happened to any other mortal, amongst them for his threats of violence he addressed to me publicly in a Court room in the middle of a sitting "from the tribune," in a case I had in front of him in his effort to cover up criminal acts no less severe, perjury, false testimony and tampering of evidence, but for some persons the law does not exists, does not apply and don't even dream of applying it, and their abuses are lessened to simply "words which could have not been said" and swept under the carpet as if never happened. It is as if there was one who committed a homicide (so much and more is severe what Carol Peralta has done in his role of a Magistrate) and because when the facts came out indicating his involvement he happened to be working abroad, instead of doing an arrest warrant for him to come face justice and pay the price for his actions, simply said that his crime could have not been committed because it was not fruitful to society, and poor man who was the victim can go bury himself, and more vilely return back to Malta years later not only as a free person, but even in the same job he was doing when he committed the crime. It is so ironic that with the same reasoning the Commission showed with Carol Peralta, it created an ugly precedent whereby whoever commits a crime they could simply not report him, not opening a case in Court against him because simply they say that his crime could have been avoided and life goes on. Effectively they demonstrated in the way they acted that they apply the law discriminately with violation of human rights: with those of the inner core the elite they close not one but both eyes everything as if never happened, while for the others of the second class the inferiors there is another destiny take their revenge on them, a very good example of the phrase "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others" of the famous book Animal Farm that despite having been written in the turbulent times of the second world war, had passed half a century and passed the millennium and remained relevant, particularly in Malta where the book’s satire was in fact the court’s reality in the way justice is administered. It is a great misfortune when you have such a Commission supposed to serve as a watchdog to administer that justice is done equally and justly with all, not taking action where there is wrong and where the law was so blatantly broken. And it did it so blatantly without fear of repercussions because Malta was that small since ever corrupt country where persons in high positions end up being all friends of friends just as it has still remained to this day despite several years as members of the European Union. But it is even worse when considering that Carol Peralta was in a job of the highest responsibility of a Magistrate and with years spent working in the field of law, of justice, and I submit his abuses to the Commission as states its name for the Administration of Justice, and instead of taking action against his vile criminal acts committed while serving in his role as an adminstrator of justice, apart from so blatantly trying to reduce them from their severity, vilely tries also to cover him up, telling you simply "words which could have not been said" instead of “threats of violence that should have never happened.” It is as if one shot someone so deliberately to kill him and from close distance so he could aim even more precisely, but because it happened that this one was a Magistrate, it was turned as if it was totally unintentional, just like an accident committed by an expert shooter who could take aim precisely several meters away from the objective but incredibly mistakes when just a few centimeters away. Vilely also mentions in the same letter that my complaint can be considered founded solely "in regard to some words" that Carol Peralta could have addressed to me, with which not only is confirming once again that the words uttered by Carol Peralta were totally outside the scope, but by how much it tried to cover him up by lessening further from its severity mainly by using the words "that could have addressed," "that could have not been said" instead of at all costs never should (and not could) have addressed, have been said (vilely it also wanted to put doubt despite having heard the witnesses, it really made a super cover-up), and "in regard to some words" instead of in regard of words (by far it is not simply some words, by far it is not a joke to be threatened with violence by a Magistrate in a case you have in front of him, try doing this to them or to some lawyer / Police to see how they take their revenge on you, issue a fine for despising the Court, God knows how they exaggerate the accusations, don't give you liberty, etc.), and how much this Commission can be taken seriously when it says that it "can be considered founded solely" because if it so brazenly tried to cover him up on such serious crimes, by far it would not have thought twice to cover him up on other crimes, especially if they were even more severe. Amongst others I had mentioned to the Commission that court sitting of 12-Jun-02 in which Carol Peralta from words went to action because he abusively and innocently locked me up in a mental institution as a consequence of the threats he made me more than 4 months before amongst others to discredit me, continue to intimidate me and destroy me because he knew I had many things to reveal on him, how he had nominated a lawyer as legal aid for me, specifically to favour him and not take action against him amongst others, who was not the one who should have nominated, and with the perjury / false testimony of that ex-registrar of the Court who when I mentioned these abuses to Carol Peralta, instead of investigating, to cover him up he all of a sudden threatened me with violence (Carol Peralta had covered up others, do you pretend he was now not going to cover up himself), but I must say that that ex-registrar of the Court had friends even among the members of the Commission (after all its members were advocates and judges) and so it had a double inconvenience to take action, it is as if God knows how many times they ate together before and then you expect them not to scratch each other's backs as they say (once again, rather break up with me the accused than with 2 such personalities, colleagues). And if it felt it inconvenient this Commission to take action against such severe crime in the justice sphere, how much more will be of an inconvenience to any lawyer to take action against one who comes above him, a Magistrate, and David Cassar convinced of all this, had the road open in front of him to make the necessary cover up, manipulating the case the way he wanted convinced that no one is going to break it up with Carol Peralta to help me, the accused, especially once discredited my voice has no power no credibility once he depicted me as a mental and with the stigma of having locked me up in a mental institution. The severity of this Commission is not only that it truly and in writing made a cover up (did a crime itself) tried to lessen from the severity of the criminal acts of Carol Peralta, not only it didn't do the job it was tasked to do and didn't take action (I am doubtful whether at least it admonished Carol Peralta once he was abroad or if it was part of the agreement that he exile himself away from Malta for some years and then return and give him back the same job of Magistrate in Malta) and even created a precedent (or maybe it was not a precedent at all, maybe after all it was the norm, because once you enter the Court you begin to realize how in some cases the reality is by far the opposite to the way they depict it), but because if it had took the necessary action, my court case for sure would have taken a different path from the one it took because one would have noticed that what David Cassar had manipulated as my "delusions of persecution" were instead real and severe crimes that really happened and that David Cassar had intentionally lied, intentionally made an incorrect diagnoses of me and locked me up innocently in hospital amongst others and because of its inaction was again to pay the price of being locked again innocently in hospital when the sentence was eventually given by the Court in 2005 (it is as if they saw one pushing you off the cliff in the sea below to drown and once you manage to get out alive and go tell them about the matter, they simply kept waiting to see you being pushed off once again, maybe they didn’t manage to destroy you the first time, they manage on the second). Compare my case with that of the blogger Daphne, who because she tried to uncover the truth she was crucified with libel cases, was left alone and eventually killed (I for trying to uncover the truth was threatened by no other than the Magistrate himself, was maliciously labeled the mental, was also left alone even by such fake Commission paid by taxpayers' money, and eventually locked innocently once again in a mental institution when the sentence was given amongst many others). But if it's not enough, yet even more severe and big irresponsibility of this Commission is not only for failing to take action not least a criminal one, but to have left Carol Peralta to return back to the judiciary as if nothing happened, and was very improbable not to say that you have to be really unfortunate and really unbelievable, that I end up having another case in Court many years later, nearly 13 years after in 2014, and end have to face once again the same Carol Peralta from many other magistrates with my new case ending up in front of him. It is as if I reported the abuses I suffered from my teacher to the headmaster when I was in the primary and because the headmaster, despite acknowledging that abuses were committed, didn't do what he was obliged to do take action amongst them criminal one and I ended the victim once twice with the teacher taking his revenge on me by failing me from the exam (Carol Peralta locking me up in hospital in 2002) and I ended having to repeat the scholastic year (when the sentence was given in 2005 I ended condemned to the same place because they continued to build on what Carol Peralta had maliciously began), once I came in the secondary with the idea that I was going to be in a new school, I again ended the victim because I found myself once again under the same teacher with all the repercussions that such thing brings with it. That is what happens when you have a Commission that doesn't take any actions and neither does when it responds to my complaint more than 2 years afterwards, exactly 32 months after that court sitting of 4-2-02. Now contrast this with the case of a teacher who was rumoured on him allegations of having molested a boy at school or even of having threatened him of using violence on him as Peralta did with me, where you can rest assured that he would end suspended immediately, on simple allegations of the boy, before even starting with the investigations. You don’t need to be that clever to realize that the law in Malta as it does not apply equally with everyone is there simply for the sake of convenience, a law that excuses the elite but that serves as a big business to apply discriminately on us the second class inferior citizens. But not everything was lost because with that letter it sent me not only confirmed the crimes of Carol Peralta and indirectly incriminated also David Cassar and the lawyers I had, first one and then the other (who with my own money defrauded me favoured my opponents instead of defending me because they didn't take action on the abuses that I suffered from them, made them a cover-up, amongst them against those "words which could have not been said" uttered by Carol Peralta as confirmed by the Commission), but even worse this Commission had incriminated itself because it got caught making a cover-up of severe criminal acts by trying to lessen them from their severity ("some words," "limited solely"), and even worse by nurturing doubt (“could have addressed”, “could have said”), created an ugly precedent, and obviously for failing to take action amongst many others, where:
If it is not enough, even viler is having a Commission conscious of “words which could have not been said” said in a Court sitting and does not investigate what led to incredibly these words being said by no other than the Magistrate himself. Was he in full conrtrol of himself, drunk when on duty, an eccentric by nature (note in this link the phrase "Carol Peralta himself, who is a lot more than just mildly eccentric" - actually she didn't know how the label on me of schizophrenic had originated as for sure she would have described him better than "just mildly eccentric"), or had some mental disorder which made him loose control of his emotions making him not fit to serve as a Magistrate? And if his words "were not fruitful to the proceedings of the case," then to what were they useful? To make a cover-up of such a severe crime as the perjury of his friend that ex-registrar of the Court? Obviously it had no interest to investigate because it concerned abuses I was uncovering on friends of friends, had it been me who in any way provoked the Magistrate I am more than sure it would have ordered the Police to open a new Court case against me and to arrest / lock me at that very instant, not take many months to simply confirm the abuse but ends taking absolutely no action. It is also vile for it not to have taken action against the lawyers present in that court sitting, who are supposed to know the law know what is good and wrong, and so should have taken the initiative and reported these abuses themselves, instead of being me labeled maliciously the mental who had to do so. For the cover-up of the abuses they had done it saw nothing wrong because it obviously so much wanted to do the same. Actually NOT REPORTING MAKES ONE COMPLICIT, and even more responsible if one works in the legal field, and yet more if members of a Commission paid from taxpayers’money to oversee that justice is administered well and does not take action, leaving with all liberty fingers to be pointed towards the victim LABELING HIM MALICIOUSLY THE MENTAL amongst others. It seems the serious abuse when one commits a cover-up applies only amongst them to some bishop who fails to take action against a priest who had abused children, but for them, yet when they are supposed to be the custodians of law, the law does not apply, just like when you have a money investment scheme which after several flattery to induce you invest, at the end of the document you have written in minuscule font that the past is not the guarantee of future results, where they even went beyond this because the note they must have written it down in invisible ink. The one who presided over this Commission of the Administration of Justice was the Chief Justice Vincent Degaetano who later in 2010 was appointed judge in the European Court of no other than of Human Rights to be even viler. The next step will be his beatification with Magistrate Carol Peralta and the lawyers concerned as the prime witnesses in this cause for having so maliciousy saved them the day and have me suffer all the subsequent repercussions innocently and unjustly. That letter of the Commission was a feat not small for me a simple person amongst all those elites in their own playground, and even when discredited as a mere mental, and if anything it confirms that my lawyers had ignored me and David Cassar had labeled me as a mental, not because I was pondering or saying stupid things, not because I was mentally ill, but because they had ulterior motives. One who is sick in mind is very easy to condition him, dictate to him whatever you want, to intimidate him with threats, by locking him up and you see him break down with the first abuse, one who isn't maybe you don't manage to break him down the first time or the second but an abuse after another you probably see him break down also, and if despite everything you don't give up, you must really have mental strength as I said before, to succeed not to fall to the trap of a Psychiatrist who instead of helping you is there to make you ill, to break you down, to lock you innocently in hospital, to discredit you; of a Magistrate who instead of seeing that justice is done and investigate where there is need, is there to threaten you, to intimidate you, to make cover-up of severe criminal acts; of a lawyer, first one and then the other, who instead of defending you and fight for your rights, with your own money defrauds you derides you and favours your opponents; and despite everything you keep believing in yourself to the point that you keep fighting alone against everyone and against the flow for your rights and your dignity till at least you obtain something, till truth prevails, if not all at least it will be the start. That letter of the Commission is confirming how right I was in raising a complaint with it, at least because I was not "being treated as it should," but it seems this Commission convinced that 2 lawyers had already ignored me and I could ask any other lawyer no one for the sake of their client, the accused, would break it up with their superior, a Magistrate (it could be anyone, not just Carol Peralta), possibly of the malignant idea that I had been sedated with pills by David Cassar once he let me out of the hospital in 2002 and being threatened by him I could not risk speaking, that things may have calmed down after it kept prolonging for 2 years and with the case no longer being heard in front of Carol Peralta, but for sure had undervalued the repercussions that could have that letter in the hands of one, who despite being discredited as a mental, in reality was no mental at all, with the same letter confirming this because those severe abuses which I suffered and were not "fruitful to the proceedings of the case" by far weren't my "delusions of persecution" as David Cassar had turned them to discredit me and with this excuse he had labeled me as a mental. It was a letter with a misery of just one sentence, intended to limit the consequences and make a cover up of the crimes of those who are above the law and above everyone, those elites who enjoy immunity or impunity call it what you want, so as to some point justifies my complaint and shuts my mouth, to some point make everyone happy, but at the same time with a great tremendous meaning, and which uncovered the mask of all those involved. Another example of how law is so blatantly applied disriminately in Malta is the case of the Chief Justice Noel Arrigo and Judge Patrick Vella who ended in prison because they let themselves be bought with money, be bribed, but their prison sentence of 33 and 24 months respectively was less than those who actually bribed them despite being in a position which made them much and much more responsible (being judges paid from taxpayers' money 1: they should have done what was their duty and stopped it from happening themselves in the first place, 2: they should have reported the case not ending accomplice by not reporting, and even worse 3: ended participating in the crime for their boundless greed for that extra money). Actually Arrigo was not sent to prison but to Forensic section at Mount Carmel Hospital and after finishing in the same section myself in 2014 in my second court case, the inmates there told me he used to distribute them boxes with fruits (and God knows what gifts to the custodians = bribing them?), and had a room like an office specially set up for him and possibly against the prison rules was allowed to keep a laptop / computer and maybe had internet connection to pass time (it makes that big difference in Malta who you are, those rosary beads must have worked exceptional miracles for him). Also why they didn’t apply to them that unjust law, that which liquidates your assets so that vilely you will not have the means to defend yourself (I myself had received a similar letter from that ex-registrar of the Courts)? Apart from these 2 there was also the case of Judge Ray Pace who was charged with bribery but died before the case was concluded (it's just my theory but I think it must have left a big impact on him to be caught and fell in disgrace while possibly others from whom he followed the example since long had got away with it and retired with honours), and you must be a complete idiot to think that these were just exceptional cases when you have not just a simple magistrate but those with higher wage his superior the judge and another one and even the most superior of all, the Prime Justice, involved, and confirms clearly black on white how justice in Malta, a country since ever corrupt, can so easily in some cases be bought with money and with the friends you have, as I said previously. AND TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE, TWO, AND POSSIBLY A THIRD ONE IN SUCH A HIGH POSITION IN THE JUDICIARY INVOLVED IN ABUSES SO SEVERE, CONFIRMS ONCE AGAIN HOW THEY DIDN’T BOTHER FROM AN ACTION FROM THIS COMMISSION BECAUSE THEY REALLY KNEW AND WERE CONVINCED HOW MUCH IT WAS PURELY FAKE. |
28-Jun-05 | The sentence was given on 28-Jun-2005 that I was not criminally guilty but be sent to Mount Carmel Hospital. The sentence was appealed by both parties, with the appeal was heard in front of judge Joe Galea Debono, although on 29-Sep-05 that who was supposed to be my lawyer, Tonio Azzopardi, withdrew my appeal after having charged me money for it telling me we should appeal it. |
21-Nov-05 | The sentence of appeal was given on 21-Nov-05, once again not finding me criminally guilty but sent me to Mount Carmel Hospital where in fact I was sent. A sentence which resonates when you consider:
It is as if there was one who hit someone when he was driving a car, after he was left driving with all the limitations they imposed on him tied his hands and legs (kept working despite the extreme conditions of bail), a year later they locked him up in a hospital on a blatant lie that he needed medication without the least scientific proof for the illnesses and disability they invented he was suffering from, once certified to be in good condition and released from hospital, with the doctor testifying 3 times that outside he is doing well with the medication and he has been years driving (kept working in a job of responsibility) and if he is locked up again it will be out of question and of big detriment to his health (because he may get sick), despite this the judge who is expert in law but not so much qualified in health, ignores the advice of his doctor, in the sentence referred as "the curer," and chooses to lock him up again and burdens the hospital with one who according to his doctor didn't need medication inside to the point that such an act could only make him severly ill, but it seems that for the judge to condemn me as a mental he took the advice of the Psychiatrist, but to lock me up in hospital he ignored the same Psychiatrist as a proof of how so blatantly inconsistent he is. It is yet another proof of how they apply the law discriminately and unjustly: it comes out that he locked me for nothing to do me harm, while others amongst them Peralta, everyone including the Commision for the Administration of Justice, didn’t even proceed against him for his abuses to not do him harm. |
21-Jan-06 | I was released from hospital on 21-Jan-06 after some weeks before I appeared in front of the Tribunal for the revision of Mental Health and gave advice to the Minister of Justice that I could be released (during the time I was locked from 21-Nov-05 till 21-Jan-06 I took them part from the vacation leave that I had remaining and the rest as unpaid leave so as not to raise suspicions and don't lose my job or get a transfer - see the plea I had done and the reply). I had spent in all exactly 2 months and did not even get a fine, not even if I was a mental from birth or coming from the race of mentals and imbeciles, and this contrasts more when one considers that despite being depicted as a complete mental, I had for years worked before the arrest of 13-Jun-01 and continued to work after in a job of responsibility with employees under my trust (it's like diagnosing me as a lame person when at the same time worked as a professional footballer - if I were a mental with all those illnesses David Cassar had invented that I was suffering from, I would have been capable of doing nothing, just an illiterate and not completed tertiary education) and never took just a single day as sick leave now over a period of more than 7 years (since 17-Aug-98, except when I was locked up in 2002) despite saying that I was severely ill and despite never had taken the pills for all those chronic and severe mental illnesses he invented that I had, and when depicted so severe that he had to hastily do a court sitting on 12-Jun-02 to lock me up for 37 days in hospital since he so much emphasized that I needed psychiatric medication and without it I am nothing lose control of myself. In contrast, when in my second case in 2011 I began crucifying few of the many animals I used to find dead on the roads and continually began suspecting in a particular person that he was doing them, this one for his homicide despite the doctors having depicted him as a mental, he nevertheless was given a 10 year prison term (effectively 6 years 8 months) from the same judge, now this was just a retired pensioner not working in a job that could indicate that he had control of himself; in my case I worked in a full-time job and a job of responsibility and at the same time was depicted so mentally ill to not incur anything, so much was my case contradictory and stinked horribly. Another big anomaly is how a mental could have been involved in a case which at least till that date seems to have been by far the most expensive ever to solve as was told by the Police during interrogation (I was told by the then Police Supretendent Pierre Calleja: "God forbid had the Government arraign you for all the expenses incurrred to solve this most expensive case ever.") It’s unbelievable how this incompetent of Police Inspector in less than a year from the sentence ended promoted to Supretendent - pleasing and assisting that ex-registrar of the Courts with blatant abuses on me proved fruitful – an example of how in Malta the more deceitful you are the more rewarding it is if you have those special friends. If David Cassar has not favoured me, whom did he favour? For sure I wasn't favoured because I ended paying it in another way a millionth time and more much worse: I had been locked for those 37 days in 2002 in hospital on his blatant lies and now spent another 2 months locked up again in hospital, and even more, the worse that can happen to you, ended labeled for all my life as a mental when I wasn't with all the horrid repercussions and the stigma it brings with it where slowly you begin to realize that nothing remains of you, that you lost all your dignity and credibility (you say something as a joke they take you seriously; on the contrary say something seriously they don't believe you think you are just pondering, ignore you, don't rely on you, don’t believe you, and pretend someone else to tell it for them instead of you; you discover something yourself they give credit to that someone else who had discovered it from you; they invent something on you is very easily believed; you have an opinion different from others they attack you with this disability that you are 'mental,' etc.) and apart from this, for all these years till the sentence was given and the years after I ended hostage of David Cassar and threatened with a millstone around my neck that if I dare to mention anything about those abuses I suffered, he will turn it once again as if I am imagining a conspiracy taking place against me ("delusions of persecution"), interprets it as a sign that I am not taking the pills, and once again an excuse to lock me up in hospital the way he did in 2002 and yet with even worser repercussions by prescribing me the injection and sedating me with it or keeping me locked in hospital. Now if it is difficult for you to raise your voice when, despite outside having full control of yourself because you are not taking any medication, you happen to be discredited as a mental, how much it is a millionth times worser if you end locked and forgotten inside in a mental institution, totally dependent on others, and drugged sedated with pills and injections how much they like to condition your mind and disable you once forever, now not only even more voiceless but also mind-less, incapacitated in your entirety, leaving you without the faculty to ever come out from the tomb they bury you alive in, but particularly useful to them to experiment on you with medicines and analyze your reaction to them, exactly like a mouse in a laboratory. In fact I ended the sacrificial lamb and the number one victim not only because those who made the severe abuses and criminal acts on me didn't even face justice, but also for their crimes to be swept under the carpet as if never happened and no criminal proceedings be issued against them, I had to pay myself for their wrong doings as if I committed them myself, with a disproportionate very high price suffer the humiliation of being labeled a complete mental when I had no illnesses and end locked up in 2 occasions in hospital, and also apart from the official sentence of the court which had just locked me once again in hospital, once discharged I had effectively on me yet another sentence even worse of locking me up again in hospital suspended not for one or two years but for all my lifetime, it never expires, pass how many years I remain always a relapser, because officially I was out of hospital on leave and remained depicted as a patient having to go the appointments at hospital (you waste a whole morning to then enter for some 5 minutes. There will be some doctors of David Cassar who have just graduated always repeating the same stupid things: 1) are you hearing voices or seeing visions? – No I never had such symptoms, 2) How are you doing with the medication? – Sometimes it makes me feel tired and drowsy but not that it affects me so much because I take the pill before going to sleep late in the evening, 3) Are you sleeping at night? – Yes, 4) How are you spending the day when at home? – Watching television, playing with my cats my pets, growing some herbs; if it happens that I am seen by David Cassar: 5) Do you still believe the Police have something against you – No, absolutely nothing; Myself – Can you lower the dose of pills I am taking? – For now everything remains as it is because you are already on a minimal dose of just one pill daily, it is as if you have nothing), and with the risk that with the minimal wrong doing they lock me up once again. Because David Cassar had labeled me that I was suffering from chronic illnesses, I could never submit an application to the Court so that I free myself once forever from this sentence because for this application I had to nominate 3 Psychiatrists to examine me, with one of them had to be David Cassar as the consultant that I had to keep appearing in front of him ("the curer"), and he for sure would never say that I was cured from a disability and even illnesses that from the start he said that it was chronic that you are never cured from, not only because he will end up contradicting himself and reveal that he intentionally had made a totally incorrect diagnoses of me, but also because at all costs he wanted that I remain labeled as a mental forever to eliminate the risk that anyone would take notice of what I had to say if I were to reveal those abuses that I suffered, and at the same time keep me threatened that in the same way he so easily locked me up in 2002 without anyone uttering a single word or challenging his blatant lies and contradictions, so easily when he wanted could do me the same with even worser repercussions if I dare to say something. It had ended the nightmare of 4 and half years with the extreme conditions of bail and the nightmare going to Court sittings always expecting something even worser than before to happen, and immediately started another nightmare, that I had to live with a double personality, 1) one personality which maliciously depicted me a mental now with even less dignity and credibility because I had ended locked up in hospital not once but twice and threatened that for the slightest wrong doing they lock me up again, and 2) another personality that despite having no illnesses, I had to accept the blatant lies that were said and written down on me which depicted me as a mental, that the gallows is there for the unfortunate, that some are above the law and for their crimes not only prison does not exist for them but I had to pay myself the punishment for their crimes, and keep everything inside me with little hope that one day truth and justice will ever prevail. In my first experience in Court I had lost the battle, but maybe not the war, because I was still on my feet didn't despair or go crazy despite all those abuses I had suffered, primarily because of the animals / pets which from a single cat became 2 a year later and 3 afterwards, coming and going to sign twice daily to the Police station helped me discover again the bicycle and began keeping myself physically fit and found an alternative to the nightmare of traffic and parking, and if it was not enough that letter dated 4-Oct-04 of the Commission for the Administration of Justice as a proof of the blatant lies of David Cassar, the malignant intentions behind them, and the crimes of all those involved, because for those who enjoy immunity and come above the law and above everyone and with friends here and friends there, you could present multiple evidence because they anyway keep stirring doubts, it remained to keep accumulating more evidence to contradict David Cassar namely by keeping the record of not taking a single day as sick leave from work (except when he locked me up in 2002, and at that time it wasn't because I was sick, rather I managed to remain healthy and not go crazy despite him trying to destroy me mentally and loose me the job) despite the chronic and severe illnesses he invented that I was suffering from and to which I never took any medication, and as he so much emphasized that I need the medication amongst because he depicted me as a disable with the dopamine missing from my mind (obviously based just on his blatant lies without the least scientific basis), I go to collect the pills with all my heart but instead of taking them as I didn't need them, to amass them as a further proof of how much he intentionally had made an incorrect diagnosis of me, and how with the passing of years this dopamine missing from my mind incredibly never manifested itself despite never taking medication for it and I manage to cope and continue to work in a job of responsibility without ever getting sick and continue with the daily routine. Had Tonio Azzopardi any decency to defend me or at least mention that there was tampering of evidence in that court sitting of 5-Jul-01, how a video they said had in their hands on that day that was so important they made an urgent court sitting to try to loose me the bail, suspiciously they said it was still being investigated and suspiciously was never mentioned again despite all the commotion on that day, the accusations against me would have had to be withdrawn because as it would have been proven that they had tampered one evidence, logic tells you they could have just that easily tampered other evidence, and with the Police statement the police had was not valid because it did not contain my true signature to the point that he accused me of falsification of signatures (truly it was a blatant frame-up as he nevertheless presented the Police statement in my name), the case would have had to be annulled and would have avoided being locked up again in hospital for the second time in 2005 with all the repercussions this brought on me, amongst them that of remaining with a sentence suspended on me condemning me forever and labeled a mental for all my life, and if anything Tonio Azzopardi could have opened criminal proceedings against those who made the abuses on me and would have made money the proper way how much he wanted. In other words, he so much defrauded me vilely with my own money (like Anglu Farrugia, only a bit more) to the point that he ended losing me a case I should have won in a serious and just Court (maybe I am expecting too much from a Maltese one). But in the same way he showed how much he is worthy when he didn't care to charge me money for his services despite being nominated by the court as my legal aid and yet with my own money defrauded me derided me favoured my opponents instead of defending me, he truly showed that in my case instead of loyalty towards the client, first comes friendship between friends, even more after David Cassar had made his part and took all that risk on himself with his malignant maneuvers of blatant lies that he began in the court sitting of 12-Jun-02 when he locked me up in hospital to intimidate me, discredit me and drug me up amongst others, and for sure now would not be less himself end disappoint Carol Peralta after this has nominated him intentionally and abusively instead of another one that was supposed to have nominated from the list - literally Peralta played the wolf in sheep’s clothing, appointed him with the impression to defend me, but behind the scenes he was to work against me and defend him and his friend that ex-registrar of the Courts amongst others (it's really impressive how Peralta abused so blatantly and maliciously his position of a Magistrate, obviously nothing wrong for that Commission). The way he turned the withdrawal of the Police statement and did not mention anything of the rest I told him to do amongst them that it was not valid because it did not contain my true signature, and instead put me in more bad light (my opponent's lawyer immediately mentioned that the conditions of bail were granted to me because of the Police statement, that is he risked losing me the bail) and prolonged the case as much as he could, shows more than any other proof how he truly derided me to the point that he considered me a mental (to see the power of the word of a Psychiatrist) and amongst them used to tell me "continue taking the medication because you are doing quite well with it" since it was so blatantly ironic that I continued to pump him money while he was continually mocking me favouring my opponents with my own money (I had no other option, imagine if I had not paid him what worses would have he done to me and how far he would have gone, namely by not appearing for the court sitting and the sitting gets scheduled to another day as sometimes happened). To understand better my position, imagine the nightmare of finding yourself in a court biased against you with a lawyer not only in anyway bothers defending you but even tries his utmost to do you harm, to please your opponents with your very own money – literally it must be a miracle not to get sick, really that simple cat or two pets I had were which saved me the day. On 9-Aug-06 I happened to be listening to the news of Super One TV when it was mentioned the case of a family who had won a case some compensation of Lm5,000 and despite this sum was collected by their lawyer, who happened to be no other but Tonio Azzopardi, he kept the money to the point that the father and son came to arms with him and also was mentioned the sum of around Lm1,000 that he took them for his services despite having been nominated by the court as a legal aid. As it seemed I was not the only victim of this lawyer, I plucked up my courage and wrote to the Commission for the Administration of Justice with a letter dated 9-Aug-06 which had also the role of hearing complaints against lawyers (under the illustrious name of "Committee for the Lawyers of the Commission for the Administration of Justice"), and amongst others I mentioned how also in my case he used to charge me money for his services despite being nominated by the Court as my legal aid, I passed them 2 letters in which I had raised this point to him, and even sent them proofs with telephone recordings I made him where in that of 17-Jan-03 he is heard saying that "it has nothing to do with this" when I asked him if he needs more money (that one who the lawyer used to consider as a mental and convinced he can deride him how much he wanted, had just incriminated him with recordings), and despite he used to charge me money he didn't defend me amongst them mentioning those abuses I suffered, rather he made exactly the opposite and never mentioned anything on them, covered them up, and made his utmost to prolong the case and never objected when the prosecution asked to bring more witnesses (just the Psychiatrists had to go testify no less than 3 times) because more court sittings meant more income for him which confirms why he did his utmost to prolong the case as much as possible (this is another example of how some lawyers maliciously make money in the Maltese Court, in my case as a result of being depicted that great mental that could not at the same time be found criminally guilty to be inccurred any fines when the sentence is given, so he had no other choice). When we appeared in front of the Commission on 7-May-07 while we were seated outside facing each other waiting to be called, he told me "I don't open a case against you in respect to your family." Once in front of the Commission he didn't negate that he used to charge me money, said he had not collected the money from the Court for this purpose, and wanted me to produce the payslip which showed that I had the money to pay, but I told them that if I wanted to pay for the services of a lawyer I would have chosen one myself and not ended with one appointed by the Court intentionally and abusively by Carol Peralta that if I came to dismiss him would make a bad impression of myself in the Court according to the advice of Martin Fenech, the one who Carol Peralta should have nominated from the list. When vilely the Commission to cover him up told me that I should have spoken earlier, I told them to check the complaint I made against Carol Peralta to the same Commission way back in 2002 in which I had mentioned the abuse of Carol Peralta when he nominated him as my legal aid instead of another one he should have nominated from the list, and in fact if I had chosen him (Tonio Azzopardi) there should be an application submitted to the Court where I asked to change my lawyer (from Martin Fenech to Tonio Azzopardi, as Martin Fenech is the one written down in the script of the Court sitting of 12-Jun-02 whose turn it was to be nominated as legal aid), especially when it was the Court which had nominated him as my legal aid (according to the mentioned script, 'in writing' Martin Fenech appears to have been nominated, although what happened was that Carol Peralta 'verbally' and intentionally nominated and mentioned the name of Tonio Azzopardi instead), and not least there should also be an application from the Martin Fenech written down as the one who was supposed to be nominated from the list, saying that he is renouncing from continuing to be my lawyer or some statement by me in which I am refusing this Martin Fenech, two things which are missing. Near November '07 the Commission filed an application to obtain a copy of my case from the Court presumably with the intention of investigating and in fact on 22-Nov-07 I ended with 2 Court officials knocking my door, where despite my court case had been concluded 2 years earlier, I nevertheless was still referred to as "the accused" and "orders notification … to the accused with 2 days time for the reply." After a pause of several years, there were some sessions in 2011 were blatantly the Commission asked me to bring witnesses, when not witnesses but proofs there were more than enough amongst them the recordings that I had sent them (proving that he used to charge me money despite being nominated as legal aid) and by analyzing the way my court case had progressed (showing how he did his utmost to prolong the case as more sittings meant more money for him) that now was supposed to be in their hands. It makes you wonder for what purpose did they collect a copy of my court case to dream of witnesses after all those years when they had the proofs in front of their eyes and in their hands. Aren’t the proofs of the happenings in the time they happened a millionth times more reliable than what anyone has to testify many years later? Whom did they think they wanted to deride? But you have to accept it – it is an example of how evidence is given the side when it comes to cover-up the abuses of those of the inner circle. It was an excuse intentionally intentioned to drop my case because last time that I wrote to them was in a letter dated 14-Jun-11 and then I never heard anything more from the Commission, not even what resulted from the investigation or to what conclusions did they arrive, or maybe if they had suspended my case and were no longer interested in investigating it. It seems this time they didn't want to send me something in writing, from one side admitting they were aware that abuses were done (as in the case of that letter dated 4-Oct-04 regarding Carol Peralta), and from another side appear they were intentioned to do a similar cover up of the abuses of Tonio Azzopardi by refraining once again from taking the necessary actions, making themselves accomplices. In fact in the first letter I sent to the Commission dated 9-Aug-06 complaining about Tonio Azzopardi, I asked them to tell me what actions were taken against Carol Peralta for his "words which could have not been said" he uttered "from the tribune" but received no reply, and it seemed that now didn't want to repeat the same mistake giving me something in writing that could be used to incriminate them. Maybe they felt uncomfortable telling me that no action was taken, that law does not apply to certain people, and once he was going to return back to Malta this Carol Peralta had his job ready for him back in the judiciary. One sin begets another one as like they had covered up the vile criminal acts of Carol Peralta, it seemed now had to do the same with Tonio Azzopardi after he like the Commission had played his part covered him up swept everything under the carpet as if never happened and refrained from defending me by taking criminal action against him amongst others as a lawyer nominated as my legal aid. Tonio Azzopardi knew that I had reported Carol Peralta to the Commission because when I went to his office on 15-Dec-03 he asked me about the matter, told me "because there was pressure by the Judge (who presided over the Commission in front of which I raised my complaint against Carol Peralta) on the Magistrate (Consuelo Scerri Herrera) so that the case be concluded in a short time, but she from her side said that the case came in her hands in July (2003) and the delays were the fault of Carol Peralta." – actually the delays, the prolonging of the case were all his work In fact the Commission in the way it acted with Carol Peralta had created an ugly and severe precedent whereby when they refrained from taking action against him, this Tonio Azzopardi had all claim to say that with the same reasoning neither should they take action against him because he would end discriminated, because if the law did not apply for Carol Peralta neither should be applied to him, and if Carol Peralta enjoyed the privilege of immunity being above the law, he had to enjoy the same privilege. After all how do you pretend the Commission to take action against Tonio Azzopardi amongst them for not defending me by opening criminal proceedings on the severe abuses of Carol Peralta when the same Commission had committed a similar crime, had covered him up. Could you imagine a Bishop being informed of abuses on minors by priests and does absolutely nothing, tells you he should not have abused you and stops there? Or one can imagine them ending like criminal gangs blackmailing each other with their crimes, don't uncover mine because I will uncover yours. Maybe also Tonio Azzopardi threatened to sue the Commission as he had threatened me when we appeared in front of the Commission regarding my complaint against him, that he will expose everything and drag all members of the Commission in the same boat with him if they dare to take any action against him. In fact this time the Commission did not even have the decency to give me something in writing of what has been concluded and everything ended abruptly, maybe they didn't want to be seen that in another case once again they didn't take action: it was already too severe to have incriminated themselves once on Carol Peralta, and maybe didn't want to incriminate themselves once more now also on Tonio Azzopardi, and with the risk that the matter goes public because there is a limit to the injustices I had to endure. This Commission in front of which I made the complaint regarding Tonio Azzopardi was composed of lawyers, with the only person that was present in the Commission regarding the complaint against Carol Peralta was the secretary, a lawyer too, and who had sent me the conclusions on Carol Peralta in that letter dated 4-Oct-04 with which not only incriminated Carol Peralta but also all those involved (Anglu Farrugia, Tonio Azzopardi, David Cassar, Carol Peralta, and the previous members of the Commission amongst others). With the case kept prolonging till the year 2011 and having enough experience of the merit of this Commission, it was as if I lost interest, and despite I never heard anything more from them, I didn't write them again to see what had happened of my case or if there were any developments. As time changes and we change with time, I had other priorities, challenges and ambitions in my life and by far it was not worthed losing more time with a Commission that was sure from experience that it was, once again, not going to take the necessary actions. |
Part Three (Back to Part Selection)
16-Oct-11 | I had given to cycling from my first court case, coming and going to sign twice daily at the Police station. As the year 2011 approached or maybe earlier, apart from the tasks I carried out by cycling in my hometown Mosta and the nearby villages, I began cycling also to work, covering half of Malta nearly every day, and in total I began cycling more than 200km per week (as a comparison the shortest road from Mosta to Delimara is about 17km and takes you 40 minutes to go, 45 minutes to come back if not windy), with a bicycle made of iron (weighing about 17kg with some tools, food and other things) and cycle it even if it is very windy or little rain, and in winter continue going with shorts and T-shirt and don't get sick with fever or bronchitis: so much was I a healthy person. It was yet another challenge, so that at the same time continue to contradict David Cassar because if the symptoms of the disability of dopamine missing from my mind and of all the severe and chronic mental illnesses he invented that I was suffering from didn't show up after 9 years, for sure they wouldn't show up now that I had increased substantially the physical training, with the doctors all over the world of the opinion and scientifically proven that physical exercise helps you keep yourself healthy, prevents diseases and even if you happen to be sick it can cure you amongst the many advantages you attain. On my way, especially when passing through the main roads where it is still not built up, I used to encounter animals killed by cars, killed by irresponsible persons who God knows how much they were speeding (maybe that is why they are more common in the night, early morning, in still not built areas) and not only didn't care that they had hit and killed them, that even kept on going as if nothing happened (hit and run). And for how long do I keep encountering such things? At the end I decided that instead of leaving them stranded on the roads, utilize some of them and hang them crucified in several places in my hometown Mosta. In a country where the agenda of the political parties is primarily dictated from behind by contractors and speculators who finance them, who not just some animals do they kill but an entire ecosystem (animals, plants, trees, soil that took millions of years to form, natural and rural heritage, etc.), and coming from the town of Mosta which in particular suffered so much from this speculation, opted for a method that is entirely original and at the same time harms no one but nevertheless creates a sensation like is to me this never ending environment disfigurement resulting from the unlimited greed for more and more money. I asked myself if a crucified animal would make them think of those forgotten chameleons, frogs, hedgehogs and snakes to mention a few which get killed and bulldozed from their habitats because of this greed, as if in some way they are treated as 2nd class racially inferior animals, in a hypocritical way applying the term racism only to us humans. I saw in the cats and dogs I crucified which are now being imported of all sorts and breeds and have by far outnumbered these once abundant local little beings which are being driven to extermination, what exactly one day will this greed make happen to us locals with the increasingly unaffordable rent and property prices as more and more foreigners come to work and stay in this already overpopulated minuscule island - not that I have any remourse to us Maltese who in less than 2 generations caused such great devastation to what was for centuries a beautiful island full of history, but because above all I simply pity those innocent victims, those forgotten animals which have their days numbered, suffering in silence and voiceless because of this continuous greed. But it is not only the greed which is a problem in this country, it is also the blatant hypocrisy which can be seen everywhere – you see those who pride themselves as animal lovers protesting against the use of well-fed animals in circuses or horse-drawn carriages in the hot summer afternoon yet they never utter a word on these forgotten animals killed as result of excessive development and almost starve to death in the hot summer months as the fields from where rain water used to seep slowly to the valleys have been built up and the natural springs have dried out (just to mention a few, water used to flow through Mosta valleys up to June and myself still remember when child seeing droplets of water coming from its cliffs all along the way), the same animal lovers hopefully never think of doing euthanasia / administer the lethal injection to their dying relatives but do it so wholeheartedly and without having it in anyway on their conscience with their animals just as if they were some inferior beings, you see these same pretenders of being animal lovers feeding with meat of other animals their cats and dogs, you see those who pride themselves as being vegetarians going round with a dog or more half their size (guess they feed it on grass), you see those who work in the legal field sometimes break the law so blatantly themselves and the laws being inexistent to them as can testify myself from my court experiences, and not to mention the unfortunate reality of our times since independence and even before where our politicians seem to have a vested interest in serving the speculators acting as their puppets (as examples we had GonziPN in 2006 putting more virgin land for development and this current government giving speculators a never ending source of foreigners and hence their exploitation with cheap labour for higher profits and even have an excellent market to end selling renting their concrete eyesores to them at even higher prices, to mention a few). The following is an account of the dates I hanged animal carcasses:
Regarding that person I had nothing against him in particular. As I said wanted to create a sensation and what better place to start than the door where a homicide had taken place and by doing it on the same day of the month, as if for somewhat superstitious persons the crucified animal on that date may represent the victim’s soul who had returned back to torment him – said to myself imagine what they will say and how much they will inflate it. In fact it ended as headline news on all TV stations - I had just put my beloved hometown on everyone’s lips: just happened to go to the local bicycle shop and the salesman started conversation on the topic saying he would end crucify the one involved and on work and wherever I went there may be someone who knew I was from Mosta ended asking me what kind of savage persons there were in my hometown. Apart from this I came to know him when I was an altar boy and in those two or three years I used to go help in the church interior decorations in the beginning of the 90, but destiny wanted that we face each other again in the wrong places: in some 2 occasions when I had to sign twice daily at the Police station in my first court case and he had likewise to go sign for his bail, and when David Cassar locked me in 2002 in hospital in those 13 days I spent in Ward 10 (the remaining 24 days they put me in another ward after forcing my late father to sign some papers), although in both occasions we didn't speak or nod to each other, as if we didn't recognize each other. The first 2 puppies I found which gave me the impetus to start had found them dead dumped in a shoe box, so instead of being killed by cars were most probably part of a litter and their owner saw he cannot keep them all and irresponsibly got rid of two of them by killing them and threw them with the garbage, so much did he care. I found the others mostly from Tal-Barrani Road in Zejtun and from the road that takes you to Marsaxlokk and ironically only some two were from Mosta, every time a further 3kg I had to carry on my bicycle (as being mostly feral cats their harsh living conditions made them lighter than normal cats). I collected only those I used to find at night or in the weekends when not much cars were passing and caught less in the eye, because if I had to collect all those I encountered I would have had to reserve a freezer just for them. Nearly all were found still entire (not run over), with the exception of 2 and another one which had began to stink and instead I took what was possible (the hands, the legs and the tail) and it was not the first time that I had to clean them from the blood and excrement they had due to blow when hit by the car. The last dog most probably died of natural causes and its owner got rid of it by dumping it on the side of the road - had noticed it in Zejtun on my way to work at 3p.m and collected it on my way back home at 11p.m. Wherever I hanged them I always used wire that could easily be removed without causing scratches or whatever other damage with the object I hanged them with. As a statistic, those of the Animal Welfare collect about a dead animal per day killed by cars, besides many others which are not collected because no one reports them, innocent victims that no one ever uttered a word for them, no one ever issued a statement to drive carefully because so many animals are being killed in traffic accidents, no one ever condemned who killed them and just didn’t care kept going, but didn't think twice to condemn the one who collected some of them before they threw them with the garbage or burnt them in the incinerator (as the Police probably ended doing with those I hanged, for sure they didn't erect a monument to them), vilely turning it in a frame-up that I maltreated and killed them himself. Now ask yourself what is the most vile of the three: those who killed them and kept going, those who ended burning them in the incinerator to be dumped with the rubbish, or one who collected them dead and just hanged them with a cross? For the stupid, for those who see the speck in one’s eye but not the big log in their own eyes (Matthew, Ch.7, Verse 3), it is of course and so ironically the latter. There is absolutely nothing you can do, you just have to accept it – we have always been a third world country where ignorance has always reigned supreme and where politicians and those in power have since ever so much exploited to their advantage. All of a sudden all Malta overflowed with animal lovers even going to the absurdity that the animals were being crucified alive (being that fake animal lovers, it didn’t come to their mind they have claws and sharp teeth) but the greatest hypocrisy is not only that in Malta, apart from the environment disfigurement I mentioned earlier, the killing of animals with the Halal method which causes terrible suffering to animals has been introduced in our Government slaughter houses to please those of other faiths (it says a lot about these religions) and not less the deliberate shooting and extermination of entire flocks of birds simply for the fun of it is considered a passtime, a tradition, always on the agenda of our politicians, but also if they like me had taken the initiative and made the change from car to bicycle for sure there would have been by far much less animals victims of traffic accidents – indirectly wanted to convey this message: I AM JUST USING YOUR LEFT-OVERS, WHY NOT BLAME YOURSELVES FOR KEEP BEING SO IRRESPONSIBLE TOWARDS THE ENVIRONMENT, ANIMALS INCLUDED? With such a high rate of animals victims of traffic, it would have been very absurd for me to go to the hassle of fetching and capturing them alive and risk being scratched and bitten by them when already dead there is such an abundance and in particular places and times (frequent more on main roads prone to traffic located in the countryside in the night or early in the morning). There is a big and enormous difference between collecting them already dead from the roads killed irresponsibly by others to accusing you of having maltreated and killed them yourself – it is as if one is known to have entered the sub terrain of a church used as a crypt simply to research the remains of another church which was present before it, and end being accused of having entered to open, violate the tombs – this abuse is called a frame-up. Over a period of 2 years and 3 and a half months, it sums up that I hanged 15 animal carcasses in 12 occasions, just 2 not in the town core, 6 in broad daylight, never caught red handed, all in the same town, all on the 16th of the month except for those 3 that came in February (so as not to coincide with the anniversary when that same person in an unfortunate incident committed a homicide because I didn't want to cause harm, although the dates I chose for February where intentioned that when you add and subtract comes the same number for consistency: 23+3-10=16), almost all with religious places, almost all in the old part of Mosta (which is somewhat small), and with the exception of those I hanged at Flower Power, all had gone on foot (in that I left after finishing from work from Delimara the previous night at 11p.m although I had everything ready in place and at dawn I had to go back to work to Delimara). Could I ever have made it simpler to them? One can come to the conclusion by himself how a mental with all the illnesses they continued to attribute that I was suffering from, could ever be capable to persist in action for all this time, 2 years 5 months till he is caught (and never caught red-handed as I said before), and is once again the confirmation that I had absolutely no illnesses because not least it confirms that I had the mental capacity to be me the one who was able to predict the moves of the Police and all their appointed experts and not the other way round, where one can say that I managed to break a record after another not only national but for sure also worldwide, not because I have some supernatural capabilities, absolutely no, but because there was a Police force where those assigned to the case were truly without vision that couldn't predict the obvious most obvious: in fact the biggest record was made by them, where despite the consistencies I used in the dates, in the choice of places and always in the same town, they never succeeded in catching me red handed, neither getting out of home, neither walking with the cumbersome of the wooden cross with the animal carcass on it tied to my belly, and neither hanging it. If I had not been careless when it came to deleting images from the laptop and the camera memory card they would not have had the slightest proof to incriminate me, neither the slightest finger print nor any DNA evidence, and during interrogation I simply told them of a cd I had at home containing all the information and history like from where I had collected the dead animals, etc., to convince them even more than they were already convinced that I had killed no animals. It was a good excuse that when I was subsequently caught, the Police depicted me as a psychopathic mental and transformed me in a monster with intentionally unfounded accusations intended to appear the most macabre possible, so as to ironically get all the praise and admiration appear to have caught such a dangerous and mental person, and at the same time cover up their big and severe incompetences, and also those of the criminologists and the experts they had appointed. That they depict me as who in fact I was, that I was capable to arrive at my objective when I wanted, at the time I wanted and where I wanted, without raising suspicions while going (I not only had the Police on the lookout but at the end the entire town waiting for the 16th of the month), and even capable of predicting their moves and misguide them so easily literally as if I was dealing with children, was something that makes them loose all their credibility and at all costs didn't want to be perceived – so depict him exactly the opposite so that there is never this perception from the public and avoid embarrassing questions which raise doubts about their capabilities. God forbid instead of me just wanting to have some fun, was someone with bad intentions, like a serial killer, for he would have exterminated the entire town with such incompetents on his lookout. I ask whom should the locals be grateful: to one who simply had fun without harming anyone, or to many paid from public coffers who truly couldn't protect them from someone who could so easily and repetitively harm them? The answer everyone knows: I a sort of angel (because never had in mind any bad intentions) was transformed into exactly the opposite, into something most diabolic Lucifer incarnate, while the latter incompetents not worthy their uniform were seen as saviours, applauded and even promoted. Compare this paradox with what I mentioned earlier when in 2002 Carol Peralta and David Cassar had abusively locked me in hospital amongst others to discredit me because I had so many abuses to uncover (just the fact that I was threatened by Peralta of being smashed against the wall is more than enough) and how subsequently Peralta instead appeared to have done something really providential when he had nominated David Cassar to examine me because with all those severe mental illnesses he invented that I was suffering from, one would have asked where I would have ended without his so extraordinary medication. It is something you have to accept in a third world country since ever corrupt, where those who have power are above the law and can abuse and manipulate the facts so blatantly how much they want and even end beatified and glorified, yet for their victims there is a completely different story like the one I had to pass from. Apart from this, I used to see other towns benefitting from European funds and my hometown Mosta with such a monumental and colossal church attains nothing despite all those tourists who visit it daily and the potential that it has. Something which could have benefitted from such funds were the remains of the church which existed before the present one that no one before had ever researched because everyone was of the opinion that very little remained of it except some one or two walls that could still be seen in the crypt. Convinced that I would not get collaboration from the those responsible of the church (I had enough experience of them) and with their attitude that they were not going to loose their time opening places for me for researching something that for them had no prestige and that there was little left of it, near July 2013 I began making the keys so as to be able to enter the crypt and the 3 warehouses that there are in the present church foundations for this purpose, and while I was in the spirit I also did of the belfries and of the cave below the Speranza chapel. For sure I didn't enter these places with bad intentions to steal because if so I would not have made keys of these places where there was nothing valuable and maybe just some plant pots and a lizard from the cave of the Speranza chapel. In the roughly five to six times I entered the crypt, the last time in a very windy night, in the month dedicated to the dead, November, and on the 6th of the month (it couldn't be a night worse for those who believe in superstitions, maybe full moon what remained [it was the opposite: a night with nearly no moon], and on that day I had to uncover a door blocked with heavy coralline limestone which led to the sacristy of the old church, since long forgotten of its existence most probably by everyone, and later redo everything as it was) I just managed to take the measurements and photos I needed for the research I was doing, and up to around the end of January ‘14 I just managed to take the measurements from outside of the churches of the nearby villages, Naxxar, Gharghur and Attard, everything at night because if in the morning you risk everyone coming on you asking what you are doing, which were of the same architect who designed the church in Mosta before the present one so as to have something with which to compare. In year 2017 I published an article to clear my name on what I found from this research with all the limitations I had locked up in a hospital and with the difficulty having to decipher measurements and drawings that I had made more than three years before, and is the confirmation black on white that I entered there solely with the aim of research and with absolutely no bad intentions. In fact it is impressive the statistic of about 300 thefts from churches in 12 years of which only a few got mentioned, in most cases they enter to steal the cents and end doing far more damage than they steal, while in my case where with the keys I was able to make could have entered wherever I wanted and took things worth thousands that easily and at leisure, didn't steal, didn't cause damage, and touched nothing and didn't do other than entered the concerned places without permission with the noble purpose to research the lost history of my hometown, and they anyway turned it out and manipulated the facts in such a way as to vilify me as much as possible. I could have made myself rich at the expense of the church, but instead at my expense and waste of my time tried to make rich my hometown try to discover something forgotten and never researched before of its history, just as if I was without conscience and scruples like the Police who assassinate and frame you up so vilely with unfounded accusations, could have killed animals myself instead of utilizing animals already so vilely killed by others. Again was of such good morals to steal damage nothing, yet once again was transformed into the most diabolical person by the concerned Police to be able to save their face and their career in such a delicate moment. Once again there is a big and enormous difference between entering the foundations of a church used as a crypt with the sole intention to research the remains of a previous church, to accusing you of having entered to do violation of tombs – it is as if one who was known to have collected animal carcasses from the roads killed irresponsibly by others, end accusing him that instead he had maltreated and killed them himself – this abuse is just another vile frame-up the Police intentionally made on me. Once again one can come to his own conclusions how one with all the illnesses they invented I was suffering from including schizophrenia that are persons who hear voices and see visions and have fear of them, could ever come to do all this where I not only had to overcome the scariness of entering alone, in the middle of the night, in total darkness, in a crypt (a crypt at night is by far more frightening than a cemetery where you have everything tight, wide walls, strait corridors, shallow roofs and everything in old style), where in it there were around 180 who were still under the corbels in the tombs, and enter the ossuary in which electricity never arrived with thousands more resting in it (not only from 1860 when the construction of the present church ended, but from 1619 including those of the old church, 3 and a half centuries of generations and probably ever earlier than that), with cadavers who were still in good state mummified naturally with facial features recognizable, but also had to overcome the rumors and the fear that the last two who had entered the ossuary ended suffering from a severe disease that almost killed them and for this reason no one had dared to enter there again for many years (I was so much healthy that the idea of getting ill didn't even imagine it, and what annoyed me was that I may have to face rats and cockroaches, otherwise I used to make courage by remembering how I overcame all the abuses of my first court case and say I am going to let myself be frightened from this, literally fear not the dead fear the living). It was a challenge that demanded a perfect mental state, a total control of the mind to believe in what you are doing and don’t let the fears and stupidities we were brainwashed with since childhood reign, and the research I published continues to confirm this, where from a painting of the façade of the previous church and from the measurements I managed to take of its back and side walls, I managed to find to a good approximation where the painter could have been located and also where was situated the column with the cross that this church had in front of it amongst others. Apart from this, the fact that I had to go against the flow and against the perception that nothing of prestige remains which makes you lose hope before even starting, and to be able to do all those keys, 12 in total, beginning from a simple photo of the lock and I had to learn everything by myself and in a way that I do not damage in any way the lock (that is nowhere did I broke up or made forced entry), I had to have confidence and believe in myself and confirms once more how I wasn't depressed or had problems with mental health like having mental alteration as they invented I had. I so much had no health problems that I never took just one day sick leave neither throughout these years and kept the record and this obviously despite not taking the medication for the disability and chronic and severe mental illnesses that David Cassar had invented that I was suffering from, everything without the slightest scientific basis. But as nowadays it has become standard if you simply say you are feeling sad or have ended in trouble they turn it you are suffering from depression, if you have passion for something say you collect stamps or enjoy watching football maybe not far from being considered as an obsession, imagine in a country so overrun with greed and speculation and for the slightest thing they use the car how they end depict you when telling them that you go everywhere with the bicycle and you have at heart nature and history when everyone sees only the money he earns with the block of apartments he builds instead. It is the recipe to be considered eccentric to the point that one Police during interrogation told me “because it is not the norm that one enters without stealing anything.” In fact the norm is that one enters to steal, with the real thieves in this country actually being those who for the unlimited greed for more money, steal from future generations by wiping out centuries of history and nature. Now imagine this new generation increasingly losing touch with nature how more they will not appreciate it and can be expected to continue with this devastation following the example of their predecessors. To the contrary ask yourself how one who has so at heart nature and the environment could every harm animals – in fact some months before the arrest in 2013 I played my part to collect signatures from colleagues at work to hold the referendum to abolish spring hunting and ended with some of them as a retaliation collecting signatures to continue hunting. But that is life in Malta - you try to save something for the good, and you find yourself overwhelmed with opposition and obstacles. |
1-Mar-14 4-Mar-14 |
On 1-Mar-14 I was not at work, yet despite this from home I was working anyway on the figures for the end of February to make a favour to the new "acting" assistant manager who had just been appointed less than two months previously and still didn't know how to do them (the previous assistant manager who used to work out part of these figures and had been chosen after a call for application and not with the contacts he had like this one, had just got rid of him together with another 2 managers transferred him to Marsa doing nearly nothing and subsequently months later gave him yet another transfer got rid of him completely from Enemalta). For these figures I had to access the email of work, and while there I found another email who sent another new "acting" manager who also took the place of another one who was transferred to Marsa, telling us to clean because a Chinese delegation was going to make a visit. I with no wrong intentions and with a sense of irony that they want us to do a cleaners job, forwarded this email to a friend, and this email which contained nothing that special and which could have been forwarded also by anyone with a simple copy and paste without being detected by the system, in a way ended on the blog of Daphne Caruana Galizia. Days later on 4-Mar-14, that who was the new Chief Executive of Enemalta, Fredrick Azzopardi, sent for me accusing me of having sent confidential matters outside the Corporation, and giving me a transfer outright that the day after had to report at Marsa, and such a vendicative transfer that a result of which ended having 30% cut in my pay due to loss of allowances and overtime because I was all of a sudden dismissed from the shift roster. But this wasn't enough because one from work from Delimara when he saw this to further retaliate reported me to the Police that I was entering the church (I used to share the photos of the crypt where I entered with some colleagues at work and amongst them there was him, but what made him more suspect wrong of me was that with the cat I hanged with the school gate on 16-Jan-13 it was reported it had an inscription in Latin – it was a fatal mistake I did because how could one be literate in Latin and at the same time be an almost illiterate in his native Maltese as I tried to portray myself with the other inscriptions) and brought suspicion on me that I was also the one involved in the case of animals. From then on started 2 weeks day and night of constant surveillance by the Police till on 19-Mar-14 they came to arrest me. Actually not everywhere did they follow me because I with the bicycle they couldn't keep the pace with me in the traffic them with the car but one day I had to go out with the van to collect my belongings from Delimara now that I was so vindicatevely transferred from there and they interpreted it as if I went to collect animals from the animal sanctuary of Delimara (I got to know it subsequently from the interrogation). To explain myself during the interrogation on 19-Mar-14 I had to tell them that till 2 weeks earlier I used to work at Delimara and because of that email that ended on Daphne's blog, I was given a transfer. That one who was the deputy Police Commissioner Raymond Zammit when I mentioned him Daphne, his face colour changed, told me "oh yes …yes" and for a moment silence filled the room. They had just realized what instigated the one from work to report me to them and for sure with the power they had they won’t now be less themselves in playing their part in this revenge. The hatred that there was against her was so great that whoever was associated with her inherits the same disgust and hatred, and inside me I felt that something big was coming, that in some way or another they were going to take their revenge on me. It was still fresh the vindictive transfer for exactly the same reason I received from the new Enemalta of Fredrick Azzopardi just 2 weeks earlier, and in fact I was not far from another spiteful revenge. For them being that fanatics the party was sacred, they suspect in any way you want to put it in bad light and they will literally blow you up (ask Daphne), like those of the Taliban if you dare mention their prophet.
19-Mar-14 | The second arrest of the second case I had in Court. This is something worth noting how they kept prolonging to a public holiday, which came on Wednesday to come to arrest me now that the 16th of the month had passed and nothing had happened, obviously to qualify for a whole day (not just 8 hours) with triple pay, the usual corrupt practices and greed for more money at taxpayer’s expense. Now just ask yourself why they didn’t come the day before or waited for the day after, normal working days: was I about to escape take a flight to Australia with my bicycle? It is just the beginning but it already gives you an idea of their character, OF HOW THEY ARE MADE TO BE CORRUPT WITHOUT PRINCIPLES AND ETHICS, just like those mentioned in my first court case, maybe the result of some contagious disease acquired there by those in authoritive position who all of a sudden begin to see all others as inferiors to trample on. When I was about to go out from home at 7a.m. they come on me and began the search at home. According to what they told me, they had been waiting for me to go out from the previous night, that is the triple pay up to the least cent they took it complete with many many hours overtime and with night allowances, etc. They were interested in fetching the fridges for animals they thought I had frozen but ironically showed no interest at all in the 3 cats I had as pets alive at home, 2 of them didn't even saw them because they went to hide and the other one I have my doubts whether they saw him on top of the kitchen cupboard. That I had pets they knew it because I used to take 2 of them out when I had chance (the other one not always went out because it was timid) and they had noted it in those 2 weeks they kept watch on me to the point that they thought that I used to do this only during the night now that in the morning hours I had to be at work after having been transferred (before being transferred, I used to take them out even during the day when I was not at work in those times) and they so much didn't investigate them that they thought that I had only 2 cats and not 3 cats and even reported so the media. It is something obvious that there must exist a great affection between the owner and his cats pets for these to go follow him outside and was the first step for the Police in convincing themselves how much I truly loved animals, in convicing themselves without the slightest doubt that I was far from being one who harm animals let alone kill them. The fact that they found no animals frozen in the fridges should have more forced them to investigate my 3 cats pets but they so much did nothing of this sort that they didn't even know the number of cats I had at home. To the contrary they knew and were not simply convinced, but more than convinced without even the slightest doubt that I love animals and would never arrive to maltreat or kill one not only because they didn't investigate my 3 cats as I said, but didn't even feel it necessary to call the experts to do this when normally for the slightest report of maltreatment they send you several Vets, officials from the animal welfare and the Commissioner for animals (that Emanuel Buhagiar, who although was appointed a Commissioner for the Welfare of Animals in November '14 already held a position regarding animals to the point that it was usual to see him on television every time I used to hang one). COULD YOU IMAGINE SAY A SHEPHERD BEING ACCUSED BY THE POLICE THAT HE USED TO MALTREAT ANIMALS AND END NOT EXAMING AT LEAST ONE OF HIS SHEEP? ISN’T IT SO BLATANTLY IRONIC THAT SOMETHING THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON THEIR AGENDA SINCE LONG, THE FIRST STEP TO TAKE TO REALLY START WITH, END NOT BEING CONSIDERED AT ALL? WERE THE DEAD MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE LIVING OR EVEN THE LIVING NOT WORTH SAVING LET ALONE EXAMINE? As if not enough, it happened that at the same time, some 2 weeks before my arrest, the Police had arrainged in Court one who had several animals in his home for being an inconvenience to his neighbours. In his case the Court ordered those of the Animal Welfare to inspect his animals, now this so much loved animals that he had taken care of not just one or 3 cats as I had done myself but of 40 cats and 14 dogs and had transformed his home into an animal sanctuary. It transpires then that the Police from the impression they got of me in those 2 weeks preceeding my arrest in which they kept surveillance on me day and night, had become so much convinced that I love animals yet even much more than him for in my case no one, neither the Court, neither the Police, neither any organization concerned with the welfare of animals, and not even any one of those who call themselves ‘animal lovers’, felt the need for a simple maybe just one hour inspection by those of the Animal Welfare of my cats. By far it is much simpler to inspect just 3 cats than 40 cats and 14 dogs and for sure would not have been of an inconvenience or wasted time to the Animal Welfare. If these were really professionals in their work, why didn’t they take the initiative to do this themselves and what is exactly their job description? Could you imagine the FIAU (Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit) not investigating where there is money-laundering and wait for the Court or the Police to tell them to do this? Isn’t obvious that it should have started investigation on its own accord to have a basis on which to further accuse the one concerned. If it doesn’t, it’s because either it wants to cover-up the one accused (for sure not so in my case) or wants to cover-up some sort of frame-up by those who want him accused innocently. It must be that having Jack of the village reporting animal cruelty concerns the Animal Welfare’s office, but having such a high authority as the Police accusing someone with cruelty and killing of animals concerns them absolutely nothing at all especially when it was mentioned in the media that I had "2 cats" pets at home. Not only did they fail so miserably in their job duties, but also their silence and inaction in such a crucial moment makes you understand better and confirms black on white how much they were involved in this so much diabolic plot because in what other place on Earth you have those supposed of the Animal Welfare end being absolutely not interested in the welfare of animals that were in the custody of one described so psychopathic that used to harm and kill animals, and yet now that he has been arrested locked up don’t even bother at least who is going to take care of these disgraced animals still in his home? As yet another example, could you imagine a house on fire being broadcast on all local media stations and those of the Fire Fighting just stay watching comfortably in their office? Wouldn't it have been blatant obvious they were only interested in seeing it destroyed by fire, maybe because they were involved in some insurace scam. Obviously the whole thing stinks terribly and by how much. They knew well I was being framed-up, everything was done with their blessing, to their enjoyment, - it is more than obvious they were 100% complicit. Compare with my first court case where amongst others those who knew of the threats of Peralta on me amongst many other abuses kept silent and didn’t take action and left me to be condemned the mental innocently. If you do not involve the Commissioner for Animals and those of the Animal Welfare in a case like mine, then when you are going to involve them, when I not just of maltreatment they subsequently accused me but of cruelty and killing of animals. It seems my 3 cats pets were really disgraced as once the Police had managed to catch their crazy psychopath owner as they depicted me after 2 years 5 months trying to catch that someone and possibly were waiting in the queue to be crucified alive in the most macabre way, they had to be ignored and forgotten completely and no one dared to examine them to see if they were wild, traumatized, stressed, declawed, etc. to see what a most absurd contradiction it is and how easy it is to depict you something exactly the opposite to reality and be believed without anyone asking anything or having the slightest doubt, especially if you already have the label of a mental (from my first court case). One investigates where there is doubt to seek the truth; does not investigate where there is the obvious, where the outcome of such an investigation is 100% sure that is going to result with conclusions that are the opposite of the character assassination they wanted to do of me. It is as if they accused me that I use to kidnap, abuse and kill children, and then I had 3 adopted children at home and at no time did they feel the necessity to examine them or send those of Appogg (an agency that safeguards and promotes the well-being of children, families and the community) or Support Groups to do this: so much was the affair ironic, contradictory and stinks from kilometers away to see what a frame-up they INTENTIONALLY did on me when they accused me of maltreatment and killing of animals when they were more than convinced from the very start that I had done nothing of this sort. If we want to put in another way, imagine those of Appogg (those of the animal welfare in my case) once one said to be a phedophile killer so psychopathic and cruel with children had been arrested not in anyway interested in the 3 adoptive children he had at home and don’t at least interview them, or a teacher accused of abusing children and do not enforce on him some court order to prevent him from having any more contact with children. Neither did they investigate me for any bruises or took me to a hospital to be examined by a doctor to continue with the contradictions because I don't think an animal will let you harm it without reacting. From home they find a plan I had drawn of the crypt of the church and several paperwork filled with designs and measurements and take them, and subsequently they couldn't accuse me with theft or vandalism, they accused me with "violation of tombs" to impress make it appear the worst possible (one automatically interprets it that I had opened the tombs), because for those who have absolutely no culture in them and want only to defame you, to vilify you, so very vindicitavely cause you harm, that is what they understand when you tell them you was doing research. It is as if I entered the cemetery to measure the ancient chapel within and incredibly ended accused with violation of tombs when the tombs I barely looked at them, let alone opened one. SO WITH THIS SAME MEASURE, THOSE WHO ENTER A CEMETERY ARE ALSO VIOLATING THE TOMBS AND IT MEANS I WAS EVEN DISCRIMINATED HAVING APPLIED THIS ABSURD LAW INVENTED FOR THE OCCASION JUST FOR ME ALONE. To take another example, it is as if I went to research the Delimara fort of the English period which for many years was abandoned as a pigsty and ended accused with violation of the mangers. Subsequently from the interrogation I came to know that since the one from work had reported me to the Police, in those 2 weeks before the arrest, the Police had entered the church's crypt and not only did the sexton confirm that nothing was touched but also could confirm this themselves with their own eyes, while the other sexton told them that he had sometimes seen me near the church with the camera when they mentioned him my name. When everything went public with all the lies that began spouting on me, the Mosta church authorities didn't have the decency to issue a public statement to say that I had touched nothing and didn't do any damage, but kept silent to more stir the speculations and by far didn't have it on their conscience seeing me being assassinated in that way (it is as if they saw me drowning with the millstone they tied round my neck, and left me to drown). For the sake of argument, could you imagine the Police framing up someone accusing him to have stolen things from the church and the church authorities knowing that absolutely nothing was found missing don’t issue a simple statement to clarify that in fact nothing was stolen, nothing was desacrated. With their silence they just gave their consent to the Police to do on me with all tranquility such a horrendous crime - framing me up accusing me of things they were more than convinced I didn’t do (compare with the silence by those of the Animal Welfare). Maybe for the church autorities it is by far more severe for one to enter their territory incredibly without touching stealing and damage anything, than so vilely framing up someone to be sent to prison or a mental hospital innocently. Maybe they don’t realize how fortunate they were, how providential it was, that they had to deal with me a passionate for history rather than with some thief without scurples and without culture who could have so easily carried away so many treasures from the church (this one in particular got away with it with just a suspended sentence, you know ...), amassed by our ancestors over so many years, the identity and history of an entire town. I must have really saved them their face or they would have ended condemned by everyone and future generations for having left the church so carelessly unattended. From the interrogation I came to know also that apart from that one from work, went to report me to the Police at least another one from my hometown after I had hanged the last 2 animals with the church, this one in particular the type of person who ended a shoulder to speculators posting property for sale on his facebook account, telling them he remembered me as a teaser (nibxa) when I used to go to help in the church interior decorations when I was young. All told them they didn't want to testify, truly a case of hiding your hand after having thrown the stone, even through the Police didn’t bother at all telling me and exposing them that they had reported me. It is part of the irony of life, ending betrayed by the same Police in the same way they themselves had done to me a past friend / colleague a few weeks earlier (would you expect better from those who amongst others come to frame-up someone innocently?). The Police also had in their hands and made emphasis on the previous case I had in the Court which shows that had reported me also that ex-registrar of the Court from months before, and in fact when I came to hang the cat of 16-Apr-13, once I got out from home with my bicycle at 6:30a.m. came on me a Police car but they saw that I had nothing suspicious and continued going, while myself cycled it to the statue to see if everything was all right, walked it back with the cat tied to my belly where I hanged it at around 7:15a.m., and at 8:00a.m. when there was already the Police on site had to pass from the same place again to go for an appointment at the dentist. From here came the purely blatant lie of the Police when they said that I had been under surveillance since long and patience gave the fruit: if it was really so they would have caught me red handed going out from home, walking down the road or hanging them from months before. IT IS YET ANOTHER CONFIRMATION OF HOW MUCH THEY LIED AND MANIPULATED THE FACTS SO BLATANTLY not only to save their face, but indirectly to lessen the responsibility from those who had reported me after they had so vilely betrayed them by exposing them to me during my interrogation. THEY WOULD IRONICALLY HAVE BEEN INCOMPETENTS EVEN MORE HAD THEY KNEW OF ME SO EARLY AND TOOK THEM SO MANY MORE MONTHS TO ARREST ME. But it is not enough for neither is true when they said that they had other suspects and in fact it was that particular person who they interrogated not once but three times (I came to know it from the interrogation) because they had no other suspects on whom to turn, with all the experts pointing their fingers to him (that is, despite having made that fatal error of leaving an inscription in Latin with the cat of 16-Jan-13, I had managed to put them off track once again – it was by far no coincidence the Police had searched a farm before my arrest, so much they were still completely at a loss). The letters I sometimes included with some animals used to write them with a calligraphy as used to write old people (so as to suspect that some old man is writing them), in the spirit of a desparate man, from details I found in the sentence of that individual (and as he like me had ended under a Psychiatrist, I who knew him knew how much they invented on him so as to be able to fill the fake report – in fact although he was described as one with low IQ, he has in fact such a good memory especially on historical things concerning our same hometown Mosta and also can pride himself that his proper family nickname is that old that is mentioned in Naxxar Parish registers regarding some persons living in Mosta when still forming part of Naxxar) and intentionally to misguide them (you just need to be a bit creative, as when made them believe that who is crucifying the animals is making use of a drug addict to hang them whom he wanted to die drugged to avoid giving him the rest of the payment, was even reported in the media), turned them to be symptoms of a sick person, symptoms of paranoia that David Cassar has labeled me with in my first court case, when with the same reasoning it must also be that I was almost illiterate without education and do not know how to write because I used to write them in the local dialect and intentionally with lots of grammatical mistakes, a puerile logic which does not hold because it is either that I was a mental and with little education barely knowing how to write, or was none of them (i.e. it cannot be one but not the other, but either both of them, or none of them intentioned solely to misguide who is investigating). It is as if I was playing the role of Fantozzi, a popular comic actor in my childhood, and ended depicted as being Fantozzi myself. AGAIN THEY WOULD HAVE APPEARED AS REALLY INCOMPETENTS HAD IT BEEN UNCOVERED THAT I SO EASILY WAS ABLE TO MISGUIDE THEM, THAT THEY HAD FALLEN SO EASILY TO MY BAIT, AS IF I WAS DEALING WITH CHILDREN, AND WAS YET ANOTHER REASON TO DISTORT FACTS IN THEIR EFFORT TO SAVE THEIR FACE. At least this time I didn’t end maliciously depicted as obsessed with that particular person as happened in my first court case. He wasn’t a woman and for sure wasn’t a relative of some big head to qualify for such beatification.
Also from home they found a drawer with boxes filled with pills still intact in package which were prescribed by David Cassar in my first court case but due to an oversight they didn't check the date on them which went back to the early years of that first case. I told them that I had only recently stopped taking them (and it seems they mentioned this point in the media conference) because they even tried to say I was embezzling the Government collecting the pills and end not taking them. Threatened and held hostage with a millstone around my neck for all those years by David Cassar that he would prescribe me the injection or lock me up again in hospital as he had done so easily in 2002 with the excuse that I didn't want to take the pills, I used to collect them anyway to not create suspicions if he comes to check the yellow card but instead of throwing them with the garbage I used to amass them with the hope that one day I could uncover and serve as yet another additional proof of how David Cassar has deceived and how he intentionally had made an incorrect diagnoses of me when in 2002 locked me up abusively in hospital emphasizing that I so much needed the medication or else I am nothing a complete mental with chronic and severe illnesses. In fact between the first arrest on 13-Jun-01 till I began hanging the animal carcasses on 16-Oct-11 there is a span of over 10 years, where if I happened to be really ill as he invented for sure would have exhibited some symptoms of those illnesses during all this time without taking any medication, and as I explained before, my wrong doings in the second case, that can more be called ugly jokes than crime, could have never been done by a sick person (it is as you are saying that one with a sick heart managed to do the complete marathon). In fact over a period of 15 and a half years till I worked up to the second arrest on 19-Mar-14 I had never took just a single day sick leave (except when they locked me up in 2002) despite the fact that without medication he had invented that I am nothing a complete mental loose control of myself. Subsequently during the interrogation the Police made a fuss on 2 videos I had on my laptop where they made it appear that in it I was harming a cat. This cat (Cat D) was none other than the last pet I brought home near September '12 when it was still a kitten which I had found near Ta' Qali and it was so tame that when it saw me came on me and didn't want to let me go and ended bringing him to my home in Mosta on the bicycle. For sure it was of somebody and of someone so irresponsible to have abandoned it probably because it suffered from worms and I bought him a pill for them and in one dose he recovered. Some one or two days later when passing from the same place I encountered another similar kitten but had to keep going or would have ended being kicked out of home myself together with the cats which now totalled 3 (the first days of a new animal at home are always a nightmare). In one of the videos dated 27-Sep-12 this new cat appears inside a sizeable cage where I placed him in the yard to learn that he had to do his excrements in the soil because he was still new in the house and began littering here and there. Also when you bring a cat to a house which already contains 2 other cats, you need to keep them separate till the local cats accept the foreigner (if there is anyone who has doubts on this, just search on Youtube for "cats screaming"), but he wasn't that timid and didn't fear them and in fact they got used to each other within a short time without too much fighting or having to keep them separate. In the other video dated 4-Oct-12, one week later, the same cat appears playing with me when trying to make him on a cross and in it not only isn't suffering but was in the seventh heaven happily interpreting it that I was playing with it and it plays with me. If the Police had the slightest suspicion that in any of these videos there was some form of maltreatment, they would have had all the excuses to take my 3 cats pets or at least send competent persons to examine them, but they were so super convinced that I am not in any way a person of this sort with these 2 videos as a further proof that in the media conference they said that my "2 cats" were in good condition and well-fed when this they arrived to it not because they investigated them (they didn't even touch them) but from the way they saw them when I used to take them out, now only during the night, in those 2 weeks preceding the arrest they kept me under surveillance. It comes out that they are that incompetents as from the photos of cats I had on my laptop they should have at least arrived that in fact I had 4 because one of the cats seen in these photos had long died in 2009, but again I might as well had 100 cats pets living at home as it absolutely didn’t matter to whom was more than convinced of how much I truly loved animals. As yet another example, consider one who was accused with stealing smartphones and the Police go to search his home but are in no way interested in the smartphones he might have had at home, yet in my case it is even worse because we are speaking of living beings. Once more, like one who entered to kill and ended getting out covered in blood, the same mistake have made the Police because they got caught amongst others in the frame-ups and the character assassination they did on me with accusation of cruelty and killing of animals when they were more than convinced that I had done nothing of this sort, with the 3 cats pets I had and remained intact at home not touched and investigated by them and by anyone, as the greatest proof of my innocence and of the severity of the crimes that were done on me. Regarding a lawyer I didn't know of anyone in particular and told the Police to contact Martin Fenech, that lawyer who Magistrate Carol Peralta had to nominate from the list as my legal aid whose turn it was in that famous court sitting of 12-Jun-02 of the first Court case. For sure I didn't want to contact Tonio Azzopardi after having reported him to the Commission for the Administration of Justice and after having derided me so much in my first court case. However not asking the Police to contact this Martin Fenech in my presence was a fatal mistake I did for I could guess how they introduced me to him and maybe even played it that it was them who suggested to me to use his services to make him obliged to them and refrain from taking it against them for the sake of defending me - you know next time they will find him yet another client and so on just doing that cosy job charging me money for simply attending the court sittings and just stay there watching doing nothing (why blame some Government employees for going to work to do nothing at taxpayers’ expense when some lawyers do even worse in our Courts with your own money?). |
20-Mar-14 | After having addressed a media conference, the Police take me to Court and instead of accusing me of having littered public places with animal carcasses and entering the church without permission, they instead turned them (framed me up) into unfounded, most macabre and most contradictory accusations of cruelty and killing of animals and then I had 3 cats as pets at home and at no time did they ever examine them (if I was one who maltreated animals, the first thing they would have done would have been to take them from my custody, be examined by competent persons, and then would have had to make some sort of plea to the Court to take them back), with violation of tombs when I didn't touch any tomb (they had confirmed this with their own eyes when they made the access in the crypt before my arrest, and now had the plans/designs in their hands which showed that I had solely entered there for the purpose of the research I was doing), and although not part of the accusations but mentioned it in the media conference to the point that were quoted by nearly all the media, with desecration of a tomb within the ossuary when in the ossuary there are no tombs (it is yet another confirmation of how much they lied so blatantly and intentionally to defame and vilify me as much as possible because they didn't even realize that they were saying stupidities because someone really unfortunate had to be to have a tomb just for him in the ossuary. Maybe the undertaker had dug one for himself down there?). They even accused me of insulting the Roman Catholic Apostolic church of Malta, not even if we were under the Taliban or during the years of the Inquisition, but for them to vilify and assassinate someone so vilely with unfounded accusations they see nothing wrong with it and against the teachings of the same religion. And I ask in what way did I insult the religion, by having attached animals to 2 pieces of wood in the form of a cross or for having left them attached near some statue or chapel? Doesn't it draw parallels with the reaction of Muslims when some individuals for the fun of it simply made some caricatures of prophet Muhammed? It comes out that I was even once again discriminated when they applied such accusation to me, but for those who steal the churches and take the gold ornaments from the statues, like one who recently was accused of stealing from 16 churches, ironically they don't apply it. It happened that in my first court case the Police had also made me a similar accusation and it seems that after 13 years, 10 of which as member of the European Union, we remained a third world country. Imagine if such accusation was made in the Vatican State how they would have called them extremists: now this is a state governed by a religious person, the Pope, not like Malta supposed to be a secular state with separation between state and religion to see how much it resonates and especially nowadays. I don't blame the church for this because it could only made them look intolerant; I blame the Police who like the extremist of Taliban and the Islamic State hide behind religion to instigate hatred and assassinate persons (character assassinate in my case amongst others). But if you think that such vile persons without any conscience and scruples that knowingly, intentionally, deliberately and premeditately frame you up innocently with unfounded accusations will stop at this you are mistaken. In fact for having found in my laptop some photos of the cave situated under Speranza chapel they even took the opportunity to accuse me also of trespassing (it was more intentioned to further character assassinate me because I wonder what I might have incurred for simply entering for some 30 minutes to take photos and left everything untouched). Yet once again it comes out that I was discriminated for yet the third time in a row for me alone being accused of having entered sort illegally in this place when all those illegal immigrants that come empty handed in our country and from day one become a burden on our taxes do not even consider of applying such a law with them (remember that book Animal Farm, it says there are laws for the horses and other laws for us the inferior pigs). As if not enough, during the interrogation they also came with the idea of accusing me also with instigation of racial hatred, as there were some who began pointing fingers towards immigrants, but maybe at the very last moment opted not to exaggerate that much, one because it would have been anomalous accusing me of something I clearly didn’t do while they themselves at the same time were so deliberately instigating so much hatred against me in the way they made me the unfounded accusations, and maybe also because it could have possibly ended gaining me sympathy rather than disgust and vice-versa for them. It was better to focus and framing me up with the mental type of the most unfounded accusations. After all, the more they discredit me in this way, the more would be difficult for me to uncover their abuses and be believed, to be given credibility, the same tactic David Cassar and Carol Peralta had used in my first Court case to cover their abuses and those of friends of friends many years before. But not only, because with that so much hatred they intentionally instigated against me no one would dare help me (as was probably the reason behind the complete silence by the church authorities) as they risk inherit the same hate and disgust, and instead there may be others who would opt take it a step further do exactly the opposite continue with this trend doing their part in instigating even more hatred against me with their so blatant lies to get praised and gain sympathy and publicity at my expense, as in fact ended doing Malta's so fake media amongst others. I remember one Policeman who was present during the search at home, was present for part of the interrogation and appeared again the day after as a guard while taking me to Court and later on when were taking me to prison to give details, told me these exact words, said "I know you love your hometown Mosta, but if I was you once everything ends I would go to live somewhere else," words that have a double meaning because from one part he uncovered what I really was to them and from the other part uncovered the frame-up and the character assassination they intentionally wanted to do and were doing of me. The revenge I had foretold was coming on me during the interrogation (in part owing to the disgrace of having been associated with Daphne which served as an extra impetus for them to seek their revenge on me for having humiliated them for so long till being caught) had came on me and how much because if it was not a blatant frame-up what they did on me when they accused me with things they were more than convinced and knew beforehand that I didn't do, I don't know what else could it be, and as consequence and due to the mental taboo attributed to me by David Cassar in my first court case, I was sent straight to the Forensic section in Mount Carmel Hospital. The Police so much took advantage of this label of mental David Cassar has attributed to me from my first court case, which because of the stigma it carries it is very easy that whatever they invent on you is believed, to take their revenge on me 1) with character assassination, 2) by instigating hatred against me, 3) by vilifying me transformed me into psychopath monster depicted as one who harmed and killed animals and opened tombs, 4) by defaming me tarnishing my reputation, 5) by prejudicing my case on two fronts ended with all the media considering me as a mental and referring to me as "cat killer" amongst others, 6) by abusing their position that brings with it trust to nurture blatant lies, hearsays and gossip on me, and 7) by accusing me with the most unfounded accusations / blatant frame-ups when they were more than convinced I did nothing of what they accused me of, 8) all crimes they committed when they were in a position that should had prevented such crimes from happening, knowing that already labeled as a mental I couldn't avoid from being labeled so once again, especially by the way they put the accusations made them appear the most macabre possible, and in this way the case never comes to the point where they need to sustain with proofs what they have accused me of and emerge these most severe crimes and frame-ups they did on me. But yet their greatest crime was 9) that they made these abuses on one who for them was a mental, with a disability, when it is already too severe doing them on a normal person let alone on one whom you think is sick in mind, vulnerable. The stigma once labeled as a mental is so great that those present during the media conference didn't find anything suspicious or contradictory on the Police which could have made them ask obvious questions like:
which for sure would have been of great interest to the readers report the answer that they come with and helps in revealing their true intentions and the abuses behind them – is simply called investigative journalism where in my case instead of seeking the truth, get their facts right, they more than preferred reporting completely fake news amongst them by referring to me as “cat killer.” I suffered so much abuses because in Malta investigative journalism is so lacking, leaving persons in high positions to persevere in abuses with all impunity. The label of me being a mental had just worked miracles to the Police: their audience agape simply writing down what they dictate without raising questions, without suspecting anything wrong. By character assassinating me and framing me up with unfounded accusations the Police had managed to save their face of what was the most humiliating and embarrassing case ever in their entire history and can say with certainty in the entire world because it is really most impossible and unimaginable to exist a country with a Police force which is humiliated repetitively for the 6th, 7th, 8th, … and as if it was not enough, for the 12th time in a row in this way and not even ever manage to catch the individual red-handed. God forbid the Malta Police force had to deal with a city like Rome, many times the size of my hometown Mosta, with so many churches and religious sites, because for sure they would have ended all dismissed. Literally there was nothing more I could do to humiliate them further. Their so great incompetencies made me break a record nationwide, worldwide and undoubtedly for sure of all times to come, although maybe didn’t surpass my own record of my first Court case in making it even more expensive for the Police to solve and which at the end for sure must have brought bad memories to the Police, to that ex-registrar of the Court, to point fingers at me. The abuses I had suffered from the Police in my first Court case (amongst them by framing me up with a video that took place before arrest to loose me the Provional Liberty, framing me up presenting a Police statement in my name that didn’t contain my true signature to the point that I ended accused with falsification of signatures, etc.) were the fruit of the revenge they wanted to do on me for that first humiliation I had passed them from. I, convinced that in a country since ever corrupt like Malta, will never be justice with the culprits on those abuses I had suffered, chose to seek my revenge by humiliating them again on a level that had no precedent, with the only problem being that I had totally underestimated to where they could go with the new vindictivenesses and abuses on me once caught. It is really a case where for the greatest revenge, no one is better than that incopetent idiot who has power in his hands - my revenge had been exposing them as the incompetents who they really are, their revenge was transforming me into something totally opposite to whom I am, A REALLY IMPRESSIVE CONTRAST. Despite the fact that it seems the Police may have mentioned that most probably the animals I used to find them already dead to the point that MaltaToday had initially reported that I used to go to nearby towns for this aim (actually is not totally correct because in reality I encountered more than enough on my way to work and back home while cycling), so much was great the character assassination and the instigation of hatred against me by the Police especially due to the macabre way they made me the unfounded accusations, that they intentionally and maliciously put aside this fact and all media, as if to further prove to how so fake they are, with one voice began referring to me as "cat killer", once again a direct consequence of the stigma you carry once labeled as a mental where whatever they invent on you is very easily believed (now these were simply Police, imagine if it was a Psychiatrist who invented amongst others you are ill how much more he would be believed so blindly). The media truly put aside the journalistic ethics and preferred creating a sensation of my case in their effort to attract more readers and hence more adverts out of their insatiable greed, not for seeking truth of course, but to pocket that extra money, literally deceiving their own readers by feeding them lies for truths. Actually with today’s technology you must really be a born idiot to spend money buying the printed version of such biased media when online you can find everything at no expense. And in fact there seems to be so many idiots around that thanks to them a similarly biased and most often non-sense programme called Xarabank kept striving for so many years and was up to some time ago still going strong (as an example to see how biased it is, consider Fr. David Muscat who was so heavily criticized for his view on homosexuals, but for sure the same programme sees nothing wrong with the Iman despite his much extreme view on the same topic amongst others – to get an idea, simply ask yourself how could ever solely the adverts within intervals of just about a 2 hour once a week programme finance the wages of all those involved and the continuous investment to keep uptodate with technology amongst so many recurrent expenses – and the same applies to the media in general: they have to be biased, have to be like puppets on a string with their agenda dictated to them for the real funds to keep flowing, otherwise they will never cope financially, no need to explain further). Instead of being considered innocent before being proven guilty, I was condemned from the start with things I didn't do violating my human rights for a fair trial and a classic example of when you have the case prejudiced. I was also prejudiced to be considered once again as a mental because the Police had made it appear that my actions could have been because I had stopped taking the medication to the point that after a few days, first The Times with an interview with the Chief Executive of the hospital and then MaltaToday with an interview with Richmond Foundation reported on the importance of taking the medication for mental illnesses with reference to my case. The Police has succeded 100% in their effort to prejudice the case where a sort of ugly joke (if abroad they would have referred to me as a prankster) and research I was doing, helped with the label of a mental from my first court case, transformed it completely to the contrary into something diabolical and the fruit of a psychopath with a truly sick mind. Fredrick Azzopardi went beyond this because he reported the incident of that email which ended on Daphne's blog to MaltaToday, Illum and if I am correct to Il-Kullhadd, because one revenge was not enough for him: he now wanted to politicize my case, make his own part in my character assassination and the instigation of hatred against me, and take political advantage from the case, as it seemed that his new role as Chief Executive of Enemalta was something secondary, and behind the scenes he continued with his work of several years active in politics with a direct conflict to the position he had just been appointed to. This continuity of events not least continues to confirm that the transfer he had given me on work just 2 weeks before was purely politically motivated, not because I had done anything wrong on my workplace but solely because in his perception I had done wrong to the party, and simply originated from the hate he had towards that Daphne who continuously used to criticize his political party and I had disgracefully ended associated with her. In his case it doesn't apply the clause of confidential matters as he had accused me of doing, and even made public things against the law of Data Protection. Also amongst the lies that were reported there was that I had just been given a warning (with the exception of Illum which reported that I was given a transfer) when in fact I was given a vindictive transfer politically motivated to Marsa with which they had slashed 30% of my pay, a double revenge – with one stone he had hit 2 birds, and now for sure was not going to loose such an opportunity for more vindictivenesses, actually practising his true profession and above all his pastime (just compare to how he had got rid of those 3 managers at Delimara Power Station, for sure he would not bother at all to do even worse with me especially when there is at issue the party). |
1-Apr-14 | Despite appearing in front of Magistrate Marsanne Farrugia in the first Court sitting, from the second one I had to face once again the omnipotent of impunity Magistrate Carol Peralta, sitting in all his glory once again "on the tribune." As in my first court case in front of him he had threatened me with violence of smashing me against the wall on 4-Feb-02, from words came to action when in the sitting of 12-Jun-02 together with David Cassar they locked me up abusively in Mount Carmel Hospital with the excuse that I didn't want to take the pills to intimidate and discredit me amongst others, and I had reported him to the Commission for the Administration of Justice on this way back in 2002, he should first of all have recused himself from continuing to hear the case because of the great conflict of interest he had with which he could end take his revenge on me with the consequence that I end not having a fair trial. But how can you imagine him doing something like this end compromising himself exposing his crimes giving the occasion to someone to ask on what I had reported him. This second court sitting of Monday 1 Apr ‘14 was reported in the days (not just a day) before in the media (I myself had heard it on Super One TV from Forensic, probably was Fri 28-Mar-14) where they had mentioned that "next Tuesday is going to begin the compilation of Nicholas Grech accused with cruelty and killing of domestic animals." But when Carol Peralta asked Police Inspector Edmond Cuschieri whom they had called to testify when already had passed nearly 2 weeks from arrest, he incredibly told him that he had called no one because he didn't know of the sitting and was notified of it only that morning (actually it must have been his joke for 1st April, as if he wanted to express what a Maltese Court was to him, especially in front of a Magistrate like Peralta). It was such another blatant lie that Carol Peralta ended scolding him telling him how this could be when all the media knew beforehand, and this fact was reported in the media. Isn’t it blatantly obvious that the Media must have knew days before of this sitting from no other but the same Police, most probably after having asked Cuschieri himself? This continues to confirm how the Police were resting on the testimony of the Psychiatrists, convinced that once labeled as a mental, supposedly to have been since 2002 under “Psychiatric medication,” I couldn't avoid from once again being labeled so and helped by the way they prejudiced the case with unfounded accusations to make me appear as psychopath, the case never arrives to the point where they would have to sustain with proofs they didn't have of the accusations so macabre they had accused me of and one gets to know the contradictions, frame-up and all the other severe abuses they did on me. At the end of this sitting and the first one I appeared in front of Carol Peralta, I told lawyer Martin Fenech that Carol Peralta might take his revenge on me for having reported him to the Commission for the Administration of Justice years before, but he told me it doesn't seem that he is going to be cruel with me after he had just scolded Police Inspector Edmond Cuschieri when he so vilely played it as if he didn't know of this Court sitting and ended (Martin Fenech) not taking any action. |
7-May-14 | From 8 Court sittings I had, in 3 of them they didn't take me to Court including on this date 7-May-14 with the excuse the Psychiatrists had made some statement that they needed more time for the report or something similar. When in the evening I phoned Martin Fenech to ask him what happened behind my back at Court while I was left locked at Forensic, he told me that the Police said they had made an autopsy on all the cats and didn't appear (not didn't result) that they were killed by being hit by a car (maybe the one who examined them pretended they be stamped over when there is more probability of hitting an animal with the bumper since it is wider than stamping them with the tyres, and in fact many of the animal carcasses you encounter in the roads are still entire). I immediately told him what I had already been telling him from the second court sitting, why he didn't mention the anomaly that I had cats pets at home, not one but three, and at no time did they send someone to investigate them or send a professional to do so, and he vilely replied that "that is because they are your animals you love them." I told him that if I was so cruel I would have started by killing my own animals find them ready at home (why would I waste money feeding them and time cleaning up after them if it was the case???) and not waste time have to catch those outside, but was all in vain and he repeated the same phrase, as if he wanted to confirm he was there solely to act as the yes man for the Police, and by far was not going to bother at all to defend me. I phoned him again the next Monday telling him if he ever noted that most animal carcasses on the roads are still entire and if necessary we ask the Commissioner for Animals (referring to that Emanual Buhagiar who already held a position regarding the welfare of animals) or someone from the Animal Welfare to come to testify that the majority of the carcasses are so not stamped over and even take the opportunity asking them how astonishingly they didn't involve them to investigate my 3 cats at home I had as pets when I had accusations of cruelty and killing of animals, but once again was all in vain and cut me short telling me let us see what the Psychiatrists have to say first and then we will see. That is exactly what happens when you have your case prejudiced, condemned from the start by the Police and media as "cat killer" and also as a mental: no one cares of what you say and everyone looks at you in suspicion despite the contradictions that there were in the accusations. It was going to repeat the same nightmare of my first court case, that I end totally alone abandoned by myself with a lawyer being there solely for favourning my opponents with my own money as had done Anglu Farrugia and Tonio Azzopardi in that first case, and in fact this Martin Fenech ended never uttering just a single word to defend me and clear my name and mention the great contradictions I had in the accusations. In fact he so much didn't want to help me that neither on the fact that the case was so blatantly prejudiced from the very start (the media referring to me as cat killer and as a mental amongst others) did he ever utter a word as he so much didn’t want to help me and do anything other than defraud me taking me money for nothing just to deride me. I might be wrong, but from experience, with 3 lawyers in a row doing me the same, I have become conviced this forms part of the lawyers' ethics, after all why waste time seeking justice in a place of injustices where justice and laws are discriminately applied, literally if you can’t beat them join them (an English saying). The character assassination and the hatred instigated towards me by the Police was so great that it seems he felt uncomfortable defending me and literally left me abandoned by myself in the mouth of the wolf. Once again, as in my first court case, you have to be really strong mentally to not despair when being so blatantly and vilely left totally alone to be so maliciously and intentionally framed-up and character assassinated. Intentionally the Police did not arraign me to Court for this sitting so as not to be the possibility that I try to speak to defend myself (risking that Carol Peralta threatens me with violence once again or fine me for despising the Court as happened in the first case), but said this thing of the autopsies not in my presence. Also during the interrogation and the Police statement that I made, they never mentioned anything on the autopsies. How then where they raising them now? Could you imagine an homicide to have taken place and the Police fail to interrogate the accused on the way the crime was carried out, where it took place, the tools / firearms used in the crime, etc., that is if the Police had the slightest suspicion of me having maltreated or killed animals, for sure they would have bombarded me during the interrogation with questions about how I could have possibly caught the animals alive and from where, the method and traps used, the way they were maltreated and killed, etc. Are they really that incompetent to fail so miserably in their own job of investigation? IT IS YET ANOTHER BLATANT CONFIRMATION, AS IF THERE AREN'T ALREADY BY FAR MORE THAN ENOUGH, OF THE PREMEDITATED INTENTIONAL FRAME-UPS AND CHARACTER ASSASSINATION THEY DID ON ME WITH THEIR MOST UNFOUNDED ACCUSATIONS INTENTIONED TO APPEAR THE MOST MACABRE AND PSYCHOPATHIC POSSIBLE WHEN THEY WERE MORE THAN CONVINCED I HAD DONE NOTHING OF THAT SORT. It clearly shows the extent of the frame-up they did on me to the point they even wanted to corroborate it with the said autopsies which makes you ask if the one who performed the autopsies was part of the plot (compare with the first case I had in court where they tried to loose me the bail saying they had a video as a proof when what was in that the video had taken place before the arrest). The Police in question knew well that outside I will be of big detriment to them, to their career, to their credibility, by revealing in particular their incompetences as I am doing. So at all costs they wanted to frame-me up to make me get the maximum sentence, locked for all my life either in prison where with the limitations they impose on you (like no internet, no laptop, etc.) is very difficult to communicate with the outside world, or else in a mental institution where sedated with pills and injections I would be made even worse, incapacitated transformed into a completely disabled person. In their premeditated frame-up on me they had to focus at all costs on this aspect which with the position they occupy and the power this gives them could do it so freely without any hinderance from anyone, not even from my supposed lawyer. Their only problem were my 3 cat pets: they at all costs didn't want to investigate because they knew perfectly well they wouldn’t find anything wrong with them, they couldn't intentionally harm them beat them make them full of injuries (they have no voice to speak for themselves) so as to make it appear I used to do this myself as they would have risked that someone witnessing such atrocity will end uncovering everything (would those of the Animal Welfare remain silent once again?), so they just put them aside, focusing instead all their efforts just to innocently assassinate me who had ridiculed them so much for incredibly so long. |
Part Four (Back to Part Selection)
2-Apr-14 9-Apr-14 12-Apr-14 2-Jun-14 6-Jun-14 7-Jun-14 |
Because (a) the case was so prejudiced as a result of the media conference and the unfounded accusations intentioned to appear as macabre as possible that resulted in the media referring to me as "cat killer" amongst others, that is I was condemned from the start before being proven guilty, and I could foretell how far they would have gone with the autopsies they said were done on the cats, and (b) with the research I had done till then with the designs, measurements and photos I took of the church had nothing to show because everything was confiscated by the Police (this was really vile – they confiscated the proof of my innocence to more easily and freely frame me up) and was with my back against the wall because I had not yet published anything from my research to be in a position to proof that in the crypt I entered with no bad intentions, and (c) with the case was being heard in front of a Magistrate with the possibility that to take his revenge on me for having reported his severe abuses to the Commission for the Administration of Justice in my first Court case end favouring the Police by ignoring the contradictions in the accusations amongst others apart from not having a fair trial by him, and (d) my lawyer was defrauding me not defending me and mentioning the contradictions in the accusations or tries to clear my name despite that my relatives always paid him in time, and (e) I was risking being condemned with severe accusations that I didn't do (frame-ups), all in all with all this pressure you feel as if your mind wants to blow up don't know with what to hold to save yourself and abandoned all by myself, I didn't have choice other than when I appeared in front of the Psychiatrists, despite doing my utmost to reveal the contradictions in the accusations, as an excuse for having littered public places with animal carcasses, told them that I had done so because my morale was low and wanted something to make me believe in myself, and because the Police had mentioned that they found that I was not taking the medication, was also under pressure and with risk that if I say that I had never took pills in 12 years, David Cassar would end take his revenge on me, as if I did not have enough experience of him, by prescribing me the injection or lock me in hospital for all my life, and instead told them that it was only when I was making the wrong doings, in roughly those 3 years preceding the arrest that I had stopped taking the medication. Indirectly, being certain from the fact that once labeled a mental with all the disability and chronic and severe mental illnesses David Cassar from my first Court case had invented that I was suffering from I couldn't avoid from being labeled once again as a mental, and was impossible for me to tell them of the abuses and the intrigues of that first case which led to this label (rather it would even have turned against me because they would have interpreted it that I was imagining another conspiracy against me, those infamous "delusions of persecution" and guess how they would have sedated me with pills and injections), gave them the bait (that is I literally sedated them myself) to condemn me as a mental on incorrect facts, with the hope that I cannot do otherwise, at least leave the possibility that when I am in a better position, I reveal everything, in my house had the proof with pills dating back to the very beginning that show that I never took pills in the 12 years I was supposed to take them (from 2002 when David Cassar began seeing me). IN FACT THEY ARE SO UNPROFESSIONAL IN THEIR JOB, SO MUCH THEY DO AN AMATEUR JOB, SO MUCH DO THEY BASE THEIR REPORTS ON ABSOLUTELY NO SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL TESTS (SAY BLOOD, URINE SAMPLES, BRAIN SCAN, ETC.), THAT THEY FELL TO MY BAIT LIKE WOULD HAVE DONE A TOTAL IDIOT AND ENDED CONCLUDING WRONGLY IN THEIR REPORTS THAT MY WRONG DOINGS WERE AS A CONSEQUENCE FOR HAVING STOPPED TAKING THE MEDICATION. I, THE SUPPOSED MENTAL, HAD JUST DICTATED TO THE SUPPOSED PROFESSIONAL EXPERTS WITH SUPER MINDS WHAT TO WRITE WRONG. ITS LIKE HAVING BEEN ACCUSED OF HAVING KILLED SOMEONE IN MY HOMETOWN AND PREJUDICED AS I WAS AND UNABLE TO SPEAK FREELY MADE THEM BELIEVE I DID IT BECAUSE I WAS SUFFERING FROM DEPRESSION, WHEN AT HOME I HAD THE PROOF WITH A PASSAPORT SHOWING THAT AT THE TIME OF THE CRIME I WAS MANY MILES AWAY WITH MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND A MULTITUDE OF WITNESSES ON A HOLIDAY IN THE CARRIBEAN. So much was prejudiced the case from the start that I am a mental, that the Psychiatrists, etc., with the pressure from the media playing its part (don't you think they would care to defend me so that the criticism of the media turns against them), were in such spirit to condemn me again as a mental and being as I said before so unprofessional in their work, that they failed so miserably to take into consideration these basic points:
If there were just one or two points they would have been excused but 12 points is a bit too much to fail to ignore and cannot attribute such great incompetence for having misled them. Also I was constrained and forced with a millstone round my neck to come up with such excuse of having stopped taking the medication as outlined before, especially when one of them was or was going to be again that blatant liar and fruaduster of fake Court expert of Psychiatrist David Cassar. Magistrate Marsanne Farrugia the first time I was taken to Court in the second case nominated Psychiatrist George Debone to make a report on me and saw me on the 2nd, 9th and 12th April '14 and told me that he is going to speak / consult with David Cassar confirming that he wasn't going to be independent at all. I told him about the contradictions I had in the accusations but when he went to Court to testify on 30-Apr-14 amongst others he said that I was imagining that the Police made me a frame-up to see how influenced he was from David Cassar (coming from the blatant lies that I was imagining a conspiracy against me as David Cassar had turned the abuses of my first court case) and what means being prejudiced labeled as a mental no one cares of what you say and everyone ignores you. I remember him also testifying that he had researched the appointments I had in hospital which I missed, as if forgetting an appointment is a symptom of a sick mind (if he wasn't that idiot he would have at least researched if I took any sick leave on work instead but go tell it to the idiot who's own ignorance prevents him form realizing how ignorant and superficial he in fact is). From the first time I appeared in front of Carol Peralta (from the second court sitting of 1/4/14, had still not seen me Psychiatrist George Debono), he was of the idea of involving the Psychiatrists that saw me in my first court case (obviously he got it right with them) and subsequently nominates them on 7-May-14 but it happened that one of them J.Pisani had long been deceased and on 29-May-14 instead of him Carol Peralta nominates Ethel Felice together with David Cassar and Peter Muscat. They see me on 2-Jun-14 and the contradictions in the accusations were so great that I managed to convince them that the animals I used to find them already dead (mostly because of the fact that the Police didn't feel the need to investigate my 3 cats I had as pets at home or sent someone competent to investigate them) and it seems they wrote this down in their report and this despite being prejudiced from the start as "cat killer" with Muscat telling me "we thought you killed them yourself, today we got to know this." On 6th and 7th June '14 sees me the criminologist Roberta Holland and amongst others I repeat "because I had stopped taking the medication" and everyone basing his conclusions on this incorrect fact (except for David Cassar who knew with the intrigues of my first court case and that I had just one pill daily because he kept seeing me in the meantime when I had to go to the outpatients for the appointments), probably without even checking that I had prescribed just one small insignificant pill daily and the fact that I was locked in 2002 because I didn't want to take pills, and didn't convince me in good faith to take them, neither did the hard way. They continued to build on the label of a mental I got from my first court case (be prejudiced), without taking into account those 12 points I mentioned earlier. If it wasn’t that prejudiced, then why they began giving me the supposed medication from day one or two I ended locked at Forensic instead of waiting first for the supposed fake experts appointed by the Court to first see me and come to their just as well fake conclusions? Couldn’t they have waited for these conclusions to see how in the meantime I would have behaved without medication now that I was locked at Forensic on constant watch? COULD YOU IMAGINE ONE WHO ENTERED A PORT FOR ONE MONTH QUARANTINE TO SEE IF HE HAS ANY SYMPTOMS OF ILLNESSES AND BEGIN GIVING HIM THE MEDICATION BEFORE ACTUALLY FINDING OUT IF HE IS REALLY SICK? These are not things that happen in a normal country but in a third word country since ever corrupt where everything is fake, be it the justice system, commissions, authorities, and above all the media who for the sake of money just serve as parrots writing down what is dictated to them instead of investigating, where the people are uncapable to reason but just swallow everything blindly, the fertile ground a hoax such as baseless Psychiatry needs to make money out of the vulnerable, out of those who ended in a difficult situation (me locked up / arrested). At one point I was really a healthy person to the point I never took a single day sick leave in 15 and a half years from work (except in 2002 when locked up in hospital by David Cassar) and never missed a single day from work, and this despite never taking the medication that David Cassar had so alleged that without it I was nothing, and at another point I became a complete mental with the excuse of relapsing, "because he had stopped taking the medication" (a big discovery this was, they soon solved the case and reported this fact all the fake media). That is what happens when you have the case prejudiced labeled as a mental from the start and yet from a case of 13 years earlier. They could at least have asked for a clarification on the accusations since they had noticed the big contradictions they had and start from there and would have resulted in criminal action being taken on the frame-ups and character assassination the Police made me amongst others. But it seems that these also enjoy impunity with their crimes swept under the carpet as if nothing happened, the little that I did bothered them so much and made a crusade against me (for sure my wrong doings pales in comparison to the abuses I suffered from the Police, David Cassar, Carol Peralta, etc.). It is always the same story, they see the speck in your eye and not the big log in their own eyes (Matthew, Ch.7, Verse 3). On 24-Jun-14 testify the 3 Psychiatrists where actually it was only David Cassar who testified for a few minutes saying that all the reports arrived to the same conclusion, that big fake discovery and contradiction that my wrong doings were the result of me having stopped taking the medication, that small single Risperdal 2mg insignificant pill with a dose of just one daily, the wonder pill, that without it one ends collecting animal carcasses and crucify them on the 16th of the month. |
26-Jun-14 | After returning from the Court sitting of 24-Jun-14 in which appeared the 3 Psychiatrists, I was somewhat feeling destroyed because once the Psychiatrists had labeled me once again as a mental when I wasn't, apart from the unpleasant label, the people outside would automatically believe I did the crimes so macabre the Police had accused me of, that is that I harmed and killed animals and opened tombs amongst others when I had done nothing of this sort, especially when my lawyer had done absolutely nothing to clear my name and never uttered a single word to defend me or speak of the contradictions that there were in the accusations. In fact those pure idiots of NetNews immediately interpreted it that since I was condemned as being a mental, it automatically meant that I had committed the crimes I was accused of. Destroyed as I was, I couldn't control my emotions and there was a nurse who noted me and contacted David Cassar on this matter and this resulted in the Psychiatrists sending a statement which was read before the sentence was given by Carol Peralta on 26-Jun-14, were they said something of this sort: that because of the effect my case could have had on society, they wanted to clarify that I had utilized animal carcasses in that way, etc. Carol Peralta also mentioned in the sentence that the animals weren't killed by me but stopped there without asking how the accusations were made in exactly the opposite sense (because for sure it was his interest that I remain considered a mental, as he could put his mind at rest even more). It was something too little too late where those of Times of Malta continued with the usual rhetoric reported me under the usual title of "cat killer" although somewhere in the article they wrote a little sentence saying that I used to collect dead animals, while the state television news instead of the usual rhetoric "Nicholas Grech who killed and crucified," this time said only that I crucified (i.e. left out the 'killed' term) and didn't mention anything that the animals I used to find them already dead. The Psychiatrists had mentioned the effect my case could have had on society but it seems they didn't bother at all of the effect of the character assassination and the instigation of hatred against me amongst others by the Police with those unfounded accusations (frame-ups) they made me and breaching my human rights – I believe I managed not to go crazy and despair because I was so healthy and because from my first court case I had got used to the blatant lies they invent on me. So much was successful the character assassination that still to this day after having passed so many years I am still labeled as having killed the animals myself and the more I meet individuals who someone had told them about me, the more they are still of the idea of me having done so, and some try to convince them peacefully, others offend me try to ignore them treat them as the ignorant parrots they are who know only how to repeat the lies they tell them. As if it was not enough the label of a mental maliciously attributed to me by David Cassar since my first court case, now I have to contend also with another maliciously attributed label of being an animal killer, in both cases exactly the opposite of what in fact I am. And what most serious crimes there are behind each label, if only they apply the law equally with everyone. In the sentence Carol Peralta says that I am not criminally responsible but sends me to Mount Carmel Hospital "till necessary." The Police had succeeded 100% in their aim of prejudicing the case labeling me a mental and the case stops there and avoid coming to the point where they have to sustain with proofs the unfounded and contradictory accusations intended to appear the most macabre possible they made me, and get caught in the contradictions and the revenge and the frame-ups they did on me amongst others. Incidentally the day of 26th June in which the court sentence was given happened to be the same day of the year in which is said to have died the Roman emperor Julian the Apostate/ Philosopher on 26-Jun-363 who one of his famous quotations is no other than this: "Can anyone be proved innocent, if it be enough to have accused him?" For the intricacies and more details regarding the court reports by Psychiatrists and sentence by Peralta, visit this link. Martin Fenech gave me the advice not to appeal the sentence because according to him I was fortunate that I was not sent to prison and gave me the impression that I will stay a few months in Hospital till the Tribunal sees me as happened in my first court case and will not take long to be released. Despite this, in my effort to clear my name, I tried to take the advice of other lawyers but so great was the character assassination the Police made me, that no one wanted to have anything to do with me, some tell me from the start they do not do such cases, and others promise me they are coming to speak to me and never come, and in the meantime passed the 3 months in which I could appeal and didn't appeal the sentence because I had found no one to defend me, and obviously the Police neither appealed it because as already said before they had more than attained successfully their malignant aim. |
Part Five (Back to Part Selection)
14-Jul-14 | Towards July '14 they explained me the procedure I had to go through to be released from hospital and even appeared in front of the Tribunal for the revision of mental health for this reason. The procedure was that the law gave the right to me as a patient sent to hospital by the Court to write directly to the Minister of Justice of the time, Owen Bonnici, asking him to refer me to this same Tribunal to examine my case and once I am interviewed by it they send their recommendation back to the Minister whether it's time to be released from hospital. I wrote to the Minister with a letter dated 14-Jul-14 with this intention and as I had the chance, in less than one month from the sentence, I also mentioned him the contradictions I had in the accusations and how amongst others my case had been prejudiced with the media conference the Police made just before taking me to Court for the first time (in the second case) and with the unfounded accusations intentioned to appear the most macabre possible that resulted in being condemned from the start with things I didn't do before proven guilty, with a breach of my human rights for a fair trial amongst others, and asked him to investigate as Minister of Justice. Subsequently with the same intention also wrote to the President Mary Louise Coleiro Preca on 12-Aug-15, to the then Prime Minister Joseph Muscat on 4-Aug-16, to the Minister of Internal Affairs at that time Carmelo Abela on 19-Oct-16, and to the Commissioner of Police Lawrence Cutajar on 16-Dec-16 to investigate the severe abuses I suffered from the Police (those 9 abuses I mentioned previously) but none of them did anything, with the latter 2 didn't even send me an acknowledgement. The reasons I see for this are many amongst them a) that once labeled a mental you lose all your dignity and credibility and an excuse to ignore you, b) the character assassination and the instigation of hatred against me was so great that no one wanted to have to do with my case and ended the victim for the second time, c) another reason could be the fact that since there was that Frederick Azzopardi who tried to politicize the case as I said previously and I ended associated with the opposing side, they didn't now want to turn me into a victim who has suffered the abuses during this administration, apart from the fact that by Frederick associating me with Daphne instigated further hate against me for them to abusively enjoy seeing me kept locked, and above all d) could also be because one of the 3 Policemen involved, the one who was Deputy Police Commissioner Raymond Zammit was one from the inner circle to the point that:
It is worth noting how easily it is to condemn you as a mental in Malta: I on the blatant lies of David Cassar and these 2 sons of Raymond Zammit on matters that I don't need to elaborate further. But what is really impressive is that out of all illnesses they chose to be labeled with were the mental ones, not only to be excused from the responsability for their committed crimes but also because having Psychiatry based simply on presumtions rather than facts makes fabricating lies much easier, you just need to be creative (I know of a case, not a criminal one, where the individual for simply saying he had the vocation to become a priest was attributed as experiencing visions). It will be interesting to ask who was the doctor / medical board who boarded them out, if it was the same one, if it was a psychiatric as in both cases it seems they ended suffering from mental illnesses, if it was a similar mental disease if they investigated further whether they have it in their family genes (hereditary), from what type of illness are they suffering because it must have been really severe to not be able to go to work (I myself in my first Court case was labeled with severe and chronic mental deseases, yet was able to work even without ever taking any medication and ever taking sick leave), if there is the slightest scientific base for their illnesses say originated from blood or urine samples, CT scan, X-ray, Neuroimaging (brain scan), etc., if their illnesses are curable say with the help of pills they could be capable of going to work, what pills are they taking and if they are entitled to free medicine possibly defrauding the Government, and if they suffered from these illnesses in the past or developed abruptly suspiciously when both happened to be under investigation, maybe because of this they ended despair (I myself lost almost everything, yet managed not to despair after all these years), etc. The typical corrupt practices for the elite in a country since ever corrupt and where investigative journalism does not exist. |
8-Aug-14 | From the day after the first Court sitting I had in Court in the second case on 21-Mar-14 as I was locked in Forensic section at Mount Carmel Hospital, they began giving me the pills dissolved in little water, actually that single small Risperdal 2mg pill that I was supposed to take as prescribed by David Cassar in my first court case so as not to appear that he gave me nothing after all the disability and chronic and severe mental illnesses he invented that I was suffering from and which I never took in 12 years. As I said before, this shows how much prejudiced was my case from day one that I be considered once again as a mental – what was the purpose of going to be examined by a multitude of Psychiatrists if I am mental or not, when from day one was forced to take the medication for the mental illnesses that blatant liar of Cassar had maliciously labeled me with many years before? As if to confirm the obvious most obvious – the fake Psychiatry is. The day after the court sentence was given on 27-Jun-14 saw me David Cassar and told me that instead of the pills he was to prescribe me the injection Risperdal Consta instead and I would have to take it every fortnight for all my life. I objected to this as once free, this would have impeded me from finding a job in the private sector (they tell me they want to send me for training abroad end telling them that I can't go because I would miss the injection) or rather, after all that character assassination that was done on me, to start a new life with a job abroad amongst others, but he told me that it will be worthwhile to when it comes to appear in front of the Tribunal to be given a favourable reply and release me, and had no other choice but to accept or else would be detained in hospital for all my life. It happened that when they came to apply for this injection which costs a lot of money, they found they had exceeded the quota the Government allocated for that year (2014) and instead on 8-Aug-14 he prescribed me a more common injection called Fluanxol (Depixol) with a dose of 10mg, after a week he increased it to 20mg and after another week he increased it to 30mg and had to take it at this dose every 2 weeks. He had stopped giving me the pills (that pill Risperdal 2mg once daily) but because amongst others this injection caused me to swing like a pendulum when I was sitting due to restlessness, he prescribed me the Artaine pills, if I am correct 6 pills daily, to combat these side effects because his cure consist in first making you sick and then experimenting on you tries to correct as if you are a guinea pig. Despite taking these Artaine pills, I was so severe that on 2-Oct-14 had to reduce the injection to 30mg once every 4 weeks (-50%) and on 29-Nov-14 reduced it further to 20mg once every 4 weeks (-33% more) and nevertheless I continued to swing and one can just imagine the much greater effects it leaves on the brain for which it is intentioned. They used to come my friends or colleagues from work to see me, and instead of feeling happy use to feel shy the way I was reduced always swinging unable to remain still. Neither could I do something on my laptop or read some book because due to restlessness my eyes soon would begin to burn and had to pass entire days bed ridden not able to do anything. David Cassar told me I was on the minimal dose and even interpreted it as if I was reciting because there were others who overdosed them with a dose of 400mg and didn't have that much restlessness (others came with the theory that it may be the result of the stress and trauma I had just passed from till the sentence was given) but months passed and instead of diminishing the restlessness continued to increase. I ended abandoned swinging all the time for nearly 2 years when on 30-Apr-16 he prescribed me instead that injection Risperdal which he originally intended to prescribe me and after some weeks I stopped swinging. This injection Fluanxol, apart from the restlessness, had other side effect no less ugly amongst them that it makes you feel depressed and to the point of committing suicide (I know from what I had to pass: it was so severe that when sometimes I tried not to take those Artaine pills it was really hell, feeling as if you are losing your mind) to see how irresponsible he is David Cassar and how far he can go, and this after those frame-ups and character assassination they did on me and all the blatant lies that were said on me like labeling me a "cat killer", and after I had to endure the trauma when in a moment I lost everything and now little by little was losing also my health – you come to a point asking yourself if it is worthy to continue fight for your life having to start everything afresh: you commit suicide they say because you are a mental, no one thinks that it was all the fault of the injection David Cassar prescribed me that with it he gave me all the ingredients to demoralize and destroy me and so much destroys you to the point that it makes you commit suicide – especially now that I had to spend several hours in bed due to restlessness, I began experiencing more its side effects feeling instances of duration of 1 to 2 seconds of total despair/fright as if I am losing my mind and I try to continue fighting with myself not to give up try to find something positive in which to think so as not to go crazy, like thinking of my 3 cats I had as pets still untouched at home waiting for me, the few things I still didn't loose and the greatest proof of my innocence, and in case my mother passes away and I am still locked, they would possibly end passing from a trauma like I was passing, locked up and enclosed in some animal sanctuary, waiting for the moment when they become that weak to be killed by the so called “Animal lovers” with the lethal injection (just like Cassar was killing me slowly with injections and pills). Once again it was them who saved me because if I had lost everything, the most precious thing for me was still there, but destiny wanted that one cat passed away in January '15, possibly if I was free could have saved it took it to the veterinary before it was too late, with the character assassination they made of me had repercussions on those dependent on me leaving the first victim. |
16-Aug-14 3-Sep-14 |
Once I wrote to the Minister on 14-Jul-14 I thought that it was imminent that I appear infront of the Tribunal and now that was taking the injection they couldn't say I wasn't taking the medication and was convinced that it was not going to take me long to be released. As I was with the inconvenience of the injection limited to what jobs I can find as said before, and now publicly depicted and labeled as a mental one would think twice before giving me a job say this is insane worthy of nothing, I had no other option but to try to save what remained of my previous employment I had before the arrest (for sure I didn't take advantage be boarded out as do others). On 16-Aug-14 I wrote to the Ombudsman (this email is a copy of the document I sent to myself on 13-Aug-14, as actually the document dated 16-Aug-14 with extracts from the collective agreement and other matters was sent on 17-Aug-14 by my sister by post - note how in it I had mentioned an abuse done by Frederick Azzopardi in years before which would have for sure disqualified him from remaining as CEO of Enemalta and excluded him from any other role within it) while still had the chance didn't pass the 6 months since I got that vindictive transfer so politically motivated on work and raised clauses from the Collective Agreement that were breached, amongst them:
Subsequently the Ombudsman Judge Joe Said Pullicino sent for me on 3-Sep-14 to tell me that if I wanted to persist in the discriminatory part (that abuse concerning the change shift) and that abuse done by Frederick Azzopardi years before, he doesn't have to do with it and will forward it to the Police but "I give you advice of us as lawyers that we are, you cut out that part and address it to the office of the whistleblower at the Prime Minister's office because it gives you the necessary protection " and subsequently wrote him everything again with those parts missing in an email dated that same day 3-Sep-14. It is worth noting how he kept prolonging this meeting to be held on 3-Sep-14, the day before the expiry of the 6 month period since my vindictive transfer on 4-Mar-14 in which I could file my complaint to the Ombudsman. Had he been serious he would have forwarded what I alleged to the Police straight away, but as I learnt by myself later on, he seems he wanted me to send him that part missing so as to cover-up those abuses, discourage me from inflating it further, play it as if he was never informed (in fact that seems to be the reason he had maliciously asked for a meeting with me rather that sending me his "suggestions what best to do" in writing or by email), as if to appear he knew nothing about them - he must have been indebted towards the new Government for having left him in place and maybe didn't want to obstruct his plans (as said, in the original document I had also mentioned a fraud by Frederick which would had for sure brought an end to his job as then CEO of Enemalta). I had somewhat suspected his malicious intentions and in fact after had sent him everything afresh in that mentioned email dated 3-Sep-14, the day after I sent him the document revised with that discriminatory part included anyway, but obviously this time received no reply, not even an acknowledgement, as if to confirm once more the blatant cover-ups he was doing. In fact the Ombudsman decides in favour of Enemalta and Fredrick despite the many clauses from the Collective Agreement that were blatantly breached, and to be more vile, even uploaded it on the Ombudsman's website as one of the "Case Studies" which exemplifies "fairness, dedication, committment ... to good public administration" (see link 1 and link 2 and link on Ombudsman's website). As regards the whistleblower, this was something innovative that the Government had just introduced some months / weeks previously and subsequently I wrote to the office of the whistleblower at the Prime Minister's office on 9-Oct-14 to which I received a reply on 21-Oct-14 stating that it was being forwarded to the office of the whistleblower under the Minister for Energy. Subsequently the supposed to be whistleblower wrote to me on 2-Dec-14 blatantly telling me that my allegation was investigated by Enemalta and no irregularity was found. I wrote him back on 21-Dec-14 telling him how could an investigation by Enemalta be credible when I implied the management that the same Chief Executive had appointed in his first week in this position in this abuse and how they didn't call me as witness to testify in this investigation, and to instead forward everything to the Police to investigate themselves if he wants to be serious, but received no reply from him. Apart from this, Enemalta had its own whistleblower office falling directly under its Chief Executive, that is that Fredrick Azzopardi, and was the first to whom I wrote on 8-Sep-14 (note the part "ceowhistleblower.emc @ enemalta.com.mt " in the email address), but obviously received no reply. This that I reported them to the office of the whistleblower thinking I was going to have some protection and arrive to some compromise when I was still not yet discharged from hospital was a fatal mistake I did and ended paying very dearly because the repercussions and the revenge on me were going to be great. The office of the whistleblower instead of giving me the necessary protection as whistleblower, ended giving protection to those whom I reported by not investigating them, by covering-up their abuses and even let them with all liberty have their revenge on me. |
6-Oct-14 | Despite having wrote the Minister way back in July '14 to refer me to the Tribunal, time passed and nothing happened and every time I phoned the secretary of the Tribunal to check if they had received something from the Minister, she always told me they have still received nothing. I phoned the Ministry to see what was the reason and got to know that the Minister wanted a report from the Psychiatrist to proceed. In a letter dated 27-Aug-14 I wrote again to the Minister telling him that both David Cassar as well the Tribunal itself had confirmed to me that the law gives the right to me as a patient to write directly to him to refer me to the Tribunal, but as I said many times before, it seems that once you are labeled a mental it is as if you are speaking to the wall everyone ignores you. In fact it had to be David Cassar himself who phoned either the secretary of the Minister or the Minister himself to explain him the procedure and whom he can contact in the Ministry for verification, until finally the Minister referred me to the Tribunal by the end of September '14. It seemed the Minister found it so anomalous for a patient to write directly to him asking him to be referred to the Tribunal that in the same time near October '14 made amendments in the law concerned where he took away the right for a patient to write him directly and made him subject and totally dependent on the Psychiatrist for this and obviously an occasion for favouritisms because I had to send my relatives to see him privately for the things to start moving (some €55 every time, €50 for him and I assume another €5 for the pharmacy – go waste your money at a Psychiatrist to ruin you with pills rather than adopt some animal as pet which fills your home with love). On 6-Oct-14 I appeared in front of the Tribunal for the revision of Mental Health presided by Magistrate Apap Bologna to give the advice to the Minister of Justice if time had come to be released from hospital. David Cassar testifies for around half an hour and makes emphasis that it was "because he had stopped taking the medication" and now he is under control because he is taking the injection. The Magistrate had in his hands the letter I had sent to the Minister where in it I highlighted the contradictions there were in the accusations, those blatant frame-ups that the Police made me and had asked him to investigate, and so now it was supposed that the Magistrate was also aware of them and would have made my second court case much less severe than depicted. But why bother about the severe abuses I suffered, don’t you see he is not going to break it up with the Police with Cassar to help me the accused the one depicted and reduced to a mere mental – really a case that being that biased he saw the speck in my eye but not the big log in others’ eyes because they happen to be big heads. He could have taken the first step, but did nothing. He asked me if I wanted to add something or call someone to testify, nothing came to my mind told him no one as I was sedated my mind takes time to think with the effects of the injection with a dosage still of 30mg Fluanxol every two weeks, always swinging and restless when I am sitting and with frightening symptoms of depression that it made me suffer from. For an unfortunate fate of destiny it happened that this Magistrate passed away on 19-Oct-14, not by coincidence of course not, but most probably for his insatiable greed of money now that his services were no longer required with the new law which replaced the Tribunal he presided. The only problem was that he had taken my file to his home and the disarray that happened next is unbelievable: first I phoned no one knows what is going to happen because in the meantime the Minister had changed the law as I said previously and this Tribunal was dissolved and his role was to be taken by the "Committee for the revision of mental health," then they decided that if the Tribunal had arrived to some conclusion they take its advice, once my file was still relevant and the Secretary of the Tribunal goes to collect it from the house of the Magistrate, it ended lost no one knows what was its fate, until finally it was found to have been taken to the Minister of Health by mistake instead of to the Minister of Justice. When I phoned the secretary of the Tribunal if she could tell me the conclusions of the Tribunal she said she couldn't to see how once labeled a mental you lose all your dignity and you don't even have the right to know what happened of your case and vilely leave you blind don't know what is going to happen of you. The stress and the mental torture I had to endure is something that I cannot describe in words but this was nothing compared to what still I had to suffer. As I said, the way the law was amended it came to the Psychiatrist to write to the Minister asking him to refer a patient to be seen by the new Tribunal which now was called a Committee newly composed and presided by the Commissioner for Mental Health. Till everyone became accustomed to the procedure everyone still in doubt how it exactly works and with David Cassar arguing that what he testified in front of the Tribunal could be used also in front of the Committee without the need to testify again, several months have passed until towards March '15 David Cassar wrote the necessary letter that was needed for the Minister to refer me to the Committee. But yet another great disgrace was to fall on me because it happened that the Malta Independent came with an article on me dated 14-Mar-15 (worth noting how far they went with my character assassination where despite Carol Peralta mentioning in the sentence that the animals I used to find them dead, the media still kept referring to me as the animal killer – see name of webpage: “Mosta-animal-killer-asks-to-be-released-…” – as a confirmation of how fake it is this self-called “Indipendent” newspaper: ignores facts in preference to blatant lies – go waste your time reading it and your money buying it), where from it apart from came to know that Magistrate Apap Bologna didn't approve that I be released from hospital (to give information to the media is not a problem, to me they denied from telling me the outcome for all this time), there was also written the procedure involving directly the Minister I had to pass from to be released. Although I don't have proof, I believe that this article was seen by Fredrick Azzopardi who when found the involvement of the Minister in order for me to be released, as he did when he tried to cause me harm by politicizing my second court case after the arrest associating me with the blogger Daphne, for sure now with more hatred against me for having reported to the whistleblower and I had things to reveal on him that in his first week as Chief Executive he had appointed 2 incompetent managers from 3 who were involved in that abuse had fraudulently taken over several years "extra pay for which you are not entitled" and now involved himself in the so sever crime in the cover-up of this abuse with a fake investigation which was never done, for sure was not going to loose the chance to once again do me harm this time by inciting the Minister against me make me appear as if I was one who used to write to that blogger, and in a time when the Minister for sure had it against her as in an article some months earlier in November '14 she had wrote on his private life. In fact I believe that the Minister couldn't do anything against her, ended taking his revenge on me – he so much is governed by hatred in whatever he does and so much detested her and anyone associated with her that once he got the satisfaction he for sure always dreamt of, namely hearing that she was blown up to pieces in a car bomb, he continued with his insatiable hatred against her even after her death by continuously, repetitively and defiantly kept wiping away any form of memorial to her till the last day he stayed as, guess what, “Justice Minister." I was going to present them further below, but if you are curious of what he made me pass from as a result of this hatred, blatant discrimination where he intentionally didn’t proceed to keep me locked intentionally in hospital because that Fredrick had associated me with this Daphne, see Emails1 and Emails2. In a normal country his political career would have long been over, but in Malta even the supposed Commissioner for standards in public life covers him up. This time the Minister couldn't come with the excuse that he didn't know that the law gives right to the patient himself to write him asking to be referred to the Tribunal because now the law had just been emended by himself and he made this task the competence of the Psychiatrist, and now towards March '15 he should have received the letter/report of David Cassar for this aim. But months pass and he still does not refer me to the Committee and the reason they gave me when I phoned the Ministry was that the Minister had asked for the advice of the Commissioner of Police and after he receives his advice he was planning to ask the advice of the Attorney General and maybe later ask for the advice of the Committee, that is he not only didn't send for their advice concurrently to proceed with case, but had in mind of doing this one at a time because he so vilely was intentionally doing it to prolong the case as much as possible and keep me locked. I told them that the Court didn't find me criminally guilty but disputably was a case of mental health and so their advice didn't apply in my case, but they told me that the Minister had the right to ask for the advice of whoever he wanted. The fact that their advice didn't take it when asked the first time by me as a patient to refer me to the Tribunal, and had sought it now when ironically asked by someone more authoritive, a Psychiatrist, to refer me to the new Tribunal / Committee, continues to indicate the involvement of third parties (Fredrick Azzopardi, continue reading to get a clearer picture of his possible involvement), where someone for sure was pushing the Minister to take such a different and drastic action from the first time. It is as if there was a building declared as having structural defects and instead of taking the advice of an architect on it (who is qualified in this field), he chose to take the advice of a doctor or a priest, so much is contradictory and vilely the matter, and this when in case like mine of one sent by the Court to a mental institution there was a Committee set up intentionally with the aim to give advice to the Minister on cases like these. I told David Cassar and phoned the office of the Commissioner for Mental Health on this abuse but no one cared to help me, while myself wrote again to the Minister in a letter dated 3-Sep-15 telling him again that the Court didn't find me criminally guilty but was all in vain. For the matters to begin moving, had to be my relatives who in January '16 made an appointment with the Minister to verbally tell him with this fact and in front of them he played it as if he didn't know it wasn't a criminal case when I had informed him of this fact in the very first letter I sent him on 14-Jul-14 and now also in that dated 3-Sep-15, and he had to be really incompetent as a Minister of Justice and as a lawyer himself to not know that for one sent by the Court to a mental institution, he must have been found not criminally guilty. He told them he will check the sentence and if so he will proceed, as in fact he did towards March '16 when finally referred me to the Committee after knowingly had wasted me a year for nothing, intentionally and vindictively until he came to take this step for being maliciously labeled as one who used to write to that Daphne (Emails1 u Emails2). Also in the first letter I sent him dated 14-Jul-14 I had mentioned to him the contradictions I had in the accusations that the Police made me which made my case much less severe than depicted, and if anything it was not for the advice of the Attorney General or the Commissioner of Police he should have asked, but make the investigation I asked him to do on the Police on the severe abuses they made me to reveal the truth and take the necessary actions (he could have done it in the meantime, but he didn't even consider it because it seems he had no intention that truth prevails, he simply wanted to cause me harm by leaving me locked up for nothing maybe I end going crazy / despair and apart from succeeding in the vindictiveness he wanted to do on me, with a single stone he would also have hit another 2 birds because he would also have saved the face of Fredrick Azzopardi and Raymond Zammit because I intimidated in this way end not revealing anything on them). |
Part Six (Back to Part Selection)
7-Apr-16 | On 7-Apr-16 I finally appeared in front of the Committee presided by the Commissioner for Mental Health John Cachia. David Cassar testifies and makes emphasis that "because he had stopped taking the medication" and that now with the injection I am under control. I tell them that before the arrest I was supposed to take just a single small pill daily but because my mother is advanced in age they saw it difficult approving my release from hospital. It so much your life turns upside down once you are labeled a mental, that before I used to cope working in a full-time job of responsibility and another hundred jobs at home (work as a plumber, electrician, woodworker, welder, plasterer, mechanic of bicycles and my van, fix electronics, computer and for everything that crops up have to figure myself how to solve it, let us not mention that I found time to also research the lost history of my hometown despite the obstacles I had to face having to do the necessary keys myself to gain access and had to enter a place full of cadavers in the middle of the night) and so healthy to the point that I never took just a single day sick leave in 15 and a half years I worked (except when David Cassar locked me up in hospital in 2002 and not because I was sick) and this despite never taking the pills for the chronic and severe mental illnesses David Cassar invented that I was suffering from, and now was depicted such a complete mental that cannot be left alone and instead of taking care of my mother myself, it was she who should take care of me, really a case from one extreme to another, it is as if there was an athlete breaking one record after the other, to end depict him as disabled, good for nothing and ordered to stay bed-ridden the rest of his life, and this without doing him a doping test or whatever scientific test but base everything simply on blatant lies, that is like in my case it wasn't because they had the slightest scientific basis like blood or urine samples, CT scan, Neuroimaging (brain scan), etc. that could prove the chronic and severe mental illnesses that David Cassar had invented and labeled me with. The frustration you feel appearing for the second time in front of the Tribunal/Committee, knowing you are being subject to an injection that is ruining your health, and condemned as a mental on the blatant lies of David Cassar, on incorrect conclusions of having stopped taking the medication when by far wasn't the case because in reality I never took pills in the 12 years I was supposed to take them, that it is impossible to expose the intrigues behind the label of a mental David Cassar had attributed to me from my first court case, and yet if I dare to mention something ends turning against me they suggest to sedate me further because they see me as if I am imaging things because what I had passed from is really unbelievable, and consider you as a complete disabled mental that you have always been good for nothing, is not something that you can easily describe in words. They assess if you are fit to be given leave or not amongst them by asking you if you think you need medication: if you tell them yes they interpret it that you are responding well to the medication, if you tell him no they say you are deteriorating keep you locked and recommend an increase in dosage till you are sedated and destroyed enough with its side effects until finally you just give up and tell them what they want to hear. They don't even leave the dignity to the patient to say his opinion, they condition and dictate you what you have to say at all costs, at the cost of your health, of your life (actually labeled a mental it’s no longer ‘yours’ - you become a nullity, own nothing, completely dependent on others). This John Cachia is the same person who when recently there was the case of that Polish lady who entered nude in a garbage truck in Paceville, he immediately issued a statement not to judge people with mental problems, to see how for him is that easy to literally dump a person as a mental when later it was found she had done so because she was drunk, that is with the same reasoning he used with me he would have approved her the injection to put her under control (a specific injection that prevents her from entering nude again in a garbage truck, like for me the injection was supposed to be preventing me from crucifying again dead animals - so much is Psychiatry a fake). This time the Committee approves that I get out from hospital as David Cassar told me because when I asked the Commissioner for the conclusions of the Committee, as usual without dignity and vilely this time directly from the Commissioner supposed for "the Promotion of Rights" of Persons with Mental Disorders, told me that because it was the Minister who asked for the advice, if I want to know it I should ask him and left me blind on a case which concerns me directly (that is instead of making progress we went backwards because once again they negated me from knowing the outcome of my case in contrast to when I appeared in December '05 in front of the Tribunal in my first court case where they had informed me immediately). But yet for an unfortunate fate of destiny it happened that intentionally near the end of March '16 on facebook was circulated a news feed from MaltaToday associating me again with Daphne and saying that I used to write her on a particular email address. These were the same blatant lies that spread Fredrick Azzopardi soon after the arrest in his attempt to politicize the case where on that occasion he used the media of MaltaToday, Illum and if I am correct Il-Kulhadd. If before I had just a suspicion that Azzopardi had incited the Minister against me after the Malta Independent came with that article on me dated 14-Mar-15 mentioning the involvement of the Minister to be released, now I had the confirmation of all this because the same allegations were spread and once again was used the MaltaToday and it is by no means a coincidence that the MaltaToday dreamt again of me, 2 years later, when it was supposed that my case had long been forgotten and no longer of interest, and one cannot say that it came with new facts say had an excuse to mention me again. For me this confirms the involvement of Azzopardi in pushing the Minister to keep vindictively prolonging my case to refer me to the Committee, and it was so much that it makes you think that once the Minister took this step and came to refer me to the Committee, it seems he felt he should inform the same Azzopardi who had incited him against me and pushed him not to do this, and this on his part soon put forward that news feed of MaltaToday at the same time I was going to appear in front of the Committee to incite and instigate the Minister once again against me. In fact months pass and the Minister keeps ignoring the advice of the Committee to be released and when David Cassar checked for me via the Commissioner it was said that he was doing so because he was afraid from the reaction of the media while when my relatives spoke to some secretary of the Minister told them yet another version that since I was sent to hospital by the Court, I had to find a lawyer to get me out and via the Court only can this be done. In a letter dated 4-Aug-16 I wrote the Prime Minister, the same letter I mentioned earlier in which in it I asked him to investigate the abuses of the Police, asking him to intervene on the abuses of the Minister who once again was prolonging my case, first he wasted a year to refer me to the same Committee, and now another 4 months have passed and kept ignoring its advice to get me out of hospital. It happened that some persons used to visit the patients on Sundays and one of them near September '16 checked with the Ministry and this time as an excuse they told him that the Minister had asked for the advice of the Attorney General, that is because I had wrote to the Prime Minister not only he didn't take action but ended turning against me because the Minister once again took his revenge on me dreamt of the advice of the Attorney General and the Commissioner of Police, and this when now he was conscious that their advice is irrelevant to my case because it was not a criminal one and for this reason he had referred me to the Committee (that is if their advice didn't apply on my case because it was not a criminal one, how did it apply now on the same case when nothing has changed and even had the affirmative advice on me by the Committee). Normally it is sought the advice of the these two regarding persons who are detained in prison who had asked for a reduction in their time of detention maybe because of illnesses, etc, while in my case I was being kept locked in hospital with no timeframe and limit with blatant breach of my human rights till these at leisure send their advice, and months and years pass and despite their advice never comes, continued not to take action on this inefficiency to see how the matter was premeditated and how intentionally he was doing it as an excuse to keep prolonging my case as much as possible. He abused his position to continue make his revenge on me and keep depriving me abusively from liberty and keep me locked in hospital that could only be a detriment to me (imagine how it destroys your mind knowing he is vindictively keeping you locked without date when to go out) instead of leaving me to integrate back in society and go to work and earn a living (instead of making like the sons of someone and end boarded out and live my life on the social benefits and don't care of working anymore). |
30-Apr-16 | After having appeared in front of the Committee, David Cassar on 30-Apr-16 prescibed me the injection Risperdal originally he intended, instead of Fluanxol (I had taken it in total 25 times in 20 months) due to it side effects and once I stopped swinging with time he stopped the Artaine pills that he used to give me supposed to combat the side effects of Fluanxol. He started Risperdal with a dose of 25mg, after 2 weeks he increased it to 37.5mg, and had to take it at this dosage once every fortnight instead of every 4 weeks as I ended doing with Fluanxol and this injection was supposed to be state of the art very expensive with less ugly side effects. The dosage of 37.5mg was equivalent to 2 pills Risperdal 2mg (total 4mg), twice as much the dosage of one pill daily as I was supposed to be taking before the arrest and if anything is the confirmation once again how David Cassar prescribes dosages inappropriately at random and after having always behaved well and managed not to get ill when I don't know what remained to suffer: frame-ups, character assassination, instigation of hatred against me, vindictiveness by the Minister, side-effects of the injection like depression, etc. |
22-Sep-16 | I asked them for the leaflet of the injection Risperdal because of other symptoms I began feeling and found that side effects like impotence, difficulty to sleep (chance of 1 in 10, imagine how you despair unable to sleep the whole day, maybe sleep just 1 or 2 hours and wake up immediately), pain in my legs (especially in my left leg, beginning of Parkinson, chance of 1 in 10, as time went by began having difficulty / pain simply to wear a trousers or climb the stairs and even don't walk well) and causes depression (chance of 1 in 10) was originating from it amongst others where once again one can just imagine the much greater effects it leaves on the brain for which it is intentioned. I went that same day with the leaflet to find David Cassar in his office (normally he sends you away but told him I wanted to speak to him urgently) and told me he would come to speak to me within a week but weeks pass and he still did not come (the leaflet states that if you suffer from any side effects inform the doctor immediately but he absolutely doesn't care of the severe repercussions he causes with his baseless medication on the patient health). |
9-Oct-16 | With the hope of being released from hospital diminishing with the Minister vindictively not proceeding, and with my health deteriorating with the side effects of the injections, even with this new injection amongst others ended suffering from impotence (imagine how you end demoralized and destroyed mentally falls on you this disgrace, you feel nothing remains of you, as if a woman had her breasts removed – after World War II they showed disgust towards the Nazis for having done sterilization programs and now we had surpassed the millennium and after so many years David Cassar made me so and everything as if nothing to worry about) and even now was killing me slowly slowly with Parkinson's disease, it would be in vain and too late to keep waiting to be released to reveal what I had to reveal. As such in a letter dated 9-Oct-16 wrote to David Cassar and left it under his office door, making him aware that it was not true that I had stopped taking the medication in those 3 years before the arrest when I was doing the wrong doings as I had made them beleive but in fact neither did I take them in the previous 9 years, in total 12 years when I was supposed to take them since 2002 from the very start, and even told him that I had proof to sustain what I was saying with pills still intact in their package of several years ago, and because this would overturn everything as everyone had based their conclusions of my actions and condemned me as a mental because I had stopped taking the medication, to proceed and inform the Court with these new facts so that if necessary continue the proceedings against me in Court. I was curious of the position he would take, if he takes this step and risk get caught in his contradictions of that chronic and severe mental illnesses that he intentionally invented that I was suffering from in my first court case and continued to build upon in my second court case, or does not proceed and more reveal his tyrant character because it makes him appear he has something to hide from and doesn't want truth to prevail and reveal that the conclusions they had arrived to where totally wrong. According to the Mental Health Act, Chapter 525, Article 37(a) it provides that a report be made by 3 Psychiatrists, one of them must be the specialist responsible of me, David Cassar, so that the Court be in a position to either release me from hospital or decides that proceedings continue against me, and with this fact I revealed (that it was not the case of having stopped taking the medication as they had wrongly concluded) sure it was a case for the second option where David Cassar as the specialist responsible for me and even worse was responsible in the report of the second case in which he based the conclusions on these wrong facts, by far was duty bound to take action on this new testimony that overturned everything (it meant that I was condemned as a mental on wrong facts and was being locked innocently in a hospital). To have revealed this fact was a really difficult step for me with my mind about to explode with the thoughts of what is going to happen of me and with the side effects of depression of the injection being felt even more and increased the occasions of 1 or 2 seconds duration of despair when I am in bed feeling as if I am losing my mind. What if David Cassar does not proceed and remain dependent on the Minister to get out who the revenge he was doing of me leaving me locked up in hospital had no limits, or what would be the reaction of David Cassar on me now that I had yet another evidence to contradict him, to incriminate him, will he also not proceed if one day the Minister chooses to move on, or if David Cassar informs the Court will I pass from another hassle and nightmare coming and going to Court with the possibility that I don't manage to find a lawyer who cares to defend me because of the character assassination and the instigation of hatred against me that I had suffered and end being penalized twice on the same case after that:
Despite all this I would have preferred to pass from another trauma in Court where if the accusations had been done the proper way and if I had a fair trial without the case being prejudiced, the most I would have got was a suspended sentence and fine, rather than end all my life having to do with the hospital forced to take injections that I didn't need and took away my strength and disabled me. |
20-Oct-16 | Four weeks had elapsed and now with the letter dated 9-Oct-16 in his hands, David Cassar still did not come to speak to me as promised but because I refused to take the injection on 15-Oct-16 didn't even pass 5 days that on this date 20-Oct-16 he came to tell me that either in good faith or the hard way I had to take it, that is it wasn't enough that he didn't proceed and didn't inform the Court that the conclusions that I am mental they came to in the court report he did on 2-Jun-14 was based on wrong facts, that he nevertheless continued to consider me as a mental forcing me to take the injection at all costs to the point that if I refuse to take it will jump some 4 nurses on me and give it to me anyway, and an injection that not only didn't apply to me because he knew I wasn't sick, but even was taking away my strength made me amongst others disabled, made my life horrible unable to sleep, was making me sick with Parkinson's disease with pain especially in my left leg, and with the symptoms of depression it causes amongst others, that is not only did he keep me locked innocently in hospital but also kept passing me from dreadful mental tortures for the dreadful tyrant he is. So as to appear to have taken an action against the side effects of the injection, he reduces the dosage to 25mg (from 37.5mg) every fortnight, and tells me that after some time he may reduce it further to 12.5mg. I try to show him boxes with pills of several years ago still intact in package that meant that I never took pills in 12 years from the start, but didn't care telling me that it doesn't matter because there were several Psychiatrists who said that I was sick / schizophrenic when these as already said were by no means independent because they saw me just for a short time and amongst others all had to consult with him, and one doctor does not contradict another one and all ended repeating the same things, apart that they didn't know with the intrigues of my first court case and now with the fact that I didn't take the pills in 12 years from the start and not only in the roughly 3 years before the second arrest on which they had based their wrong conclusions that I am mental. At one point all that emphasis that it was "because he had stopped taking the medication" as he wrote in the court report and was quoted by all the media, and even testified in front of the Tribunal on 6-Oct-14 and the Committee on 7-Apr-16, and at another point such a big contradiction that it does not make any difference if I had taken the medication or not to see that what was important for him was that he keeps me labeled as a mental at all costs even when he had intentionally arrived to this on wrong conclusions, independently from facts, so as not to collapse his sand castle he built in all these years when he labeled me as a mental when I had no illnesses, and to not get caught in his big contradictions amongst them how he is going to explain that in the previous 9 years (from 18-Feb-02 when he first saw me till 16-10-11 when I started with the wrong doings in the second case) no symptoms of illnesses showed up despite never taking the pills, and yet that neither did in the previous 8 months from the arrest in the first case on 13-Jun-01 till a doctor saw me for the first time, he himself David Cassar, and I behaved well. But his greatest headache for sure was how he was going to explain that without any pills and medication for that disability of dopamine missing from my mind and all the chronic and severe mental illnesses he invented that I was suffering from in my first court case, schizophrenia, paranoid psychosis, delusions of persecution, mental alteration amongst others, I had managed to cope and work in a full time job of responsibility and never took just a single day as sick leave in 15 and a half years I worked (equivalent to 5,639 days, roughly the period it takes for a baby to become an adult, not a joke) except for those 37 days they locked me up in hospital in 2002 (and I took them not because I was sick but because he turned it that I was so) when he had made it appear that I am such a sick and a complete mental that required him to do that urgent Court sitting on 12-Jun-02 to lock me up in hospital because he had alleged that without his medication I am nothing. How could it be possible that the disability of dopamine missing from my mind never manifested itself in all these years and how did I got rid of the delusions of persecution that he said I had without ever taking a pill, and not only but in the 3 occasions he testified in Court in my first court case on 9/4/03, 1/12/03 and 16/12/03 said that I was doing well with the medication when in fact I was taking nothing and was doing well anyway. Not only there are contradictions that he attributed to me severe illnesses and then left me on just 2 small pills daily for only 4 weeks, of 1 and a half pill for the rest of roughly next 4 years, and a misery of one small insignificant pill for the remainder of nearly the next 6 years, but also the fact that I take absolutely no pills and manage to keep the absolute record that I do not miss a single day from my full-time job and the symptoms of illnesses never manifest themselves and no one from work or from the family ever reported anything abnormal on me. Also if he had to withdrew what had wrote in the report for the Court in the second case after having been quoted by all the media, and it comes out that he had condemned me a mental on wrong conclusions because I had stopped taking the medication when by far wasn't the case, it would be revealed how he was not worthy in the role of expert of the Court to examine me because it comes that he had made an amateur job when he failed to consider the whole story (amongst them those 12 points I mentioned previously) to have gone so wrong, it is as if there was a building which collapsed and the architect who was asked to investigate continued with the trend and concluded that this was because the material used was of inferior quality when in fact the true reason was coming from foundations not resting on a stable ground, and once his wrong conclusions saw the light of the day, if he withdrew them and accepts the mistake be seen how incompetent he was. In my case this that my wrong doings were because I had stopped taking the medication originated first from the Police in the media conference before they had just taken me to Court, continued to built on this theory the media within 2 days with interviews with persons working in the mental health sector, and then like the cherry on the cake it remained to the Psychiatrists to continue with the trend and confirm like parrots this great discovery, and once everyone was staring agape of their great wisdom as if they discovered that the sun revolves around the earth, how much more will everyone stare astonished of what they are worthy when it gets known that in fact it's the earth that revolves around the sun and not the other way round and ends a true case of the wise men taking a great fall. Apart from this, the fact that they had concluded that it was because I had stopped taking the medication, one could imagine the pride of David Cassar that without his extraordinary medication one ends up crazy collecting animal carcasses and crucify them, and after getting all this publicity at my expense and to my detriment, all of a sudden everything would evaporate to nothing – go tell the public that with his medication he ends making you sick as he did to me with the injections he gave me made me always swinging like a pendulum, suffering from impotence, not sleeping nearly all day, make you ill with depression and killing you slowly slowly with Parkinson's disease amongst others and absolutely doesn't care about these ugly side effects of his medication without the slightest scientific basis for the illnesses he invented that I was suffering – God forbid I was mentally sick before the arrest because not only I would have deteriorated further as a result of his medication but also would have long been buried gave me an injection Fluanxol that makes you sick with depression to the point that increases the likelihood to make you commit suicide to see how irresponsible he is. Also this that he had to admit that the conclusions he arrived to where totally wrong was going to be a great humiliation for him, especially when it comes out that he had fallen to the bait of one who for such a long time had reduced and discredited to a complete mental and depicted me as a disable with dopamine missing from my mind amongst others. That is, to save his face, so as not to get caught that he lied and had been lying on me from the start since 2002 and made this under oath in Court, so as not to appear as the frauduster he is that he intentionally had made a totally incorrect diagnoses of me in his effort to discredit me, to intimidate me and to make a cover-up of severe criminal acts that I had suffered in my first court case, to not appear that he had been embezzling the Government prescribing me pills and injections he knew I didn't need, to not appear that he had continued to deceive and mislead the Court also in the second case made it appear that it was because I had stopped taking the medication when the medication of just a single small pill daily was so insignificant that it could never have had any effect anyway, to not have to withdraw the incorrect conclusions he had reached in the court report after having been quoted by all the media, and capriciously, he is ready to condemn the destiny, the well-being, and the life of a person for all his life as a mental with all the stigma and the ugly consequences that this brings with it when he knew that I wasn't ill, to see what a Psychiatrist without scruples and conscience he is. Not only with this step he continued to reveal his true face and who he really is, but if there was someone who still doubted the abuses I suffered from him in my first court case and how he had malignly manipulated and intentionally lied labeled me as a complete mental to not be credible if I come to expose the abuses that I had suffered, now has all the confirmation of who he really is and to how far he can go because once again he doesn't want and absolutely doesn't interest him that truth prevails, he just doesn't care that the case was concluded on wrong facts and that I am suffering the consequences amongst them that I was locked innocently in a mental instituition, because in my first court case the same thing had happened and no one dared to ask him about his great contradictions, and WITH THE PSYCHIATRIC IMMUNITY HE ENJOYS (THAT WHATEVER HE SAYS HE IS BELIEVED EVEN IF HE IS SAYING BLATANT LIES WITHOUT ANYONE RAISING ANY DOUBT ABOUT WHAT HE IS SAYING AND HIS GREAT CONTRADICTIONS, WHILE THE VICTIM ONCE LABELED AS A MENTAL CAN BRING MULTIPLE PROOFS BECAUSE NO ONE CARES OF WHAT HE SAYS AND EVEN TURNS AGAINST HIM) will again happen the same things convinced that there is no one who can stand him with all the contacts he has and even with the status he enjoys he is above the law no one is going to break it up with him to help me. |
2-Oct-16 9-Nov-16 27-Nov-16 11-Dec-16 |
Towards September '16 I heard that the Commissioner for Mental Health John Cachia was going to visit Mount Carmel Hospital and amongst them was going to visit our ward (actually it is one of his obligations, role (k) that he has to do as a Commissioner). I wrote him a letter dated 2-Oct-16 and left it with 2 officials from his office who came to the ward on his behalf, lamenting of the abuses of the Minister of Justice in prolonging my case as much as possible and keep ignoring the advice to get me out of the Committee presided by none other than the Commissioner himself with the excuse that he wanted the advice of the Attorney General and the Commissioner of Police that didn't apply in my case, and also of the nightmares David Cassar was passing me from with the side effects of the injections he prescribed me, first he left me for nearly 2 years swinging like a pendulum with the Fluanxol injection, and now that was with the new injection Risperdal had disabled me and could not sleep almost the whole day / night amongst others, and if he justified such medication that was taking away my strength. Don't you think he bothered replying, obviously no, and in a letter dated 9-Nov-16 I wrote him again reminding him of the previous letter and this time I put down in writing also the fact that I had been condemned as a mental on wrong facts when they had concluded that my wrong doings was a case of relapse because I had stopped taking the medication in the roughly 3 years before the arrest (the same David Cassar had mentioned this fact when he testified in front of the Committee on 7-Apr-16 presided by the same Cachia) when in fact I had never taken them in 12 years from the start and that I had the proof to sustain this with pills of several years ago still intact in the package, and that this would have turned everything upside down because it would have meant that they had condemned me as a mental on wrong conclusions. This time he replied two weeks later on 22-Nov-16 and avoids mentioning the point where I told him that I had been condemned as a mental on wrong facts. I write to him again in a letter dated 27-Nov-16 mentioning again the same point and once again avoids writing about it and blatantly tells me that he cannot decide on the medication given to me by David Cassar (in fact it is a complete lie that he cannot decide on the medication because one of his roles is (f) authorize or prohibit special treatments, clinical trials or other medical or scientific research on persons under the provisions of this Act, apart that this email sent by no other than himself further confirms him the big liar he is). I took another chance and mentioned again the same point for the third time in a row in a letter dated 11-Dec-16 – if he had run away the first time, runaway the second time, the third time always being more specific wanted to see what he was going to say. In fact this time not only did he refrained once again from taking action on such a severe situation where I had notified him for one, two, three times that I had been condemned as a mental on wrong facts and as a consequence been forced to take injections that were seriously ruining my health and disabled me amongst others, apart that I was being detained innocently in a mental institution, but even this time did not even bother to reply at all. Truly this Cachia treats the patients as insects, it is as if he wanted to say he is not going to reply the complaint of one of them and you would make him feel downgraded by writing him sees you as a waste of time, and once I knew what he is worthy of and that he absolutely doesn't care of me so as not to break it up with David Cassar, I almost cut all correspondence with him, and instead of finding him as an aid, it turned against me. This Cachia in the law concerning mental health, Chapter 525, is even referred as the Commissioner for the "Promotion of the Rights" of people with mental disorder, that he is not simply a Commissioner for mental health, and in Part III, Article 6, pages 7-8 there is listed his roles in 15 clauses from (a) to (o) which in my case he did not exercise his duty in more than half of them, in 8, a really true record of incompetence and to how he is not worthy the position he occupies. These clauses are: (a) promote and safeguard the rights of persons suffering from a mental disorder and their carers; (b) review any policies and make such recommendations to any competent authority to safeguard or to enhance the rights of such persons and to facilitate their social inclusion and wellbeing; (d) ensure that patients are not held in the licensed facility for longer than is necessary; (f) authorise or prohibit special treatments, clinical trials or other medical or scientific research on persons under the provisions of this Act; (i) investigate any complaint alleging breach of patient's rights and take any subsequent action or make recommendations which may be required to protect the welfare of that person; (j) investigate any complaint about any aspect of care and treatment provided by a licensed facility or a healthcare professional and take any decisions or make any recommendations that are required; (l) report any case amounting to a breach of human rights within a licensed facility to the appropriate competent authority recommending the rectification of such a breach and take any other proportional action he deems appropriate; (m) report to the appropriate competent authority any healthcare professional for breach of human rights or for contravening any provision of this Act and this without prejudice to any other proportional action that he may deem necessary to take; In a letter dated 26-Oct-16 I wrote also to the Chairman of Psychiatry Anton Grech to see what he is worthy telling him how my health had deteriorated with the side effects of the injection with David Cassar who had prescribed it didn't even bother about them, and mentioned him the fact that the Court had condemned me as a mental on conclusions based on wrong facts that because I had stopped taking the medication, but as they say a doctor doesn't contradict another one and so much did he bother, replying not one week, two weeks later, but over 3 months later (maybe he was occupied always being interviewed on TV and those things for him were of higher priority that the letter of a mere patient) in a letter dated 3-Feb-17 so as to appear to have written something telling me that according to him the case was in front of the Commissioner for Mental Health and told me if necessary to write to him. Wherever you knock other than persons scratching each other's back in high positions you don't find, with David Cassar having all the time to literally kill you (either directly by giving you an injection that makes you commit suicide, or indirectly by making you sick with depression and Parkinson's disease amongst others) and bury you and forget you and no one gets to know anything. Both Cachia as well as this Grech not only didn't take action but also continued to send me in the mouth of the wolf because probably they served as an ear to David Cassar and informed him that I had written to them because when some weeks later on 16-Dec-16 I happened to see David Cassar in the corridor of the ward and told him to reduce further the dosage of the injection Risperdal to 12.5mg as he had promised me because I had remained with the same side effects, told me that he was not going to reduce it because I had "deteriorated" with indirect reference for having reported him to these two. If I really had deteriorated one would have expected him to begin visit me regularly, instead he vindictively cut ties with me and this despite being locked in a hospital (not that before he used to visit me frequently, only once remotely and we talk only on where the case has finished, e.g. it is still pending in front of the Minister etc. and never mentions the illnesses he invented that I am suffering from). Deteriorated for him means that I was not so destroyed and sedated with injections enough as he wanted, and because I had reported 2 of his abuses,
he refrained from lowering the dosage of the injection further as he had promised me and left me destroyed with the side effects of the injection and even told me that the alternative is to change me back on the Fluanxol injection (that which amongst others makes you commit suicide, apart from the restlessness) or try on me yet another injection Olanzapine (Zypadhera) with other side effects even worse amongst them that every time you take it you are stuck they have to test you the blood pressure not for 15 minutes, not for an hour but for 3 long hours because it may increase it and for the remainder of the day you cannot operate or drive machinery, that is you are condemned to stay in bed (once again imagine the much greater effects it leaves on the mind for which it is intentioned). I would have been an absolute record in that in less than 2 years 2 months he would have tried on me 3 types of injections, really a true guinea pig, and from experience in roughly those 2 months till your body gets accustomed to them is really a nightmare: you lose your voice, muscle stiffness (you find it difficult to move, especially when you come to wash you cannot reach your back, you cannot run, etc.), and pain in all your body especially your neck and back amongst others, apart the other side effects that remain with you. That is he not only didn't proceed after nearly 2 months since I sent him that letter dated 9-Oct-16 so an not to reveal his true mask that he had condemned me as a mental intentionally on wrong facts and had kept me innocently locked in a hospital amongst others, but also wanted to continue to experiment on me with injections till he destroys me mentally and continue to kill me slowly, especially now that I had even more contradictions to reveal on him. |
Part Seven (Back to Part Selection)
20-Mar-17 | I wrote again the Ombudsman, this time asking him if he can intervene on the injustices and breach of human rights that I was suffering, amongst them 1) that the Minister of Justice was intentionally prolonging my case, 2) on the abuses I suffered from the Police amongst them with the unfounded and contradictory accusations intentioned to appear the most macabre possible amongst others, and 3) on the abuses of David Cassar (those two I mentioned previously, i) that he was ruining my health with his medication, and ii) for not proceeding when he was more that conscious that the conclusions of the court report in the second case were based on wrong facts). On the Minister they wrote to him if I understood well asking him why he didn't endorse once he had a favourable advice from the Committee to get me out and it seems that for many months he ignored them didn't reply back, on the Police they cut short telling me that the law doesn't give the authority to the Ombudsman to investigate them, and on David Cassar they referred it to the Commissioner of Health within the office of the Ombudsman who after 3 months in the waiting and after I had to write directly to the Ombudsman again for having not heard from him, wrote me the Ombudsman suggesting I refer my case to the Medical Council. |
6-Jul-17 9-Aug-17 18-Sep-17 23-Oct-17 20-Nov-17 7-Dec-17 15-Jan-18 |
With a letter dated 6-Jul-17 I wrote for the first time to the Medical Council asking them to intervene amongst them on those 2 abuses I mentioned previously of David Cassar and came up with points which he ignored in the court report to intentionally in the second case once again made a completely wrong diagnoses of me to depict me once again as a mental. Subsequently I wrote them on other occasions in the dates shown, each time revealing something new on the abuses I had long been suffering from David Cassar from my first court case, and sustain them with proofs, amongst them I sent them a summary of the days I took as sick leave from work (which consisted only of those 37 days I was locked up in hospital in 2002), photos of pills he prescribed me still in package with the manufacturing date of several years ago which shows that I never took them in 12 years, and that letter of the Commission for the Administration of Justice dated 4-Oct-04 amongst others, because vilely once being in a disadvantaged position labeled as a mental, without dignity, without credibility, it is not enough just one proof but I have to sustain it with multiple proofs, in contrast to David Cassar who in his role of Psychiatrist can invent blatant lies on you and all of a sudden attributes that you are suffering from chronic and severe mental illnesses and is instantly believed without anyone raising the slightest doubt on the contradictions he says or asks him to come forward with just a single scientific proof (it is as if he invented I was suffering from Aids when I never showed its symptoms and was believed without anyone asking him to bring just one scientific test to prove his conclusions). Apart from this, it is by far not easy to expose everything all at once when you had been suffering for years from a tyrant like David Cassar and even from a case of so long ago, you come at crossroads from where to begin, and with the label of a mental you have to overcome the stigma that no one takes you seriously, you nearly give up before you even start, you feel as if you are writing for nothing and that no one will take notice of you. For all these years I was held hostage and with a millstone around my neck by David Cassar that if I dared to reveal the intrigues of my first court case will turn them as if I was imaging a conspiracy taking place against me (those famous "delusions of persecution" which that letter of the Commission for the Administration of Justice dated 4-Oct-04 revealed that they by far weren't simply my delusions) and now that I was locked in hospital under his trust, dependent totally on him and can do whatever he wants on me without anyone objecting, not even if you write to the Commissioner for Mental Health or the Chairman of Psychiatry, I was risking repercussions without limits from a man like him without any scruples, amongst them by sedating me further increasing the dosage of the injection or prescribing me yet another injection to even more sedate me and destroy me, and fail to proceed to get me out of hospital if one day the Minister proceeds. But now with the Minister intentionally and vindictively was doing all he could to prolong the case, and with my health deteriorating due to the side effects of the injections, I chose to take the risk and speak out, not to remain silent, despite the limitations on my mind sedated by the injection, and plucked up my courage and a bit at a time began to put everything in writing and unveil all the intrigues and expose the true character of David Cassar. They say that truth prevails and when David Cassar didn't proceed when I told him that in fact I never took pills in 12 years after he had based the conclusions of the court report for "having stopped taking the medication," he revealed how he intentionally had deceived and misled the Court to the point that at all costs he didn't want the truth to come out because he knew he had so much to loose and was the spark that gave me the courage to reveal all his malignant intricacies from my first court case of so many years ago, that was the start of abuses that I had been suffering in silence, waiting that one day comes the moment for the oil to surface on top of the water. But months pass and the Medical Council keeps back from taking any action on such a severe case and this raised me suspicions. I tried to find out who are the Council members and found that most of them are facebook friends with David Cassar, with his wife even being one of the members with possibly the others know him also and chose not to do it so public. It is the misfortune when you have a small country with more chances that those in high positions end up knowing each other, a chance for nepotism with one scratching the other's back, ending being a shoulder to one another. From the letter dated 23-Oct-17 onwards I raise this blatant conflict of interest that have the majority of the members of this Medical Council and ask them that if necessary they appoint a Magistrate to investigate himself if they aren't in a position to do this themselves, but months continue to pass and still nothing happens. On this conflict of interest I wrote also to the Minister of Health Chris Fearne on 22-Oct-17 on the email I found on his website asking how can I put my mind to rest that I have a fair hearing on my case whey the majority of the Council members publicly say they are the friends of the Psychiatrist against whom I raised my complaint or of his wife who also is a member of the Council. But I do not receive anything and on 11-Nov-17 I send him a mobile message I found on the same website asking him to send me an email address on which I can write him, but for the second time he ignores me. To eliminate all excuses, in a letter dated 13-Nov-17 I wrote to him directly at the Ministry of Health in Valletta but for the third consecutive time he did not respond. As usual wherever I knocked, I only found closed doors in my face. Every time I wrote a letter it was like a ray of hope, only to find out later that for the umpteenth time everything was once again all in vain, nothing was going to change for the good, they would ignore me once again and again for the mental Cassar had labeled me of being, possibly even betraying me reporting me to Cassar himself for the friends they were to do me harm and keep him informed of everything, and as usual leave me abandoned all alone at the mercy of this spiteful tyrant. JUST IMAGINE A CHILD WHO WAS BEING REPETITIVELY ABUSED BY HIS TEACHER, AND THIS CHILD REPORTS IN VAIN THE ABUSES TO OTHER TEACHERS, TO THE HEADMASTER, THE HEAD OF EDUCATION, THE MINISTER, THE AUTHORITIES, ETC. AND EVERYONE, REALLY UNBELIEVABLY EVERYONE, KEEPS IGNORING HIM. But as I always behaved well in hospital he was with his hands tied and could not find the excuse to destroy me increasing me the dosage the way he so much wished. |
16-Sep-17 | Towards August beginning of September '17 from the persons who used to come to visit the patients on Sundays, two of them chose to make an appointment with the Minister of Justice Owen Bonnici regarding my case. As soon as they mentioned him my name he instantly made them a sign with his hand he did not want any discussions but in one way or another they started to talk and told them that I used to write letters, had written the Ombudsman, "Daphne," etc. and told them that he was going to check at what point the case has arrived. At the same time two from Mosta also spoke with him and to these two he told them that he was going to help me "but not that it was worthed because he used to write to Daphne.” I WAS TRULY BEING DISCRIMINATED INTENTIONALLY BY THE MINISTER BECAUSE DISGRACEFULLY I ENDED ASSOCIATED WITH DAPHNE but what is vile is that two of these who had spoke to him could have easily ended his political career once forever, they could have made life hell to him and his party and took enormous political advantage, but maybe owing to the character assassination that was done on me by the Police it was as if they didn’t want to appear as if they were helping one who in public perception was maliciously depicted as having maltreated, killed and crucified animals, and once again poor me the victim as this vile crime of discrimination by the Minister was wiped under the carpet not mentioned as if law does not exist to him being guess what, "Minister of Justice" to be even more vile. Again in a far from normal country, it is the speck in my eye that is seen not the big log in other's eye. If in March '15 I had just the suspicion that there was someone who incited the Minister to intentionally waste me one year till he referred me to the Committee, if in March '16 I could say that I had the confirmation that once again the same person had incited again the Minister to intentionally and vindictively for another one and a half year kept prolonging my case then even ignoring the advice of the Committee to be released from Hospital after having finally appeared in front of the Committee, now I had the proof not of one but of four persons that THE MINISTER VINDICTIVELY WAS DISCRIMINATING ME INTENTIONALLY because I had been associated with Daphne and how intentionally everything was premeditated. For sure this Minister abused his position to vilely keep me locked and kidnapped in hospital for all these years, not because he had some reason that justifies this like having a negative reply from the Committee or I was doing crazy things, but solely for the hatred he had against one who was told had to do with Daphne, and he couldn't take his revenge against her, he did it with me. In other words, I was discriminated and left kidnapped and forgotten in detention to satisfy the minister's intense appetite for revenge and pushed by another tyrant of Fredrick Azzopardi who had a lot to loose if I was discharged because I had things to uncover on him. Subsequently Minister Owen Bonnici on 16-Sep-17, after 3 and a half years locked up, 2 and a half years of them because he vilely abused from his position and discriminately and intentionally didn't proceed, approved me some leave from hospital, that I go out for a misery of 5 hours twice a week that are revised after 3 months, and with this rate it will take me a lifetime till finally I get out forever if ever. But blatantly also in his same letter that in it approved me some hours as leave there is also written that "the responsible specialist has to follow the reaction that patient Nicholas Grech has over a period of months for a new injection or medicine he is given," that is the Minister gave all the authority and liberty to David Cassar with the blessing even of the Commissioner of Mental Health (from whom he most probably got the idea) to continue to experiment on me with a new injection or medicine as if I was some guinea pig (actually that is what you become once you enter this hospital, once you have to do with this fake branch of medicine they call Psychiatry) and this vilely when both of them (the Commissioner and David Cassar) knew that I required no medicine because the court report of the second case that had condemned me once again as a mental was based on incorrect facts amongst others, for having stopped taking the medication when by far was not the case – in fact I had not stopped but NEVER taken any medication. But months pass and locked I was and locked I remained and subsequently had to be that person from Mosta whom I mentioned earlier who was one who spoke with the Minister about my case who wrote this time to David Cassar towards December '17, asking him why I was still locked in hospital after nearly 3 months since the Minister’s approval, for the things to begin to move. |
5-Dec-17 | On 5-Dec-17 came to see me David Cassar after having cut all ties with me for more than a year vindictively amongst others for having reported him to the Commissioner for Mental Health John Cachia and the Chairman of Psychiatry Anton Grech, with the last time he had seen me was on 20-Oct-16 (on 16-Dec-16 he had come to see another patient, I just saw him in the corridor and had only time to tell him to reduce the dosage of the injection to 12.5mg as promised but he refused). I was in the seventh heaven that he had come to give me the leave that the Minister had approved after so many headaches and vindictivenesses but this joy was short-lived because instead he came to tell me that my health was deteriorating (mentally presumably). When for 2 times I asked what I did wrong so that I learn from the mistake, he didn't want to tell me but after a while he made reference to "the last time you wrote to the Medical Council" and "do you still believe you don't need medication." That is for having reported him to the Medical Council he instantly turned it that I am imagining a conspiracy taking place against me and he is once again confirming how in all these years I was held hostage by him threatened with a millstone round my neck that if I dare to expose his abuses and the intrigues amongst them of my first court case, I will be in serious, really very serious, trouble. In fact he not only vilely and intentionally did he keep me locked for nearly 3 months since the Minister had approved me some hours leave per week by not proceeding and yet it is even more vile considering that according to the letter of the Minister within 3 months Cassar should have made another plea to the Minister to revise the amount of leave, but to sedate me further he also said that he wanted to increase the dosage of the injection Risperdal but with the excuse not to increase further the side effects that I already had, he said he wanted to prescribe me another injection Zypadhera /Olanzapine (that which he mentioned when I had just saw him in the corridor on 16-Dec-16). He didn't manage to destroy me as much as he wanted by making me sick with depression with the injections Fluanxol and Risperdal, now he was going to try this with side effects even worse amongst them that it makes you feel drowsy (the exact opposite of Risperdal that doesn't let you sleep, from one extreme to another), suffer from impotence (that is I remain where I am if by now he has made me disabled for all my life), each time you take it you have to do 3 hours stuck checking you the blood pressure because it may increase it and for the remainder of the day you cannot operate machinery or drive some car (that is you have to spend the rest of the day bed ridden), etc. and once again one can just imagine the much greater effects it leaves on your mind for which it is intentioned. It also meant that for simply having reported him to the Medical Council, APART FROM THESE NOT IN ANY WAY HELPED ME THE VICTIM OF SUCH A CRUEL TYRANT BUT CARED ONLY HOW TO HELP HIM FURTHER TO DO ME MORE HARM, he turned it as if they were symptoms of illnesses because like the biggest tyrant he accepts no criticism and also turned against me because blatantly with most of the members of the Medical Council publicly being facebook friends with him or his wife who also is a member of the Council, don’t you see they will not take it against him, such a close colleague. But what is worth noting is that I had in the past letters I wrote to the Medical Council forwarded them a copy of that letter of the Commission for the Admission of Justice dated 4-Oct-04 and in the same way this so fake Commission had not taken any action against Peralta but covered him up, it created an ugly precedent for the Council to do just the same, vilely cover-up Cassar and even take it a step further waiting for him to destroy me with injections so that everything be swept under the carpet and in so doing be covered-up by Cassar in their so severe crime. Isn’t it impressive how the institutions work is such a country since every corrupt like Malta? When I described him as a tyrant I didn't do it in the heat of the moment but knew what I was saying because by now I know him quite well, with all this continues to confirm what a man without scruples he is without any limits at the cost that he wants me destroyed, sedated and is trying his utmost to make me go crazy and kill me slowly slowly with the side effects of the injections so as not dare unveil his abuses and those of others I had long been suffering. In fact he is such a cruel man and vindictive person that it was not enough that for nearly 3 months he left me kidnapped in hospital since the Minister had approved me some leave after all those years he (the Minister) discriminately and intentionally had left me locked up (see emails1 and emails2), because he (Cassar) told me that he is not going to let me out anyway (exactly as I had predicted when I mentioned earlier that I began reporting his abuses) - SO MUCH HE IS A TYRANT AND VINDICTIVE PERSON WITHOUT SCRUPLES. And this apart from the fact that he didn't proceed after more than a year since I gave him that letter dated 9-Oct-16 in which I had notified him that the conclusions they arrived to in the court report of the second case were based on incorrect facts, to see what a man without conscience he is and how intentionally he had once again misled the Court when he said that it was because I had stopped taking the medication because in reality it didn't make him any difference if I had really ever took it or not. But it seems that God couldn't bear it because it happened that this injection Olanzapine he wanted to prescribe and destroy me with, either because they had exceeded the quota allocated for that year or for any other reason, was not approved and instead on 17-Dec-17 instead of the injecton Risperdal he started giving me one pill Olanzapine 5mg daily. I had suffered that injection Risperdal 46 times in total, a third of which (15 times) at a dose of 37.5mg and the remaining two thirds (31 times) at a dosage of 25mg, and when I searched the internet for its pricing found that it had costed the Government around €8,565 (15x€230 + 31x€165) on a period of a little more than one and a half years, with €4,950 of them after I had given him that letter dated 9-Oct-16 informing him that the court report in the second case was based on wrong conclusions because the pills I had never took them in 12 years from the very start – that is it was not enough that he had since 2002 prescibed me pills (amongst them to discredit and sedate me) and from 2014 that he prescribed me injections (to continue to built on the blatant lies he began 12 years previously) that he knew I didn't need, but also he persevered embezzling the Government wasting away public money even when I told him that I had proof with pills going back several years from the start that invalidated the court report of the second case because it meant that it was based on incorrect facts. And with the injection Olanzapine he will continue to aggravate his position because it even costs more, but he doesn't care because his aim is to save his face by destroying me take away my strength and sedate me with pills / injections and make me disabled good for nothing. |
20-Dec-17 19-Jan-18 |
As if it was not enough, on 20/12/17 David Cassar sent for my sisters to tell them that I am sick, than once he prescribes me the Olanzapine injection if there will be any side effects he will prescribe me pills, and that he was not going to give me the leave that the Minister had approved because I had deteriorated - AS BEING SUCH A BIG FRAUDSTER AND MANIPULATOR OF FACTS to try to uncover the abuses you have long been suffering from him he turns it as being a symptom of paranoia, to keep everything to yourself keep your mouth shut means that the pills and injections he is sedating and destroying you with are having the desired dreadful effects. On 19-Jan-18 came to visit me David Cassar and was heartbroken that it had arrived the injection Olanzapine he wanted to prescribe me now that it had started a new year. But not to my expectations he had come to approve that I begin go out some hours leave per week one and a half months after he had told me that I deteriorated and as such was not fit to go out because amongst them had reported him to the Medical Council and even had sent for my sisters to tell them just the same that I had deteriorated and was not going to let me out. It was an impressive u-turn by a so fake Psychiatrist as if to confirm how Psychiatry is similarly that fake and to be even more impressive this in a time when I had written twice against him to the Medical Council in the meantime (supposed to be symptoms of sickness these for him), the last one just 4 days before on 15-Jan-18 where I had forwarded them a copy of the letter of the Minister and told them that I will be holding them responsible as after having reported him to the Council he vindictively didn't approve me the leave that the Minister had given me. This so great u-turn from his side all of a sudden confirms the leak-offs there were from the Council where to inform him instantly and keep him alert of whatever I wrote against him everything fine, but to take actions against him keep a step backward because of the double discommodity they had in having to take it against one 1) who many members of the Council were publicly facebook friends with him and 2) who happened to be the husband of a member of the Medical Council. And at the expense of whom? Of me of course. He might as well kill me, don't you think they would care or in any way have it on their conscience? On this date of 19-Jan-18 he approved that I go out for just 4 hours per week, on 15-Feb-18 approved me 4 hours twice a week, and after 2 months on 28-Mar-18 approved me 5 hours twice a week as originally had given me the Minister more than 6 months before (on 16-Sep-17). When on the same date of 28-Mar-18 I tell the doctor that appeared in his name to tell him to write to the Minister to increase me further the leave so as to be able to go to work, tells me that he told her that for now everything will remain as it is despite the fact that in the letter of the Minister was written down that it be revised after 3 months. That is once again for having wrote against him to the Medical Council he kept blackmailing me (maybe who knows finally he will succeed in destroying me mentally, now helped with the Olanzapine pills) by not proceeding so that one day could finally go out from hospital forever and go to work earn a living and integrate back in society and continues to confirm the tyrant he is without any conscience who wants only bad things to me. |
4/4/18 5/4/18 |
One thing you have to get accustomed to when being locked in a mental institution is the superiority complex the Psychiatrists and some of the staff have of themselves considering the patients as mentally disabled imbeciles since birth, a direct consequence of the stigma you carry once labeled a mental where everyone looks at you in suspicion (as happened in my second court case were simply a sort of ugly joke and research I was doing, with the label of a mental I had from my first court case, transformed them into something diabolical and the fruit of a psychopath with a really sick mind). Some nurses act in a way when face to face with you the patient but are completely transformed in front of the Psychiatrist, from my impression to get his sympathy and impress him with their dedication to their work. Way back as year 2014 was nearing its end and beggining of year 2015 during those turbulent times when Magistrate Apap Bologna who presided the Tribunal passed away, subsequently my file got lost to be found again at the wrong Ministry, the Tribunal was replaced by the Committee with no one sure of the new procedure to follow, the Mental Health Act was changed making the Psychiatrist instead of the patient as the one who should write to the Minister of Justice, and so many other complications, I used to ask the nurses to give me a telephone line to contact the various entities like the secretary of the Tribunal, the secretary of the newly formed Committee, to know of my fate and the way forward. At roughly the same time I used to phone the Police Headquarters to recuperate the laptop and many other things and documents the Police had taken from home on that day of my arrest. It happened that one day came David Cassar to see me and the duty nurse reported me for asking them for the telephone line so often as if it was some fixation of me: look this (sick person) is always wanting to phone. Another feature of their superiority complex is that for having committed some wrong doing or criminal offence is because you are schizophrenic. I have become of the conviction the Psychiatrists if given the chance would prescripe the injection for schizophrenia to all inmates in prison and end bankrupting the health system. For simply stealing an apple you risk being reported to the Psychiatrist. But wait, for them the laws do not apply. They take fruit, and whatever comes as food for the patients they dip their fingers in it, but for them they are doing nothing wrong - it has been carried on for so long that it has become the custom. It's the same with David Cassar, he lies so blatantly on you ending locked on 3 occasions in a mental institution innocently because of his blatant lies amongst others and his horrendous crimes are as if he did nothing wrong, everything is justified for these elites, the wrong doings that the patient, the inmate, commit they see as the biggest offence: don't you think you have offended the sentiments of people by crucifying animals they keep asking, but for all the media to have offended my sentiments calling me a "cat killer" when I wasn't and instigated hatred against me of course there is nothing wrong with it amongst many others. On 4/4/18 I had a clash with a nursing aid who for breakfast instead of giving me an egg and a yoghurt as had been the custom, asked me to choose either one or the other. As that day was to go out some hours leave with my family, since I had a cheap mobile without camera, brought with me a camera when I returned and once they distributed the evening meal and the same nursing aid began to collect the many left-overs to take home, went with the camera to take him photos doing this to have proof to incriminate him. Once I returned to my place to begin eating the meal, was confronted by a nurse who lost his temper with me to the point that, apart from confiscating my camera, he ended throwing me away the food and had to do from noon of that day the last time I had ate till the following morning hungry without food. It is useless reporting such abuse because it will turn against you, the authorities are always with the excuse ready in their mouth to cover and justify the abuses of the staff, and with the prejudice against the patients to blame them for everything, its part of their superiority complex, you have to accept it. But this time they went a step further for the day after on 5/4/18 came the doctor in the name of David Cassar not to hear my version of events about the incident for sure not, but to double the dosage of the pill Olanzapine from 5mg to 10mg daily with the excuse that she saw me agitated, while the nurse concerned got away with it was not even suspended (contrast with what happened in this case), his actions were justified and a precedent was created whereby from then on throwing away the food of a patient became part of the duties of the staff, a commendable example to follow. If nothing it is the confirmation that once again with me David Cassar prescribes pills not for what they are intentioned but as an instrument to cover-up the abusers and to discredit you doubles the dosage makes you appear as if you are imagining things, as if the abuse never happened but was just your illusion, a symptom of the psychosis of delusions of persecution that he had invented that I was suffering from way back in that court sitting of 12/6/02 for the same goal, really a case of for a tyrant like him old habits die hard, and even worse this time with all the blessing of the Commissioner for Mental Health John Cachia who was informed of the incident in which Cassar had so vilely doubled me the dosage and obviously took no action, just as he did nothing when I informed him way back in 2016 once, twice, three times, that the court report of the Psychiatrists is based on incorrect conclusions and that I had proof to sustain this and nevertheless left me locked innocently in a mental institution and even worse left David Cassar to continue to experiment on me with pills and injections. Although in the past Cassar was somewhat with his hands tied to so easily increase me the dosage as I always behaved well, now he had the staff on his side to do this at leisure (before they used to tell him that I always behaved well so he couldn't have that necessary excuse to drug me further – see this link, almost at the bottom). And likewise that so fake Commissioner for Mental Health John Cachia has all vested interest to not take action but leave Cassar unhindered to destroy me with pills / injections the way he liked because he had so much to loose if it came to be known that he covered-up Cassar instead of taking action against him when I had informed him once, twice, three times that his court conclusions in condemning me a mental were based on incorrect facts. Like the case with the Medical Council, he (Cassar) might as well kill me: don’t you think he (Cachia) would bother or in anyway have it on his conscience? As regards the nursing staff, the problem with them is not their blatant theft of patients’ food or for being arrogant with patients as this is something almost endemic with almost all staff in this hospital which would require almost all staff to be dismissed (rather it is the Hospital administration and the Commissioner of Mental Health who should be prosecuted for always backing the staff in their wrong practices despite the patients’ complaints), the real and very severe problem with them is that they knew quiet well that I was being drugged up so vilely and intentionally simply to satisfy their appetite for revenge. They even wanted that I be deprived of the few hours leave I had. |
7-May-18 |
After having been working for some months on the write-up and about one week on the website, put everything online on 28-Apr-18. By end of May '18 I set up the English version. On 7-May-18 I inform the Ombudsman of the website and ask him to take action on the abuses I had long been suffering. Replied on 17-May-18 the Commissioner of Health within the Office of the Ombudsman, Charles Messina, who presumably being such a close friend with Cassar blatantly tries to cover him up comes with stupid excuses. On 28-Jun-18 I phoned a certain Monica Borg Galea within the office of the Ombudsman asked her if her office can appoint a Magistrate to investigate told me the Ombudsman had no authority, or inform the Police told me she would speak to the Ombudsman who happened to be abroad. Told her that this was a severe shortcoming in the health sector where a Psychiatrist lied blatantly on me and had no scientific basis for the illnesses he had attributed to me. |
6-Jul-18 | On 6-Jul-18 came to see me Cassar, asked me if I suspected anything wrong with the Police, told him of course not, asked me when I had last written on “the vlog,” told him about 2 months ago, and said he found me well and was going to write to the Minister (Owen Bonnici) for an increase in leave. On 28-Aug-18 confirmed with his secretary that Cassar had just written to the Minister with a letter dated 24-Aug-18. |
3-Aug-18 | On 3-Aug-18 my sister, probably because she was written down as my 'responsible carer,' told me that the Ombudsman had written her to contact his office for an appointment. It is something unbelievable how I raise my complaint myself in front of the Ombudsman and this instead of sending for me to testify and sustain everything with proofs, from behind my back tries to manoeuvre with my sister when she for sure was not knowledgeable as me on the case. I phoned that same day Monica Borg Galea and told me that if I wanted I could go with my sister for the appointment and we agreed to be on 9-Aug-18. That day instead of one sister I took both to serve as witness and unexpectedly the aim behind the meeting was for this Monica and Messina to tell me to forget everything of the past (amongst them the threats of Peralta on 4-Feb-02) because it had happened so long ago (it's like telling you to not mention the abuses of the teacher at school because they happened when say I was 10 year old so many years ago), to see what a blatant cover-up they were doing to Cassar and that this meant that I had to accept the label of a mental Cassar had attributed so maliciously to me so that his blatant abuses be swept under the carpet as if never happened and even let him destroy me with pills and injections and I remain locked innocently in a mental hospital, while the real criminal of Cassar continue enjoy all liberty and multiple salaries and I deprived from earning a living. |
30-Nov-18 | On 30-Nov-18, 2 of those who had spoke with the Minister Owen Bonnici in the past about my case, went to his office in Zurrieq for the same purpose and he told them that he will send an email to bring him the file and that he was going to help me. But when had passed another month and a half and nothing happened, one of these 2 sent an email to remind the Minister of what he had promised him. And guess what, the Minister ended replying back on 16-Jan-19 threatening him he would end arraign him to Court because he saw him as was making pressure on him (the Minister). He was vilely yet once again intentionally wasting me time vindictively to the point that according to the letter of the Minister himself when for the first time he approved me some hours leave, it was supposed he was just waiting 3 months to elapse for the leave to be revised. |
14-Feb-19 25-Feb-19 13-Mar-19 |
It happened that a Commissioner for Standards in Public Life had been appointed some months before so I decided to give him a try and wrote him on 14-Feb-19 mentioning to him the fact that I had 3 persons as witnesses (actually later found out they were four) who heard Minister Owen Bonnici mention blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia when they had asked him about my case. He replied on 22/2/19 asking me to confirm to him some points to see if he could do anything on my case, and I replied to him on 25/2/19 explaining to him in more detail the mentioned points amongst them the involvement of Fredrick Azzopardi. I assume the Commissioner for Standards now asked for a clarification from Minister Owen Bonnici on what I alleged on him, and possibly mentioned to him that I told him I had 3 persons as witnesses that he was intentionally discriminating against me for having been associated with that blogger Daphne. Unexpectedly on 19-Mar-19 just about 3 weeks later, informed me the Deputy nurse of the ward that myself and my family were to appear in front of the Committee for the Revision of Mental Health within a week on 21-Mar-19. Everything was done is such a big hurry that that fake of Commissioner for Mental Health didn’t even have the decency to send a letter informing me and my family. Locked in this shit of Mount Carmel Hospital and had just put that tyrant of Minister to his knees. The above is what the Ward Deputy Nurse N. Farrugia wrote on me in the "Nursing Report" for the day of 13-Mar-19 (entire page with date can be seen here): Nicholas Grech -[ Informed by Joe Sant there is Board Enquiry on 21 March 1030am Training Centre. To attend patient and carer (his sister ???), N. Farrugia and Dr. Cassar. Joe Sant is some Head of the nursing staff and Training Centre is a sort of room at Mount Carmel Hospital. |
21-Mar-19 16-Apr-19 |
So finally came the day of 21-Mar-19 and with high hopes was expecting that finally the Committee was going to approve me to go out completely on leave from Hospital. First entered the usual Cassar for some half an hour, then the Ward Deputy Nurse, and then came my turn. At one point one of the members mentioned the fact that my wrong doings were a result for having stopped taking the medication before the arrest. Rather than risk they don’t give me leave at all if I dare tell such idiot that I had informed long ago the one next to him that fake Commissioner John Cachia himself 3 times that actually I had not taken any medication from the very start of year 2002 when Cassar began seeing me, like an idiot I had to just say that I had now learnt well the importance that I need to keep taking the medication. But it was all in vain as they subsequently told me they were going to suggest to the Minister to simply increase me a bit more the leave and came with the excuse that otherwise the Minister would end take long to approve the leave they had suggested to him. The true excuse was that Cachia for the corrupt he is was worried that with the doubling of the dosage of that Olanzapine pill was not destroyed enough and Cassar couldn’t continue to increase it further without that required excuse. Anyway once everything was over, like this meeting was set up within a shot time, so much didn’t take long, contrary to what happened in the past, the approval of the Minister for the increase in leave dated 16-Apr-19, and was subsequently informed by the Ward Deputy Nurse of this on 24-Apr-19. The above is what the Ward Deputy Nurse N. Farrugia wrote in the "Nursing Report" for the day of 24-Apr-19 (entire page with date can be seen here): Nicholas Grech - Granted by approval of Minister. 5 days leave / week. To be back(?) before 7pm. Can go unaccompanied and come accompanied or vice-versa. |
Abuses of Psychiatrist David Cassar (Back to Part Selection
- In my first court case back in 2001, once he saw me for the first time on 18-Feb-02 and had mentioned to him that they had done false testimony on me in Court, perjury, and tampering of evidence with the malignant intention to loose me the bail in the court sitting of 5-Jul-01, with Magistrate Carol Peralta threatening me of smashing me against the wall in the court sitting of 4-Feb-02, he didn't inform the competent authorities to investigate these abuses for truth to prevail.
- Instead of supporting me in his role of a Psychiatrist / expert appointed by the Court, he made a cover up of these criminal acts mentioned in point 1 and served as a shoulder to those who abused.
- Lied and made false testimony when instead he made it appear that I was imagining a conspiracy taking place against me, to quote his words when he testified on 12-Jun-02 that I was suffering from a "psychosis of delusions of persecution" when that letter of the Commission for the Administration of Justice dated 4-Oct-04 contradicts him because it shows that something far from normal was happening with "words which could have not been said because they were not fruitful to the proceedings of the case" directed to me by a Magistrate "from the tribune" in front of whom was being heard my case.
- Abused the system of free medicines incurring costs on the Government of Malta when he prescribed me pills he knew I didn't need, in his effort to sedate me, discredit me and make me appear as a mental amongst others.
- With the excuse that I didn't want to take pills, he made an urgent court sitting on 12-Jun-02 to lock me up abusively and innocently in Mount Carmel Hospital, kidnapped me. All this when I had already spent one year on bail, I broke no bail condition, worked, and was a danger to no one (except to those who made the abuses by revealing everything) and he couldn't say I had some Treatment Order which forced me to take the pills he prescribed me at all costs (his role was solely that of doing a report on me, a report which after nearly 1 year he still didn't do). The indirect intention was so that I will not be credible if I reveal the abuses and be believed, the important thing for him was to do me harm by labeling me as a mental and discredit me more than anything else because once labeled so no one takes notice of what you say, you lose all you dignity and everyone looks at you in suspicion, especially when already disadvantaged in the role of the accused need to take it against a Psychiatrist, a Court expert.
- On 12-Jun-02 he made wrong use of a Government facility, that is of a hospital, and incurred costs on the Government when he abused his position to lock me up innocently in it for his malignant intentions when he knew I had no illnesses.
- In the court report of the first case of 2001 that was done on 21-Jun-02 and if I am correct he also mentioned it in a court sitting, apart from all chronic and severe mental illnesses he could attribute me with relating to paranoia (schizophrenia, psychosis of delusions of persecution, mental alteration and paranoid psychosis) everything without any scientific basis, he invented that I have dopamine missing from my mind, a chemical or whatever it is that cannot be tested scientifically (e.g. via blood or urine sample, CT scan, Neuroimaging /brain scan, etc.) so as not to be caught that he is lying – that is he abused terms that are still being contemplated in psychiatry to depict them as something factual in the eyes of the Court. That is he not only lied but also made false testimony in Court and shows how the perjury I told him was made on me in Court was nothing special for him because maybe he had also done it in other cases before and didn't bother repeating it with me.
- He took advantage of his position of an expert appointed by the Court and the credibility of such a position to do false allegations on me (that I am imagining a conspiracy, that I have dopamine missing from my mind, depicted me as a mental, etc.), that is he exploited and took advantage of the fact that his word has more power and whatever he says is believed without anyone daring to challenge him on the contradictions he says, to manipulate the case as he wanted, deceived and misled the Court, avoided criminal proceedings from being taken against those who made the abuses on me (made a cover up), and obstructed the course of justice.
- In the court report of the second case I had in Court in 2014 that was made on 2-Jun-14 failed to mention the contradictions and the anomalies I had in the accusations as made by the Police. Although in the Court report it seems that he mentioned that the animals I used to find them dead, and so confirms that he was aware of the frame-ups and the character assassination the Police made me with unfounded and contradictory accusations when they were more than convinced I didn't do, he didn't take action or alerted the Court for these severe abuses to be investigated, that is once again made a cover up of severe criminal acts, prevented truth from prevailing and justice be made with those who abused their position and were in a position to prevent such criminal acts from happening.
- Despite as being my consultant in the second case of 2014 knew I was on a small dosage of just one small insignificant pill a day, he deceived and misled the Court when he ignored those 12 points I mentioned earlier and fell to my bait coming to the conclusion that my wrong doings were as a result that I had stopped taking the medication, when this medication of just a small single pill a day was so insignificant that couldn't have had any effect on my health nevertheless (in fact your body with time gets used to the pills and become ineffective, especially when the dosage is already small and insignificant).
- Because of his false testimony, I had to suffer miscarriage of justice in both my 2 Court cases.
- He forced me to take medication despite in 2014 having signed a consent form which gave me the right to stop medication when I wanted as also stated in the Mental Health Act article 3.1.i.
- On 4-Aug-14 he prescribed me the injection Fluanxol (Depixol) that amongst its side effects were that it makes you depressed and to the point that it makes you commit suicide, to see what an irresponsible Psychiatrist he is and this after having passed from that trauma when all of a sudden I lost everything, after all those lies that were said on me in the media like being called a "cat killer", the character assassination and the frame-ups I suffered from the Police amongst others.
- When on 9-Oct-16 I informed him that in fact I never took the pills in 12 years from the beginning (and not only in the roughly 3 years before the second arrest), and this fact would have turned everything upside down after he had based the conclusions of the court report of the second case I had in Court in 2014 for having stopped taking the medication (and was quoted by all the media), he didn't go in front of the court with this new evidence on which he had based his conclusions to condemn me once again as a mental, but once again prevented truth from prevailing and obstructed once again the course of justice because he in Court (with reference to my cases) does not go to say the truth but to lie and mislead the Court. This shows he just wanted to mislead the Court when he concluded that my wrong doings were a result of having stopped taking the medication because in reality it didn't make him any difference – he wanted at all costs to find the excuse to condemn me once again as a mental and I gave him the bait and he fell to it. According to the Mental Health Act, Chapter 525, Article 37(a) provides that a report be drawn up by 3 Psychiatrists, one of them being the specialist responsible of me, David Cassar, so that the Court be in a position to either discharge me from hospital or continue with the criminal proceedings against me, and with this fact I unveiled (that it was not the case that I had stopped taking the medication as they have concluded) for sure was a case for the second option where David Cassar as the specialist responsible of me and even worse was involved directly in the court report of the second case in which he based his conclusions on these wrong facts, by far should have taken action and was obliged to proceed on this new testimony that would have overturned everything (it meant that I was condemned as a mental on wrong facts and I was being kept innocently in a mental institution). Instead he refrained from proceeding and kept me locked innocently in a hospital and even worse kept experimenting on me with pills and injections with all their ugly side effects that they brought on me.
- Not only he didn't inform the Court, but to save his face, so as not to appear that he intentionally had made an incorrect diagnoses of me, so as not to appear to have lied and has been lying on me since my first court case from 2002 when he began seeing me, he left me on an injection (Risperdal) with severe side effects and maybe permanent on my health (the alternative other injections with other ugly side effects) when now he knew more than before that I didn't need any medication not only because my need for medication has originated from his pure manipulation of facts in my first court case as an excuse to lock me for those 37 day in hospital way back in 2002 to discredit me amongst others, but now also that I had revealed that the single small pill a day not only didn't take it in roughly those 3 years before the arrest of 2014 but actually never took anything in 12 years. This shows what a man without scruples and without conscience and heart he is and how far he can go to the point that he is ready to ruin the health and destiny of man capriciously, to save his face.
- For having reported two of his abuses to the Commissioner of Mental Health (between October – December '16) and the Chairman of Psychiatry he told me that I had "deteriorated" and vindictively cut all ties with me for more than a year (from 20-Oct-16 till 5-Dec-17), when if I really had deteriorated one would have expected him to come visit me frequently and not do exactly the opposite and yet once more ends contradicting himself. Deteriorated for him means that I was still not sedated enough, destroyed mentally and disabled with the injections and pills as he wanted me to be.
- He made me pass from one mental torture to another, from the injection Fluanxol (Depixol) that makes you restless, makes you suffer from depression and commit suicide, to the injection Risperdal that doesn't let you to sleep, makes you suffer from impotence, pain in my leg (beginning of Parkinsons desease, chance of 1 in 10), depression (chance of 1 in 10), apart from possibly making you suffer from diabetis (chance of 1 in 100) and now with Olanzapine pill that makes you drowsy, suffer from delirium, remain suffering from impotence and may increase the blood pressure amongst others in a way that once instead of the pill he prescribes me the Olanzapine injection, every time I take it have to remain stuck checking me the blood pressure for a long 3 hours and the remainder of the day bed ridden.
- Embezzled the Government since 2002 when he prescribed me pills and since 2014 when he prescribed me injections that he knew I didn't need, incurring the costs on the Government, from the taxpayer. He continued to persevere in the abuse even when I gave him that letter dated 9-Oct-16 in which I informed him the court report of the second case was based on wrong facts because in reality I had never took the pills in 12 years and this despite having informed him that I had proof to sustain this with pills dating back to the early years.
- He lied, made false testimony, when he said that I am schizophrenic when if there is an illness that is incompatible with me is really this one. I was a healthy individual where over a period of 15 years and a half worked without taking a single day as sick leave (except those 37 days he locked me up in 2002), I had made a stunt cycling from home at Mosta to work at Delimara and back nearly every day (there are some who find it hard to do it even with a car), I managed to make no less than 12 keys (by far is not something that easy to make them and you have to believe and have confidence in yourself), I managed to enter the crypt of Mosta church in the middle of the night (there are some who find it hard entering even in broad daylight), to see how I could never have been schizophrenic who are persons who see visions and hear voices and are afraid of them, symptoms I never had and neither others. Apart from this, by succeeding in not going crazy in all these years I had been locked in hospital after all those injustices, abuses, vindictivenesses, breach of human rights and lies that were said on me, not to mention the mental torture that he is making me pass from with the side effects of the injections / pills, for sure wasn't ill before the arrest when I had everything.
- He lied blatantly in the Court report of my 2nd Court case amongst others when he said that I had been mental since childhood and had been locked for several years in Mount Carmel Hospital
- For all these years I was held hostage, threatened with a millstone round my neck that if I report the abuses I suffered, amongst them his, he turns it again that I am imagining a conspiracy taking place against me, interprets it that I am not taking the pills and an excuse to lock me up again in Mount Carmel Hospital as he did abusively in 2002. When he locked me up in 2002 it was really a show-of-force, an act of bullying, he wanted to teach me how far he can go and that no one can stand him, and that the small fish never ate the large one, that he can tread on you the way he wants and when he wants, and manipulate the case the way he wants without anyone daring to ask him about the great contradictions he says. Once labeled as a mental was the first step for more abuses, he wanted to tell me that in the way he locked me in 2002, whenever he wanted he can do me the same even more easily than before because now am labeled as a mental and thus without any dignity no one takes notice of what you say with this label. It was another reason why in the second case I had in Court in 2014 had to tell them that it was because I had stopped taking the medication in the roughly 3 years before the arrest instead of telling them that I never took his pills in 12 years, or risk being locked up again this time for all my life in hospital and prescribes me the injection as he in fact did. I already had experience of him in 2002 and had learnt well what a tyrant without conscience and scruples he is and how far he can go.
- He saw that I be destroyed mentally and made my life a hell when I was the most vulnerable. In the first case of 2001, after that in the court sitting of 5-Jul-01 false testimony / perjury was made and tampering of evidence with a video that took place before the arrest made it appear as if it happened after with the malignant intention to loose me the bail, after in the court sitting of 4-Feb-02 Magistrate Carol Peralta threatened me of smashing me against the wall, and after my lawyers held back from mentioning these abuses and defend me, all abuses which could have easily destroyed me mentally, he made a court sitting on 12-Jun-02 to lock me in Mount Carmel Hospital with the excuse that I didn't want to take the pills he prescribed me, he turned it and invented that I was suffering from "psychosis of delusions of persecution" and labeled me a mental so as not to be credible if I dare to reveal those abuses. In the second case of 2014, after he was conscious that they had made me unfounded accusations, frame-up and character assassination amongst others and after that trauma and lies that were said on me in the media on my case, injustices that I suffered and breach of human rights, all abuses which could once again have easily destroyed me mentally, he prescribed me injections that make you suffer from depression, with one of them to the point that makes you commit suicide, with side effects that made me a disable suffering from impotence and also in the case of Risperdal that it doesn't let you sleep amongst others, to destroy me mentally and ruin my health.
- He defamed me when he labeled me a mental with all the prejudices and the stigma this brings with it simply so as not to be credible if I dare to reveal the abuses I suffered in my first court case and at the same time make a cover up of those who committed the crimes, and in the second case of 2014 he continued to build on this diagnoses intentionally and malignly wrong that had started more than 12 years before. It is a big humilation being labeled a mental when you aren't and even more frightening forced to take medicines/pills/injections you don't need and which are ruining your health with their ugly side effects.
- Made false testimony in Court, perjury, in the 2 cases I had, and this is more severe considering he did it in his role of expert appointed by the Court and on the basis of his testimony the Magistrate had to sentence me, when he depicted me as a complete mental with all paranoia type of illnesses he could invent: from paranoid psychosis to schizophrenia, from psychosis of delusions of persecution to mental alteration, he depicted me as a disable with dopamine missing from my mind, etc. all the fruit of his hearsays without the slightest scientific basis, say originated from a blood or urine sample, CT scan, Neuroimaging (brain scan), etc. And despite all the illnesses he invented that I am suffering from and to the point that he had made a court sitting in 12-Jun-02 to lock me in hospital for 37 days as he so much emphasized that I needed psychiatric medication and that without his medication I am nothing a complete mental, reality is that I never took a single day as sick leave in more than 15 and a half years that I worked till the second arrest in 2014 except when he locked me in hospital in 2002 and this despite never taking the pills he prescribed me for all that chronic and severe mental illnesses he invented that I was suffering from, etc.
- He is killing and disabling me slowly slowly, first with the injection Fluanxol that so much makes you sick with depression that it makes you commit suicide, and then with another injection Risperdal which besides making you suffer from depression, with it he was also making me sick with Parkinson disease amongst others, and now with Olanzapine that makes you drowsy, suffer from delirium, and can increase your blood pressure and disabled me left me suffer from impotence amongst others with their side effects. Also on 5-Apr-18 he doubled me the dosage of pills from one pill Olanzapine 5mg daily to 10mg daily with the intention of doing a cover-up of another abuse, continue to discredit me making it appear as if this abuse was just my illusion, and to destroy me mentally and sedate me, etc.
- When the Minister of Justice approved me some leave per week on 16-Sep-17, he didn't proceed and had to pass 4 months for him to approve me that I go out for a few hours per week and over 6 months to approve me the 5 hours twice per week that the minister had approved me originally. That is for several months he vindictively left me kidnapped in hospital and if it wasn't for me who wrote again the Medical Council on 15-Jan-18 he probably would have approved me nothing. It is not that he had some valid reason say I was smashing or doing crazy things but simply to intimidate me for having reported his severe abuses that I have been suffering from him over all these years. But not only because on 28-Mar-18 the doctor appearing in his name told me that he is not going to write to the Minister to increase me the leave to see what a cruel man he is and without conscience, and this after having already spent all these years locked up in hospital, when vilely it seems he wants to continue to deprive me from getting out forever and could go to work and earn a living, enjoy liberty and live my life. In the letter in which the Minister approved me some leave there was written that it be revised after 3 months but he kept prolonging till August '18 to write him again. That is it was not enough that he vilely didn't proceed and kept me locked innocently in hospital when in a letter dated 9-Oct-16 I informed him that in fact the pills I never took them in 12 years and this fact would have overturned everything because it meant that the court report was based of incorrect conclusions of having stopped taking the medication in the roughly 3 years preceeding my second arrest in 2014 when it was far from being so.
- In June 2020 he made cover-ups of abuses of the staff when I reported them to the Customer Care and CEO by locking me in Male Ward 1 and then in Male Ward 7 to more abusively silence me.
- He imposed on me a restriction of freedom of communication once, twice, to destroy me mentally and prevent me from reporting his abuses and of others on me.
- He increased me the dosage of Olanzapine pills by another 50% on a blatant lie that I wanted to stab him Cassar when if it was really so, they would have called the Police to interrogate me.
- He negated me the right to replace him as my consultant with another Psychiatrist to be able to further abuse me at leisure and further torture me psychologically. To replace him I had to write to the Ombudsman.
- Probably with the friends he has in Court was involved in the theft of my Court case of 2014 from the Court Archives because there was his report based on wrong conclusions which exposed him as a fraudster and incompetent.
- Similarly was involved in the theft of my Mount Carmel Hospital file around end of October '19 which contained many abuses I had suffered from him. I had managed to photograph it some days before and upload parts of it on this webpage. They had since then started a new hospital file, and to avoid a repetition of the same story, had asked around June 2021 Psychiatrist Catherine Dimech and the Ombudsman as outlined in these emails to let me photograph parts of it containing further abuses on me (points 27-30 above amongst others) together with incident reports, only to serve as an eye-opener for them to once again eliminate this evidence I was requesting before it could ever reach my hands.
Abuses of the Police (or who were Police) Edmond Cuschieri, Joseph Busuttil and Raymond Zammit in my 2nd Court case of 2014
- Made character assassination of me.
- Incited hatred of the public against me.
- Vilified me transformed me into a psychopath monster depicted as one who harm and kill animals and open tombs.
- Defamed me tarnished my reputation.
- Prejudiced my case with a media conference they did before taking me to Court and with the way they made the accusations made them appear the most macabre possible, with all the media ended considering me a mental and refer to me as "cat killer" amongst others.
- Abused their position that brings with it trust to nurture hearsays and gossip on me.
- Instead of accusing me of littering public places with dead animals and entering the church crypt without permission, made me unfounded accusations / frame-ups when they were more than convinced I did nothing of what they accused me of to the point that they accused me of having maltreated killed animals and then I had 3 cats pets at home didn't feel the need to investigate them or send someone competent to do this, and accused me with violation of tombs when they had made the access in the crypt before my arrest and saw with their own eyes that I did nothing of this, I was simply doing research.
- They made all these crimes when they were in a position to prevent such criminal acts from happening, knowing that already labeled a mental I couldn't avoid from being labeled so once again, especially by the way they made the accusations made them appear the most macabre possible, and in this way the case never arrives to the point where they have to sustain with proofs they didn't have of what they accused me of and get caught in the frame-up they made me.
- They made these abuses on one who for them was a mental, when it is already too severe doing them on a normal person let alone on one who you think he is sick, vulnerable.
- Didn't take action on the hate speech that was written on me on the social media and the media in general (how could you expect them to take action on this when it was themselves who incited hatred against me in the first place?). The sole fact that the media used to refer to me as "cat killer" before being found guilty was in itself instigation of hatred against me. This contrasts with the recent case of that Policeman who was run over by a car.
Abuses of lawyer Martin Fenech in my 2nd Court case of 2014
- Defrauded me with my own money when as my lawyer in my 2nd Court case did not mention anything regarding the abuses made on me by the Police and by Magistrate Carol Peralta himself and did them a cover-up.
- Intentionally refrained from asking Magistrate Carol Peralta to recuse himself from continuing to hear my case owing to his (Peralta) conflict of interest had in the past reported him to the Commission for the Administration of Justice, so as to avoid him the embarrasment and the career come someone asking on what matters had I reported him, and left him with all liberty have his revenge on me he had long been waiting for.
- Defrauded me when as my lawyer didn't mention anything about the intentionally instigated unfounded hatred against me and when mine was a blatant prejudiced case of trial by the media amongst others, and a prime example of an unfair and biased trial from the start, with such travesty of justice violating my human rights for a fair trial in being considered innocent until proven guilty.
Abuses of Magistrate Carol Peralta
- In my first Court case of 2001 he did a cover-up of the abuses I told him that had been done on me.
- Instead of investigating he threatened me with the words "Don't respond me because I will smash you against the wall" in a Court room and in public.
- The threat he addressed to me was in the form of extortion (rikatt), with whatever hidden meaning it contained: 1) the condition - "Don't respond me", to 2) the repercussions - "because I will smash you against the wall."
- He ensured that I be kidnapped in Mount Carmel hospital in 2002 innocently to discredit me and save his career.
- When he kidnapped me in hospital he knew I was going to be drugged up with pills to silence me once forever.
- When he kidnapped me in hospital made it with the intention to intimidate me that I suffer repercussions if I dare report him.
- He nominated for me a lawyer Tonio Azzopardi instead of another one whose turn it was intentionally to favor him and my opponents by not mentioning anything of their abuses and make fool of me.
- He was an accomplice with Psychiatrist David Cassar when he knew he was testifying falsely on me labeling me the mental to save him his career.
- Because of these abuses started by him, I ended, when the sentence of my first court case was given in 2005, locked again innocently in Mount Carmel hospital and when I had my 2nd Court case of 2014 I ended once again locked innocently in this hospital as they continued to built on the lies that had originated on me from my first case.
- He didn't recuse himself in my 2nd Court case of 2014 when he knew he had a conflict of interest because of the abuses he had done on me in the past and me having reported him to the Commission for the Administration of Justice and in this way once again deprived me from the right for a fair hearing.
- In my 2nd Court case of 2014, despite knowing frame-ups and character assassination were done on me by the Police so much that in his sentence he mentioned the animals I used to find them already dead, he didn't question why my accusations were maliciously done with exactly the opposite meaning and made a cover-up of these abuses.
- He intentionally appointed the Psychiatrists of my first case as obviously he got what he wanted with them, as if Psychiatrists would contradict themselves what they have said years before, in particular if everything had a malicious start.
- So much he was doing everything in revenge, that even a simple date when he gave the sentence 26-Jun-14, neither a day before, nor a day after, was intentioned to show me the revenge he long had in mind of doing me from my 1st court case.
- With the sentence he gave, he ensured that I be kidnapped once again innocently to Mount Carmel Hospital when he knew perfectly well the Psychiatrists's reports were totally fake, non-scientific, and unreliable, to the point of calling one of them inconclusive.
- To save his career and cover-up his abuses and those of his friends, I had to suffer miscarriage of justice in both my 2 Court cases and end maliciously labeled the mental for all my life which in itself ruined my life forever and had repercussions even on my relatives.
Abuses of Police Inspector, now Supretendent, Carmelo Bartolo in my 1st Court case of 2001
- He framed me up in my first Court case when he presented to the Court a Police statement in my name when he knew it did not contain my true signature to the point that he accused me with falsification of signatures.
- He was an accomplice in the frame-up of the video mentioned on 5-Jul-01 to make me loose the Provisional Liberty and even testified falsely in Court that the video was still being investigated.
- He tampered with evidence, a video that took place before the arrest made it appear it happened after the arrest to make me loose the bail.
- He made these crimes when he was duty bound to prevent.
Abuses of lawyers Anglu Farrugia and Edward Gatt in my 1st Court case of 2001
- Defrauded me with my own money when as my lawyers in my 1st Court case did not mention anything regarding the abuses that were done on me by my opponents and by Magistrate Carol Peralta himself and made them a cover-up.
- When they did not report these abuses that were done on me and when aware of them, they made themselves accomplices in these abuses: not reporting makes you complicit.
- When they abandoned me in the middle of a Court case few days before the court sitting of 12-Jun-02, they made this intentionally to facilitate that a severe criminal act be done on me, that of ending kidnapped in Mount Carmel Hospital by Magistrate Carol Peralta and Psychiatrist David Cassar to destroy me mentally and discredit me.
- Allowed this to happen because they had vested interest that I be destroyed mentally and discredited because I had these abuses to reveal on them.
Abuses of lawyer Tonio Azzopardi in my 1st Court case of 2001
- Defrauded me with my own money when as a lawyer in my 1st Court case did not mention anything regarding the abuses that were done on me by my opponents and by Magistrate Carol Peralta himself and made them a cover-up.
- Defrauded me with my own money when he made his utmost to prolong my court case because more court sittings meant more money for him despite supposedly serving as my legal aid appointed by the Court
- He charged me money for his services (Recording of 17-Jan-03) despite being nominated by the Court as my legal aid and persevered in this even when infomed him in a letter he should not be doing so.
- When he did not report the abuses that were done on me and when aware of them, he made himself accomplice in these abuses: not reporting makes you complicit.
- When he sent me that letter dated 20-Jun-02 one day before I was to be seen by the 3 Psychiatrists, he made me an act of submission, an extortion - either accept that I take the pills and be labeled the mental and they give freedom, or else leave me locked.
- When I was kidnapped in hospital in 2002 he knew beforehand that I was going to be drugged up with pills and the Psychiatrists' report was going to be fake to label me the mental.
Links (Back to Part Selection)
- Sick leave I took in the 15 and a half years I worked that include only those 37 consecutive days of 2002 when they locked me up in hospital (and took them not because I was sick but because David Cassar turned it so) – the greatest certificate I could ever have proving the perfect state of my health as ever was.
- Pills that I never took in 12 years I was supposed to take them and not just in roughly the 3 years before the second arrest in 2014.
- Extract from the court sitting of 5th July '01
- Part of the Court sentence of the first case of 2001, the "psychosis of delusions of persecution" Psychiatrist David Cassar alone invented that I was suffering from in the court sitting of 12/6/02.
- Letter of Tonio Azzopardi, appointed by Carol Peralta as my legal aid not by coincidence instead of another one whose turn it was, who knew beforehand, before the Psychiatrists saw me, that the Psychiatrists were going to depict me as a mental and that David Cassar was going to prescribe me some pills, and the court sitting of 12/6/02 where there is mentioned the name of Martin Fenech whose turn it was to be appointed. Letter Anglu Farrugia submitted to the Court renouncing from remaining my lawyer days before the court sitting of 12/6/02.
- Letter dated 4-Oct-04 of the Commission for the Administration of Justice. Letter of 2007 of the Committee for Lawyers of the Commission for the Administration of Justice regarding Tonio Azzopardi, application made in 2007 and the last letter I received from it in 2011. Recording of Tonio Azzopardi where despite being nominated as legal aid he use to charge me money for his services.
- Magistrate Carol Peralta exiles himself in a job abroad because of me having reported him, and the same Carol Peralta back to Malta, where I had to face him again in my 2nd Court case, where instead of recusing himself, took the opportunity to have his revenge on me even intentionally delivering the sentence on 26-Jun-14, neither a day before, nor a day after.
- How Carol Peralta with that premeditated court sitting of 12-Jun-02 had made a shield for himself on one, two, three, four fronts, because he knew he had much to loose. The contradictions of Psychiatrist David Cassar in my first court case.
- Part of the Court sentence of the second case of 2014, page 2 the accusations I had, and page 4 where it is mentioned twice that the animals I used to find them dead.
- How those of Netnews reported the Court sitting of 24-Jun-14, where once labeled a mental is very easy that whatever they invent on you is believed, especially if the accusations are made the most macabre possible. This contrasts with what Maltatoday initially reported soon after my arrest that I used to go searching for dead animals in nearby towns (actually is not totally correct because in reality I encountered more than enough on my way to work and back home while cycling). Despite this all the media including the same Maltatoday put aside this fact and preferred calling me "cat killer" for the remainder of the case. Some simple and obvious questions the media could have asked the Police if they really wanted to do investigative journalism.
- The frenzy of hatred instigated towards me by the media was so intense, this one the illustrious Andrew Azzopardi went even further asking that I be killed crucified.
- The 12 points the Psychiatrists ignored in my second Court case of 2014 to condemn me once again as a mental and fell to my bait of reaching incorrect conclusions in their court report attributing my wrongdoings for having stopped taking the medication in those 3 years before the arrest. If there were just one or two points they would have been excused but 12 points is a bit too much to fail to ignore and cannot attribute such great incompetence for having misled them. Also I was constrained and forced with a millstone round my neck to come up with such excuse of having stopped taking the medication as these reasons show.
- The omnipotent of impunity Magistrate Carol Peralta where despite living a life full of controversies, always managed to get away with it, and retired or better resigned from the judiciary with all the pomp and glory. But one journalist, discredited as a simple blogger locally, had smelt something fishy in my case; imagine if she knew of the intrigues of my first court case and how originated the label of schizophrenic on me what would she had written (in the meantime she has been murdered in a car bomb on 16-Oct-17).
- Depicting poison as cure.
- Decision of the Tribunal when I appeared in front of it in 2005, in contrast to when I appeared in front of the Committee in 2016 when the Commissioner didn't want to tell me the conclusions he arrived to.
- The cats I had and still have which the Police didn't feel they had to investigate as they were so much convinced that I love and do not maltreat animals. This contrasts with the case there was just a few days before my arrest of one who had transformed his home into an animal sanctuary where they had sent him those of the animal welfare.
- Statistic of how many animals are killed monthly in traffic accidents, from the Animal Welfare.
- The research I was doing on the church in Mosta before the present one.
- The Mental Health Act, Article 37(a), and the obligations of the Commissioner for Mental Health.
- The approval of some leave from hospital by the Minister of Justice dated 16-Sep-17 and when was increased again on 16-Apr-19.
- Composition of the Medical Council and the conflict of interest most of the members have.
- Email concerning the abuse of change shift in Enemalta where they refrained from taking action regarding the "extra pay for which you are not entitled" taken over a span of years because 2 of the 3 engineers handpicked as managers by Fredrick Azzopardi in his first week as Chief Executive Officer of Enemalta were involved in the scam, and email 1 and email 2 I sent to the office of the Whistleblower at Enemalta and Government respectively. The repercussions and revenge on me for having reported the abuse to the Whistleblower were going to be great.
- Regarding the frame-up and the character assassination the Police did on me see this link.
- Regarding the true diabolic face of Psychiatry see this link.
- Regarding the injection Risperdal Consta see this link.
- Regarding the Psychiatrists' reports see this link.
- Regarding the fact that my court case of 2014 vanished from the Court Archives see this link.
- Regarding the money down the drain at Mount Carmel Hospital see this link.
- Regarding Fredrick Azzopardi, see this link.
- Regarding emails and letters I wrote see this link.
- Impunity Malta Style: a screenshot incriminates the man in the street, a website with 0.7GB of evidence not yet enough to prosecute the big heads.
- The typical Court you can expect in a corrupt country since ever: The Court sentences Emanuel Camilleri to prison on the false testimony of his daughter, ignoring evidence (the virginity of his daughter). The Court putting aside evidence (a letter which indicated otherwise) which could possibly indicate false testimony resulting in another man innocently jailed. There was also the case of Nicholas Azzopardi. This is how he was vilified, this how he possibly was. Note how intentionally they appointed the same magistrate which not in a billionth chance would he retract a single word from his previous report as that would make him appear as incompetent, and amongst others how the CCTV footage of when this Azzopardi was figured to have jumped committed suicide is mysteriously (or maybe for obvious reasons) missing. Possibly another case where evidence was intentionally eliminated to end distort completely the whole story on one who from his tomb can't make his point. There was also the case of that Dutch who was sentenced to 30 years in prison, while that Serbian for an almost identical but a bit less severe crime was sentenced to all his life in prison - the difference came from the fact that the latter involved a very "wealthy" businessman. This one got it even better as for the stabbing which resulted in a fatality, he was allowed to run away scot-free. This one the most he could have got was a suspended sentence, but with the backing of the Union, they didn't even prosecute against. This is a case where the Court intentionally makes life difficult. And the list goes on, for injustices in a Maltese court are almost the order of the day - the friends (in some way they excuse you), enemies (in some way they blame you) and money (like the words some local prominent lawyers tell you "Ghax jien ma niekolx kollox wahdi" / "Because I do not eat alone") you have can make a big difference.
- The Mosta Archives