The way Magistrate Carol Peralta had threatened me in a court sitting

Il-provi iswed fuq l-abjad tal-frame-ups u l-assassinju tal-karattru sfaccati tal-Pulizija fuqi

The proof black on white of the blatant frame-ups and character assassination of the Police on me

Dan li gej hi t-tieni stqarrija li ghamilt lill-Pulizija waqt l-interrogazzjoni. Fl-ewwel wahda li saret fl-istess jum fil-ghodu m'ammettejt xejn. Meta spiccat, mill-ghassa tal-Mosta haduni l-lockup li hemm taht id-depot tal-Pulizija tal-Furjana. Meta kien lahaq dalam gew ghalija u hadunu lura l-ghassa tal-Mosta. Ghall-ewwel ammettejt biss li kont nidhol fis-sotterran tal-knisja minhabba r-ritratti li kelli fil-laptop, wara ammettejt anki tal-annimali ghax ma kontx inhassar tajjeb il-files tal-bidu u b'semplici file recovery kienu jsibuhom xorta, u anki ghidtilhom b'CD bid-dettalji ta' kollox. Il-kontenut ta' din l-istqarrija, bl-izbalji fl-ortografija taghhom b'kollox, jidher hawn taht.

The following is the second Police statement I made to the Police during the interrogation. In the first one that was done on the same day in the morning I admitted nothing. When it ended, from Mosta Police station they took me to the Police Headquarters' lockup at Floriana. When it was already dark, they came for me and took me back to the Mosta Police station. First I admitted only that I used to enter the church crypt because of photos I had in my laptop, later I admitted also my involvement in the case concerning the animals as the files initially I used not to delete them that well and with a simple file recovery they would have ended finding them anyway, and even told them of a CD with all the details. The content of this Police statement, complete with their mistakes in ortoghraphy, is shown below.

L-Ghassa tal-Mosta (Mosta Police station)
It-Tieni STQARRIJA (Second Police Statement)
Pagna 1 sa 4 (Pages 1 to 4)

Data: 19 ta’ Marzu 2014 (Date: 19th March 2014)
Hin: 2100 hrs (Time: 2100 hrs)

(p.1) Stqarrija ta’ Nicholas Grech, ta' 37 sena, imwieled nhar --- gewwa I Pieta’, bin --- u ---, id card --- u residenti --- Mosta [mob no. ---] (Police statement of Nicholas Grech, 37 years old, born on --- in Pieta, son of --- and ---, identity card no.--- and residing in Mosta [mob no. ---]).

Qed terga’ tigi imwissi minni l-Ispettur Edmond Cuschieri fil-prezenza ta’ Spettur Joseph Busuttil ghandek dritt ma tirrispondiex ghad-domandi li ser issirulek imma dak li tghid ser jigi miktub u jista’ jingieb bhala prova. (You are being advised by me Police Inspector Edmond Cuschieri in the presence of Police Inspector Joseph Busuttil that you have right to not respond to the questions that are going to be made to you but what you will say will be written and can be used as evidence against you).

Edmond Cuschieri (Spettur)
Nicholas Grech (ID: ---)
Joseph Busuttil (Spettur)

D[omanda]. Ara Nicholas ha nkomplu mal istqarrija li hadna aktar kmieni llum mela fil pen drives tieghek sibna ritratti tal-kannerija tal-knisja tal-Mosta u tal-osswarju dawn ir-ritratti kif hadtom? (Q[uestion]. Look Nicholas, let us continue the Police statement we began earlier this morning; so in your pen drives we found photos of the crypt of the Mosta church and of the ossuary; how did you take these photos?)
R[isposta]. Kont nidhol bil-lejl sforz l-interess li kelli biex inkun naf fuq il-knisja l-antika. (A[nswer]. I used to enter at the night for the purpose of discovering more on the old church)

D. Kif kont tidhol bil-lejl? (Q. How you used to enter?)
R. Kont hadt il-forma tas-serratura u kont ghamilt il-muftieh, kont ghamilt imfietah tal-postijiet kollha ta taht il-paviment. (A. I had drawn the outline of the lock and made the key; I had made keys of all places which happen to be situated under the [church's] pavement).

D. Meta tghid taht il-paviment iggfieri tal-area tal kannirja u l-bibien li jaghtu ghal osswarju? (Q. When you say under the pavement, it means the area of the crypt and the doors which lead to the ossuary?)
R. Tar rixtellu tal-Kannirja, ta taht it turgien tas sagristijiet, u ta' bieb zghir li hemm hdejn il-parking. Tal Osswarju kont ghamilt hadida semplici ghax ma kinitx kumplikala. Kelli ukoll tal ghar tal Isperanza u gieli mort hemm hadt xi ritratti bil-lejl. (A. Of the outside iron gate of the crypt, of the rooms situated under the stairs leading to the sacristies, and of a small door there is near the parking. Of the ossuary I had made a small rod as it wasn't that complicated).

D. X' kien l-iskop tieghek li taghmel hekk? (Q. What was the scope behind this?)
R. Ghax jien inhobb l affarijiet storici u dak il-hin ninsa kollox, u ghamilt hekk ghax kieku saqsejt permess biex naghmel hekk zgur li ma kienux ser ihalluni. (A. Because I love historical places and in those moments I forget everything, and I did so because if I dared ask for permission to enter they would for sure not allowed me).

D. Fi x’hin kont tmur? (Q. At what times you used to go?)
R. Fis 2am jew 3am u kont naghmel qiesu siegha imma mhux dejjem l istess. (A. At 2am or 3am and used to spend around an hour but not always the same time).

D. Urejtek ritratt tal imfielah tikkonferma li dawk huma l imfielah li qed issemmi u li ghamilt inti? (Q. I am showing a photo of the keys; do you confirm that these were the keys you are mentioning and you made yourself).
R. Iva. (A. Yes).

D. Qed nurik ritratt ta’ bieb li jinsab fl istess folder u li inti hadt ritratt tieghu qed tifthu ta fejn huwa dan il-bieb? (Q. I am showing you a photo that is in the same [computer] folder of a door and you took the photo showing yourself opening it; which door is this?)
R. Dak huwa il-bieb tal-kampnari. (A. That is the door of the belfries).

D. Fil pen drive gewwa folder intitolat Latin instaghab screen shot tat Times of Malta ta meta twahhlu zewgt islaleb bil-fdalijiet tal-qtates mal istatwa li hemm Brittanja Square nhar (p.2) is 16 ta’ Settembru x’tghidli fuqu din u ghal fejn kien mohbi hemm dan l iscreen shot? (Q. In the pen drive in the same [computer] folder was found a screenshot of Times of Malta article when you hanged 2 crosses with remains of cats to the statue situated in Brittania square on the 16th of September; what can you tell me about this and why was this screenshot hidden there?)
R. Dak iz-zmien kont qed nuza dak il-folder u erfaju hemm qiesu. (A. At that time I was using that [computer] folder and just stored it there).

D. Ghal fejn hassejt il-bzonn li zzomm dan l-iscreen shot? (Q. Why did you feel you had to keep that screenshot?)
R. Jien dehrli li ghandi nzomma dik ghax hija parti mil istorja tal-Mosta dik. (A. I considered it worthwhile to keep it as that formed part of the history of Mosta).

D. Sibna ukoll ritratt tar-rotunda anzi ritratti ta’ fejn twahhal l ahhar salib nhar it 2 ta’ Frar 2014 u jidher li inti anki tlajt fuq ic-cinta kif telgha min wahhal is-salib, taht ic-cinta jidher car li hemm ir-rota tieghek xi skop kellu dan ir-ritratt? (Q. We also found a photo of the Rotunda, or better photos where you hanged the last cross on 2nd February 2014 and it seems you also climbed that part in the same way the one who had hanged the cross had done; under that part there is your bicycle; for what purpose did you take this photo?)
R. Dawk ir-ritratti li ghidt tghid hadtom biex nara l-lavur tal-knisja imma dawk ilni li hadthom. (A. Those photos you are refering to I had took them as I was studying the contour [of the columns' bases] of the church, but it was quite long time ago when I took them).

D. L-imfietah li semmghejna aktar il-fuq dawn gahdom ghandek u jekk iva fejn qedghin? (Q. The keys we mentioned before are still at your end and if yes where are they?)
R. Iva u qedghin fil-garaxx ta mad dar. (A. Yes and they are in the garage next to my home).

D. Fil-komputer hemm filmat fejn fih tidher qed tipprova torbot qattus ma salib, fil-filmat jidher ukoll martell hdejk u serrieq, fil waqt li l-art hija miksija kollha gazzetti, nghidlek sew li meta hadt dan il-filmat kont qed tipprepara bix issallab dan il-qattus? (Q. In your computer there is a video where you is seen trying to tie a cat to a cross; in the video there is seen a hammer near you and a saw, while the floor is all covered with newspapers; am I correct to tell you in this video you was preparing to crucify this cat?)
R. Le altru li mhux hekk, l ewwel net turi kemm hi xi haga mhux realistika ghax mhux ha jirnexxilek issallab annimal haj, l iskop kien biex kif kien hemm dik l-agha fil-midja biex inkompli inzid maghha taparsi hemm wiehed qieged jaghmel dik il-mohqrija. (A. For sure not; first of all it shows how unrealistic / impossible it is because you will never manage to crucify an animal alive; the purpose was as there was that sensation in the media, to continue to stir it further as if there was one who was committing such cruelty).

D. Il-post fejn ittiehed il-filmat fejn kien? (Q. Where was this video taken?)
R. Fil-kamra tas-sodda tieghi. (A. In my bedroom).

D. Kien hemm barmil hdejk u fih bdejt titfa xi magazines u qabel twaddab il-magazines fih bdejt tiffoka bil camera fuqom qiesek trid twassal xi messagg bil headlines tal magazines x’kien l iskop jew il messagg li ridt twassal? (Q. There was a bucket near you and in it you began putting magazines and before putting them you began focusing with the camera on them as if you wanted to portray a message with the magazines' headlines; what was the purpose or the message you wanted to portray?)
R. Dak kien hemm kocc magazines tal knisja u ghidt qiesu tigi li dak li jkun ghandu xi haga ghal-knisja. (A. There were some magazines concering religion and said that [in that way] one would have thought the one involved had it against religion).

D. Dak il-filmat ilu mill 2012 x wasslek li ridt twassal messagg li min hu ghandu ghal knisja ghax sa dak iz-zmien ma kien hadd ghadu jaf bil kontenut tal-ittri? (Q. This video is dated 2012; what moved you to portray this message that the one involved had it against religion as up to that time no one knew of what was written in the letters).
R. Mill-comments tan nies li bdejt nara bdew jalludu li min kien ghandu ghal knisja. (A. From the comments that were being made attributing that the one involved had it against religion).

L-istqarrija giet mwaqqfa biex ingabru CD u xi mfietah mir residenza ta Nicholas Grech (f’dan il-mument ammettejt l-involviment tieghi fit-tislib tal-annimali mejtin u ghidtilhom b’CD li kelli d-dar bl-informazzjoni minn fejn kont gbart l-annimal mejtin, ecc. Dak li nkiteb s'issa kien minn Edmond Cuschieri, il-kumplament kien ta' Joseph Busuttil. Xi hin qabel dan, kien dahal d-Deputat Kummissarju(?) Raymond Zammit fejn il-kliem spicca fuq il-fatt li xi gimghatejn qabel kont qlajt transfer fuq ix-xoghol minhabba dik l-email li spiccat fuq il-blog ta' Daphne, b'dan Raymond jghidli "Eh ija … ija." Meta wara ammettejt l-involviment tieghi fil-kaz tal-annimali Edmond ghamel telefonata x'aktarx lil dan Raymond li x'aktarx kien dabbar rasu mar jorqod id-dar u lili nizzluni fis-sular t'isfel tal-ghassa fejn wara ftit nistenna haduni d-dar biex intihom is-CD u l-imfietah ghax waqt it-tfixxija fid-dar fil-ghodu kmieni lanqas biss kienu ndunaw bihom fil-garaxx u saru jafu bihom mir-ritratti li kelli taghhom fil-laptop - tal-knisja ma kienu rrapurtaw lil hadd li dhaltilhom tant kemm l-anqas biss kienu ndunaw b'xejn ghax qatt ma sraqt jew ghamilt hsara f'xejn: kieku kien haddiehor floki kien litteralment ikaxkrilhom kull m'hemm bil-kumdita kollha).

The Police Statement was stopped to get a CD and some keys from Nicholas Grech's residence (in this moment I admitted my involvment in the case of animal crucifixions and told them of a CD I had at home with information from where I had collected the dead animals, etc. What has been written up to now was done by Edmond Cuschieri, the remaining was done by Joseph Busuttil. Some time before, had entered the Deputy Police Commissioner[?] Raymond Zammit where we ended talking on the fact that some 2 weeks preceeding the arrest I was given a transfer on my workplace because of that email which had ended on Daphne's blog, with this Raymond telling me "Oh yes ... yes." When later I admitted my involvement in the case of animals, this Edmond made a phone call probably to this Raymond who had in the meantime gone away probably to sleep at home, while they took me downstains at the Police station where after some time waiting, they took me home to give them a CD and the keys as during the search at home in the morning they didn't even noticed them in the garage, and got to know of them from the photos they found in my laptop - the church authorities had reported no one to have entered [their premises] as they were totally unaware of this because I had never stolen or damaged anything: had it been someone else instead of me would have literally dragged [stolen] everything with all liberty).

D. Jekk nghidlek li dawn l-annimali li nstabu mwahhlin f’diversi postijiet fil Mosta wahhalthom int xi tghid? (Q. If I tell you these animals that were found hanged in several places in Mosta you hanged them yourself what do you say?)
R. Iva. (A. Yes).

D. Tista tghidli kif kont toqtol dawn l-annimali? (Q. Can you tell me how you used to kill these animals?)
R. Jien dawn dejjem sibthom mejtin waqt li nkun ghaddej fit triq bir rota. Tkun tajjrithom xi karozza u jien nigborhom, nohodhom mieghi id dar u nifrizhom. (A. These I found them dead while cycling along the roads. It happened they were hit by some car, and I collected them, took them home, and frozen them).

D. L-ittri int kont tiktibhom? (Q. The letters were written by you?)
R. Iva. (A. Yes).

D. Tista’ tghidli ghaliex f’wahda minn l-ittri alludejt li min kien tak l-annimali kien qieghed jgheddek li kien ser jikxfek? (Q. Can you tell me why in one of these letters you attributed the one who was giving you the animals was threatening you he would report you?)
R. Jien kont inkun qieghed newden bil lejl u nohloq qisu storja. (A. I happened to be pondering during the night and [it was] as if to invent some story).

D. Int ghandek x’taqsam ma fra bazzu? (Q. You have something to do with Fra Bazzu?)
R. Le jien kont kellimtu fuq l-ghalqa u iddecidejt li niktiblu hekk ghaliex kulhadd kien jaqbad mieghu. Jien ridt nikteb fuq xi hadd u wehel hu mieghi. (A. No I once went to ask him about a field and decided to write so because everyone used to have fun of him. I wanted to write on someone and ended teasing him).

D. Fl ittri semmejt diversi nies fosthom l Imhallef Galea Debono, lil Psikjatra Joseph Cassar, lil Daphne Caruana Galizia, Giannella De Marco u xi nies ohrajn ghal fejn semmejthom? (Q. In the letters you mentioned many persons, including Judge Galea Debono, Psychiatrist Joseph Cassar, Daphne Caruana Galizia, Giannella De Marco and some others; for what purpose you mentioned them?)
R. Dawk kollha kellhom x’jaqsmu mal kaz tal Bazzu. (A. They were all involved with the case of Bazzu).

D. Tista’ tghidli l-postijiet kollha ma fejn wahalt slaleb bi klieb jew qtates jew bicciet ta qtates? (Q. Can you tell me all places where you hanged crosses with dogs and cats or parts of cats?)
R. L-ewwel wiehed tal kelb mal bieb tad-dar ta’ Frangisk, it tieni mal oratorju, it tielet mal kappella ta’ San Anton Abbati, issa ma nafx hux wara xulxin dawn imma wahalt mal iskola ta’ Grognet, mal istatwa ta' Santa Marija ta hdejn Triq it-Torri, mal istatwa ta’ San Anton Abbati, darba hdejn il-Flower Power hemm hekk wahalt tnejn, ma Santa Marija ta’ Pjazza Brittanja hemmhekk wahalt tnejn ukoll, darba mac-cimiterju imma din qatt ma nstemghu xejn fuqha, wahalt qattus ukoll fi triq Baskal Buhagiar f’post li jigi ezatt wara d-dar ta’ Frangisk u wahalt iehor mal istatwa ta’ San Guzepp li tinsab fi Triq il-Kbira u l-ahhar wahda wahalt kelb ma wara tal-knisja u l-qattus mal-istatwa ta’ San Filep. (A. The first one a dog with the door of Francis's house, the second one with the Oratory, the third with the Chapel of Saint Anthony the Abbot, now I don't remember exactly the sequence but hanged one with the school of Grognet [Street], with the statue of Saint Mary near Tower Street, with the statue of Saint Anthony the Abbot, once near Flower Power where there I hanged 2, with Saint Mary of Britannia Square there I also hanged two, once at the cemetry but this one no one ever mentioned anything on it, hanged a cat in Baskal Buhagiar Street with a place that happens to be exactly behind Francis's house, and hanged another one with the statue of Saint Joseph of Main Street and the last one a dog with the church and a cat with the statue of Saint Philip).

D. Tac cimiterju meta wahhaltu? (Q. The one at the cemetry when did you hang it?)
R. (p.3) Dak kont ghadni kemm lestejt kors tal computer u bil kemm kont lahaqt il project u ghidt jekk jirnexili nwahhlu jirnexxili nghaddi mill kors. Dan nahseb kien f xi Lulju jew Gunju tat 2012. (A. It happened that I had just finished a computer course and had barely managed to finish the project [on time] and said if I managed [to hang the cross at the cemetry], I would [just as well] manage to pass from the course. I think it was July or June 2012).

D. Ghaliex dejjem taghzel id data tas 16 ta xahar barra fix xahar ta Frar? (Q. Why you always choose the date of the 16th of the month except when in February?)
R. Biex ma nwegghux iz-zejjed lil bazu peress li dak jigi l anniversarju ta meta l bazzu [kien ghamel il-krimini tieghu], ghax jien ridt niehu pjacir imma mhux inwegghu izzejjed [il-kliem ezatt kien “ridt niccajta imma mhux inwegga”]. (A. As i didn't want to do him too much harm that bazzu as it would have happened on the anniversary when bazzu [had committed his crime], as I wanted to have fun but not hurt him too much [the exact words were "I wanted to have fun but not do him harm"]).

D. Pero id-data tas-16 x’sinifikat ghanda ghalik? (Q. But the date of the 16th has some significance to you?)
R. Xejn l ewwel darba kien f’dik id data u komplejt naghmel fis sittax biex nohloq sensazzjoni fil-midja u nies joqghodu jispekulaw. (A. No it happened that the first one I made it on that date and continued doing it on the 16th [of the month] to stir a sensation in the media and leave the people to speculate.)

D. L-ahhar wahda li wahalt kellek wiccek moghti, biex kien moghti wiccek? (Q. The last one you hanged had your face covered; with what was your face covered?)
R. B’baraclava bajda li armejta, din kienet min tax-xoghol tal-firefighting. (A. I had a white baraclava which I dumped later; this formed part of the firefighting gear at work).

D. Ara l-ahhar wahda inti tidher gej fil cameras min naha ta triq il-Pont min fejn kont gej? (Q. Look the last one you is seen from CCTV coming from the direction of Bridge Street, from where were you coming?)
R. Il-qattus kien ilu fil freezer u l kelb kont sibtu dak in nhar stess jiena u tiela it telgha ta' Roc a Go tal barrani jiena u sejjer ix-xoghol Delimara u jien u sejjer lura id dar fl-10pm kien ghadu hemm u mort gbartu, hadt il qattus mill freezer u qatt insahnu fil-forn u x’hin nizel naqra mil friza hadt il kelb u l qattus fl ghalqa, ghamilt is slaleb dak il-hin mal lejl u min hemm hadt kollox bil mixi lejn il-knisja. Fil-laptop ghandi l istorja ta kollox. (A. The cat had been in the freezer and the dog I had noticed it that same day as I was climbing the hill of Roc a Go in Tal Barrani [road] as I was on my way to work at Delimara and when I was returning back home at 10pm it was still there and went to collect it, brought the cat from the freezer, and thawed it in the cooker, and once it reduced a bit from the frozen state, took the cat and the dog to the field, made the crosses that time at the night, and then went by walk carrying everything to the church. In the laptop I have the story of everything).

D. Inti ghidt li l animali dejjem sibtom mejtin kif tispjega l fatt l ewwel tnejn kienu zewgt iklieb identici? (Q. You said the animals you used to find them dead; how do you explain the fact that the first two were identical dogs?).
R. Dawk kont sibthom mejtin flimkien go kaxxa taz-zraben, jien kont sibthom H’Attard kwazi hdejn il-pitkalija. Kont rajt il kaxxa f’nofs it-triq u ghidt din x’fiha l kaxxa u x’hin iccejjat sibt iz zewgt griewi mejtin fiha u min hemm bdiet l-idea. Hadtom mieghi frizajtom fil-friza tal-garaxx u hrigt l ewwel wiehed biex inwahhlu fis 16 ta’ Ottubru 2011 mad-dar tal Bazzu u imbghad ergajt ghamilt l-istess meta wahhalt mal-oratorju. (A. Those I had found them dead together in a shoe box, I had found them in H'Attard almost near the vegetables market. I had seen the box in the middle of the road and wondered what could be inside it and when I checked found 2 dead puppies in it and from there originated the idea. Took them with me and froze them in the freezer I had in the garage and took one of them out to hang it on 16th October 2011 with the house of Bazzu and then did the same when hanged [the other one] with the Oratory).

D. Kien hemm fejn qbizt xhur minghajr ma wahalt xejn x kienet tkun ir raguni? (Q. There were times when you skipped some months didn't hang anything; what was the reason?)
R. Jew ghax inkun xoghol jew ghax ma nkunx sibt annimali mejtin. (A. It was either because I happened to be at work or because I didn't find dead animals).

D. Aparti id dar tal-bazzu u ta triq Baskal Buhagiar il postijiet l-ohra kif kont taghzel fejn ser twahhal? (Q. Apart from the house of bazzu and Baskal Buhagiar Street, the other places how did you choose them where to hang with?)
R. Nghid illum niehu cans ma dik l-istatwa jew mat tali post u jekk ma nsibx nies inwahhlu. (A. I used to say today I take the chance hang one with that stature or with that place and if I do not encounter anyone, I hang it).

D. Ha nsqasik fuq ta Pjazza Brittanja, ghalfejn hemmhekk wahalt zewgt islaleb bi fdalijiet biss ta qtates u mhux qtates shah? (Q. Let me ask you about that of Britannia Square; why there you hanged two crosses with only remains of cats and not complete [body of] cats).
R. Dawk meta sibtom dawk il qtates kienu bdew jintnu u wara li gbartom qtajtilhom is-saqajn u denb u armejt il kumplament maz-zibel. (A. It happened that when I found those cats they already smelled badly and after having picked them up, cut them the legs and the tail and dumped the remaining with rubbish).

D. Nibqghu pjazza Brittanja. F’ x’hin kont mort twahhal dawn is-slaleb? (Q. Again on those of Britannia Square. At what time you hanged those crosses?)
R. Dak kont qomt tard u ghamilt zewgt islaleb mil injam li sibt ta malajr u kont ser indendilom mal istatwa ta San Tumas li hawn wara l bank u ma stajtx ghax kienu il hin kollu ghaddejin in nies u ghamiltom Pjazza Brittanja. (A. That day I woke up late and made 2 crosses quickly from the wood I found and had planned to hang them with the statue of Saint Thomas there is [near] the bank but was unable to do it as all the time there were persons passing and hanged them [instead] in Britannia Square).

D. Tista tghidli kif kont ghamilt ta’ Pjazza Brittanja meta kont fuq il-post, kif hadtom is-slaleb u jekk tiftakarx xi haga partikolari milli kien gara fuq il-post? (Q. Can you tell me how you made those of Britannia Square when you were there, how you took the crosses and if you remember something in particular that happened on that place?)
R. Jien kont hadt is-slaleb mohbijin taht il-gakketta, wasalt fuq il-post niftakar li ghadda ragel u gejna wicc i m b wicc u malli ma kienux ghaddejjin nies wahhalt wiehed u imbgahd wara ftit wahhalt iehor. (A. I had taken the crosses hidden under the jacket, arrived on site, remember passed [an old] man and we ended facing each other, and once there were no persons in sight, hanged one and then after some time the other one).

D. Ara fuq il-post kien waqalek xi haga u wara inti gbarta u tlaqt l-hemm ghax tidher fuq filmat tac cctv ara tiftakarx x’kien waqghalek? (Q. In that place you dropped something and later you picked it up and went away because you was seen on the CCTV video, see if you remember what you dropped?)
R. Kien waqghali id-denb min ma wiehed mis slaleb u kont gbartu u armejtu fil-wied tal-isperanza. (I had dropped the tail from one of the crosses, picked it up and threw it in Speranza valley).

D. L-ittri li kont tikteb mhux dejjem kienu fuq barra tal qattus gieli kien hemm minnhom li l ittri instghabu taht il-gilda ghalfejn kont taghmel hekk u kif kont taghmel hekk? (Q. The letters you used to write not always were affixed to the cats from outside, some of the letters were found under the skin; why you did this and how you did this?)
R. Kif ikunu mejtin kont esperimentajt li naghmilha taht il gilda ghax hsibt li aktar kont inqajjem agha fil-midja. (A. As they were dead I experimented making them under the skin as I though would more stir sensation in the media).

D. Kieku dan ma kienx jidher fil-midja kont tkompli taghmel dawn l-affarijiet? (Q. If these were not reported in the media would you have continued doing them?)
R. Nahseb li kont nieqaf u nkompli nitkisser. (A. I think I would have stopped and ended depressed).

D. X’sodifazzjon kont tiehu meta twahhal dawn is-slaleb? (Q. What satisfaction you got hanging these crosses).
R. Kont niehu fiducja fiha in nifsi meta jirnexxili imma wara jumejn kont nerggha nitlef (p.4) il-motivazzjoni u ma jirnexxili naghmel xejn. Meta jghaddi xahar iehor kont nerga naghmel ohra u kont nirraguna Ii jekk jirnexili ma ninqabadx hajti tinbidel ghal ahjar. (A. I would gain confidence in myself when I succeeded but after 2 days would again loose motivation and end unable to do anything. When another month elapses I used to do it again and would reason it that if I succeed in not getting caught, my life would turn around for the better).

D. Qieghed nifhem sewwa li dawn qisek kont tahseb li qed tuzom bhala sagrificcju ghalik? (Q. Am I understanding well that you were utilizing them as a sort of sacrifice for you?)
R. Le mhux dak l-iskop. (A. No it was not for that purpose).

D. X’kien l-iskop ezatt? (Q. What exactly was the purpose?)
R. Il-midja meta issemghi kienet qiesa terga ittini naqra fiducja fija innifsi li jiena kapaci ghal xi haga. (A. Whenever the media used to mention them it was serve to boost confidence in myself making me believe I was capable of doing something).

D. Iggifieri int kont ser tibqa sejjer hekk ghal dejjem? (Q. So it means you was to keep going forever?)
R. Wara l ahhar wahda kont iddecidejt li nieqaf. (A. After the last one I had decided to stop).

D. Ghalfejn iddecidejt li tieqaf? (Q. Why had you decided to stop?)
R. Propja anki wara ohrajn kont iddecidejt li nieqaf imma din id darba kont determinat u ta qabel din f zewgt id drabi kont sibt zewg iqtates mejtin u kien irnexxili ma nigboromx kont ikkontrolajt lili innifsi imma imbaghad sibt il kelb kelli qattus qieghed iffrizat u ergajt waqajt, ghax anki kont deciz li narmi il-qattus li kelli fil-friza. (A. Actually even after the previous one I had decided to stop but this time I was determined to stop [forever] and the previous one on two occasions I had encountered 2 dead cats and had managed not to pick them up, was controlling myself, but then I found the dog and had the frozen cat and did it again; as I even was determined to dump the cat I had in the freezer).

D. Il-medicina psikjatrika kont ghadek suppost qieghed tiehu? (Q. The psychiatric medicine you were still supposedly taking it?)
R. Iva. (A. Yes).

D. Pero inti ghidt li waqaft tiehu ghalxiex? (Q. But you told me you had stopped, why?)
R. Kienet intilfitli r-ricetta jew ma kellix aptit ingedida u kont qieghed inhossni tajjeb u ghidt nghaddi minghajra u ma hadtx aktar. (A. I had lost the prescription [for free medicines] and didn't want to renew it and was feeling well and said I can do without it and didn't take anymore).

D. Jiddispjacik talli ghamilt u jekk iva ghalfejn? (Q. Are you sorry for what you did and if yes why?)
R. Jiddispjacini imma li kieku ma ghamiltomx u ma sibtx il fiducja fihom aktar kont nitlef il motivazzjoni u nghid li ma jien tajjeb ghal xejn. (A. I am sorry but if I had not done so and didn't boost my morale that way I would more have lost motivation and would have said that I am good for nothing).

D. Tixtieq izzid xi haga ohra? (Q. Would you like to add something else?)
R. Le, li nixtieq nghid jien inhobb l animali u qatt ma hqart animali jien dawn kollha sibtom mejtin. (A. No, what I want to say is that I love animals and never harmed animals, all these I found them already dead).

Din l-istqarrija hija il-verita kollha, ghamiltha jiena minn jeddi, minghajr ebda weghdi ta’ favuri jew vantaggi u minghajr ebda biza jew theddid, u wara li qrajta naghzel li niffirma. (This Police Statement is the truth, made it myself out of my free will, without fear and threats, and after having read it I choose to sign it).

Moqrija (Read)
Hin: 00:25hrs (Time: 00:25hrs)

Edmond Cuschieri (Spettur)
Nicholas Grech (ID: ---)
Joseph Busuttil (Spettur)

Il-Pulizija, bis-CD imsemmija li ghaddejtilhom, saru erga aktar konvinti milli diga kienu konvinti ta' kemm ma hqart u qtilt l-ebda annimal hekk li l-anqas qatt ma hassew il-htiega biex tal-anqas jezaminaw it-3 qtates pets li kelli d-dar tant li l-anqas kemm fil-fatt kelli qtates ma kienu jafu ghax fil-konferenza stampa jidher li semmew li kelli biss tnejn, bil-media ta' pappagalli li huma jirrepetu l-izball, b'tat-Times addirittura holqu storja taparsi gew jintervistaw il-girien meta l-girien kienu jafu tajjeb li kelli 3 u mhux tnejn meta gieli kienu jarawni bil-qtates barra u saqsewni fuqhom (tat-Times kienu x'aktarx kellmu lill-Pulizija xi jiem wara l-arrest u milli qalulhom ivvintaw storja biex ibellghuha lin-nies minghajr ma ccekjaw il-fatti, l-aqwa li jzidu fl-ispekulazzjoni forsi jdahhlu xi haga aktar tar-reklami a skapitu li jbellghu l-gideb lill-qarrejja). Kieku l-Pulizija kellhom l-icken suspett li kont nahqar noqtol l-annimali mhux biss kienu jikkonfiskawli l-pets li kelli, imma kienu jibbumbardjawni b'mistoqsijiet dwar minn fejn kont insibhom, kif kont naqbadhom, noqtolhom ecc. Huma l-veru nkompetenti biex naghmel darba, tnejn, tlieta, ... ghat-tnax-il darba 'n fila kwazi dejjem fl-istess gurnata tax-xahar, ma postijiet partikulari u dejjem fl-istess rahal (qatt stajt naghmililhom erga aktar ehfef???) u qatt ma qabduni naghmilhom fil-fatt, imma jridu jkunu erga aktar inkompetenti biex ifallu hekk mizerjament fix-xoghol taghhom ta' nvestigazzjoni. Minkejja l-konvinzjoni taghhom minghajr l-icken dubju li qatt ma hqart jew qtil annimali ghazlu li SFACCATAMENT JIFFREJMJAWNI b'akkuzi nfondati fosthom li "qatel annimali ta’ razza domestika jew li jippartjenu ghal razza selvagga izda li tkun giet domestikata" u li "gewwa l-kannirja u l-osswarju li jifformaw parti mill-knisja Arcipretali tal-Mosta ghamel vjolazzjoni ta’ oqbra jew ta’ postijiet ta’ dfin." Fejn semmejtilhom li kont naghmilhom biex nikseb il-fiducja fija nnifsi, bhalma tajthom x'jifhmu li l-medicina kont waqaft nihodha meta fil-fatt ma kont QATT hadtha mill-bidunett (kont naf sew li kieku kelli nammetti li qatt ma hadt xejn, kienet sservi bhala skuza tajba ghal dak is-sadist ta' Psikjatra David Cassar biex jaqlibni fuq l-injection), tajthom x'jifhmu wkoll li kont inkun imdejjaq bija nnifsi u ridt naghmel dawn ic-cucati biex ngholli l-moral. Dan nissopponi trid tkun mignun biex tammetti li ghamilt xi haga apposta, u peress li l-Psikjatrija hi hekk fazulla bla bazi, l-aktar semplici hi li tivvinta problemi ta' natura mentali, biex tnaqqas mir-responsabilta - kull m'hemm bzonn hu sempliciment li tkun krejattiv.

The Police, with the mentioned CD I gave them, became convinced more that they were already convinced that I had not harmed or killed any animal to the point that they didn't feel it necessary to at least examine the 3 cats pets I had at home so much that they didn't even knew the number of cats I had because in the media conference it seems they mentioned I had only two, with the media for the parrots they are repeated the same mistake, with those of The Times invented a story as if they had come to interview my neighbours when my neighbours knew well I had 3 and not 2 cats pets when they used to see me with the cats outside my home and asked me about them (those of the Times probably talked with the Police some days after my arrest and from what they told them invented a story for their readers without checking facts, what was important for them was to increase speculation maybe to end pocket more from the adverts at the expense of feeding lies to their readers). Had the Police the slightest suspicion I used to harm kill animals not only they would have confiscated the pets I had, but would have bombarded me with questions like from where I found them, how I used to capture and kill them, etc. They were for sure incompetents for me to be able to do it once, twice, the third time ... yet for the 12th time in a row almost always on the same date of the month, with specific places and always in the same town (was there any other way how I could have done it even simpler to them???) and never managed to catch me red handed, but they have to be even more incompetents to fail so miserably in their own work of investigation. Despite their utmost convinction without the slightest doubt that I never harmed or killed animals, they so BLATANTLY CHOSE TO FRAME ME UP with unfounded accusations, amongst them that I "killed animals of the domestic type or that belong to a wild race but had been domesticated (tamed)" and that "in the crypt and the ossuary that form part of the Archipretal(?) church of Mosta, made violation of tombs or of burial sites." When I mentioned to them that I used to do this to raise confidence in myself, in the same way I made them believe that the medicine I had stopped taking it when in fact I had NEVER taken it from the very start (I knew well that if I had to admit that I never took anything, it would serve as a good excuse to that sadist of Psychiatrist David Cassar to prescribe me instead the injection), I also made them believe that I was not happy with myself and had to do those silly things to boost my morale. I think one has to be totally mad to admit to have done something intentionally, and as Psychiatry is so fake and baseless, the simplest thing is to invent some problem of the mental type, to lesson your responsibility - what is necessary is simply to be creative.

The media knew from the start Nicholas Grech was no cat killerNote how the media had inside information from the start that I simply made use of animals found already dead. Such inside information which could have been obtained only from the Police, confirms even further the premeditated frame-up they made me when amongst others accused me with maltreatment and killing of animals when they were more than convinced I did nothing of this sort. The media chose to put aside this information and instead did their part in my character assassination by falsely keep labelling me as "Mosta cat killer".

The Police Inspector now lawyer Edmond Cuschieri who framed me up is an avid hunter himself

The irony of life: I an animal lover to that extent that before my arrest, as my colleagues at work can attest, had played my part burdened myself in collecting signatures to petition the Government to hold a referendum to abolish Spring hunting, was framed up and character assassinated with unfounded accusations by the Police as one who used to maltreat and kill animals. The referendum was eventually held about a year later in 2015 and failed to pass, with Malta being one complete hell for animals and nature lovers. In the above screenshot taken from the facebook profile of one of the corrupt Police officers involved, the now lawyer, then Police Inspector Edmond Cuschieri, who is an avid hunter himself with a bunch of his facebook friends being also hunters like him, is seen listing "hunting" as one of his (sadistic) hobbies, and being that competent on the matter being a hunter himself, he even chose to make his dissertation / thesis to become a lawyer, in 2016 two years since my character assassination, on the subject.

Sport hunting is a sickness, perversion and a danger, and should be recognized as such

In a small island congested with traffic where everyone opts to travel by car for the slightest errand, I used to be an ardent cyclist, a pioneer in this field cycling around 35km a day from home to work and back, and on my way especially when working night shifts, sometimes used to encounter say a dead cat killed by someone overspeeding and so on. I began collecting them, putting them crucified on a cross, and hang them around in my hometown Mosta, in part to make a joke on a local and in part to portray the message: 1) "I am just using your left-overs, why not blame yourselves for keep being so irresponsible towards the environment, animals included", for had they like me made the change from car to bicycle, for sure there would have been much less animals victims of traffic accidents, and also 2) why blame me for having some fun with already found dead animals, but remaining indifferent when in Malta the deliberate trapping, shooting and killing of birds is considered a "passtime", that is, was indirectly also trying to make them realize the hypocrites they were: remaining silent in the face of animals' killing for fun, but infuriated for me utilizing animals already found dead killed by others. "ONLY THOSE WHO ATTEMPT THE ABSURD WILL ACHIEVE THE IMPOSSIBLE" - M. C. Escher; simply on grounds of discrimination, if I was so vilified and had to suffer so much for simply using already found dead animals, neither should others being that sadists priding themselves in having a passtime killing animals be allowed to practice their so macabre hobby.

Call you crazy when you dream of something not their taste

In summary, the proofs of the frame-ups and the character assassination the Police intentionaly did on me are, amongst others:

  1. The Police statement above:
    1. nowhere did they bombard me with questions on what they eventually ended accuse me of,
    2. they are not in anyway doubting my version of events when replying to their questions,
    3. once they take me home and give them the keys and cd with information, they become even more convinced of my version of events,
    4. nowhere they are saying they have evidence from the autopsies made on the animals or anything of this sort which contradicts my replies,
  2. The screenshot above of the article from Maltatoday:
    1. showing clearly how the media had inside information from the very start from NO OTHER than the Police of me having simply made use of animals found already dead,
  3. My 3 cats pets I had at home with no one bothering examine them to the point that the Police:
    1. didn't even know the number, they mentioned I had only 2, this mainly because during the just 2 weeks before my arrest of continous surveillance, they used to see me take out my pets for a bit of fresh air outside and only 2 of 3 used to come out and seeing them made them even more convinced than they already were of how much I loved and cared for animals,
    2. from the photos of my pets I had in my laptop should have come up with a figure of 4 pets at home for one had since 2009 died long before my arrest in 2014, but thinking I had just 2 pets, they didn't bother at all what was the fate of the other 2 cat pets seen in these photos,
    3. ended contradicting no other than themselves when accused me of maltreatment and killing of "domesticated" (to make it appear even more macabre) animals and depicted me as a most cruel psycopath and at the same time reported that my "2" cats pets were well cared of and "well fed" - had I really been as diabolic as depicted, I would have started maltreating and killing my very own pets find them ready 24x7 at my disposal and not waste money feeding them and time cleaning after them (not to mention the so often little quarrels with my aged mother saying I had reduced our home to a farmhouse with all those (3) cats pets running around, scratching here and there and leaving them to sleep on my bed)
    4. how could ever not involve at least those of the Animal welfare when accused me with such macabre things to at least check the welfare of the cats pets they said I had at home and don't even care who was to take care of them once they arrested me. Shouldn't those of the Animal "welfare" interested themselves in the matter themselves in the first place?
    5. when the Police searched my home before my arrest they were in no way interested in my cats pets and this is really impressive as it means that their only intention was from the very start to frame me up (like ending accusing one to be a paedophile when knowing with certainity he isn't, so much to not be interested in the adopted children he has at home).
    6. when the Police took me back home in the middle of the interrogation to give them the keys and cd, they might have as well asked to pick my cats pets had they found the slightest suspicion of maltreatment let alone killing of animals in my laptop,
  4. The confirmation by the magistrate in the sentence on page 4 where:
    1. he mentioned clearly that the animals I used to find them already dead (for sure he must have consulted with the Police on the matter before writing it down black on white in the sentence),
    2. if there was the slightest doubt rest assured he would have mentioned it just as well or instead.

Abuses of the Police (or who were Police) Edmond Cuschieri, Joseph Busuttil and Raymond Zammit in my 2nd Court case of 2014:

then Police Inspector, now lawyer, Edmond CuschieriThe corrupt criminal of the then Police Inspector, now lawyer, Edmond Cuschieri
Police Inspector Joseph BusuttilThe corrupt criminal of Police Inspector Joseph Busuttil, today possibly promoted to Superintendent
then Assistant Police Commissioner, Raymind ZammitThe corrupt criminal of the then Assistant Police Commissioner, Raymond Zammit.

  1. Made character assassination of me.
  2. Incited hatred of the public against me.
  3. Vilified me transformed me into a psychopath monster depicted as one who harm and kill animals and open tombs.
  4. Defamed me tarnished my reputation.
  5. Prejudiced my case with a media conference they did before taking me to Court and with the way they made the accusations made them appear the most macabre possible, with all the media ended considering me a mental and refer to me as "cat killer" amongst others.
  6. Abused their position that brings with it trust to nurture hearsays and gossip on me.
  7. Instead of accusing me of littering public places with dead animals and entering the church crypt without permission, made me unfounded accusations / frame-ups (see above) when they were more than convinced I did nothing of what they accused me of to the point that they accused me of having maltreated killed animals and then I had 3 cats pets at home didn't feel the need to investigate them or send someone competent to do this, and accused me with violation of tombs when they had made the access in the crypt before my arrest and saw with their own eyes that I did nothing of this, I was simply doing research.
  8. They intentionally and in a premeditated way made all these crimes when they were in a position to prevent such criminal acts from happening, knowing that already labeled a mental I couldn't avoid from being labeled so once again, especially by the way they made the accusations made them appear the most macabre possible, and in this way the case never arrives to the point where they have to sustain with proofs they didn't have of what they accused me of and get caught in the frame-up they made me.
  9. They made these abuses on one who for them was a mental, when it is already too severe doing them on a normal person let alone on one who you think he is sick, vulnerable.
  10. Didn't take action on the hate speech that was written on me on the social media and the media in general (how could you expect them to take action on this when it was themselves who incited hatred against me in the first place?). The sole fact that the media used to refer to me as "cat killer" before being found guilty was in itself instigation of hatred against me. This contrasts with the recent case of that Policeman who was run over by a car.

In a corrupt country since ever like Malta, don't expect these frame-ups happened just to me, were an isolated case, for they have been happening since long to the point that even in my other Court case, my first one of 2001 they had tried to frame me up. And if they happened with the PN in government who portray (so falsely) themselves as the pure virgins, they happen even more under the PL who have made Malta renowned worldwide for its corruption.