L-ittra minn Anglu Farrugia u Edward Gatt datata 1 ta' Gunju '02 qed jirrinunzjaw milli jibqghu l-avukati tieghi, ftit jiem qabel dik is-seduta tat-12 ta' Gunju '02
Letter of Anglu Farrugia u Edward Gatt dated 1st June '02 renouncing from remaining my lawyers, few days before the court sitting of 12th June '02
English translation:
At the Court of Magistrates (Malta)
As a court of Criminal Judicary
Today: first of June of year two thousand and two (2002) – 1/6/02
Police (inspector Carmelo Bartolo) vs Nicholas Grech
Note of the defending lawyers Angelo Farrugia and Edward Gatt
With which they are renouncing the patronage of their client Nicholas Grech and this because of the considerable lack of agreement between the undersigned lawyers and the accused.
Note how this letter was written a few days before the Court sitting of 12th June 2002 to facilitate me ending kidnapped by Magistrate Carol Peralta and Psychiatrist David Cassar at Mount Carmel Hospital and be so maliciously and fraudulently discredited as a mental. The above letter was forwarded to the Commission for the Administration of Justice, informing it also of the abuses of my first lawyers who defrauded me so vilely with my own money defended my opponents made them cover-ups of severe crimes that were done on me by not reporting them, amongst them the favouritisms and threats of Magistrate Carol Peralta himself in a court room, of guess what, of smashing me against the wall. 'Not reporting makes you complicit' but for this Commission this was nothing to worry about (see letter below, as I had also asked it to investigate them).
English Translation (the parts in brackets are my additions):
The Commission for the Administration of Justice considered your letters of 19th August 2002 and 22nd September 2002.
I ask you to inform me who was present in the Court sitting you had on 4th February 2002 (referring to that Court sitting when I was threatened by Magistrate Peralta of smashing me against the wall).
Regarding the complaint against the lawyer (namely Anglu Farrugia, and think had also reported Edward Gatt who at the time was like his assistant puppet, he was anyway one of the witnesses I forwarded to the Commission regarding Magistrate Carol Peralta's case), this has been forwarded to the Committee for Lawyers.
Wait (reply) from your end.
Dr. Deborah Farrugia.
I never had any response from this Committee for Lawyers on Anglu Farrugia - they never investigated anything for the sake of cover him /them up. So much is fake this Committee, like this Commission which presided on it. The law, is of course, not the same for everyone in a country like Malta, since ever corrupt.
Abuses of lawyers Anglu Farrugia and Edward Gatt in my 1st Court case of 2001

- Defrauded me with my own money when as my lawyers in my 1st Court case did not mention anything regarding the abuses that were done on me by my opponents and by Magistrate Carol Peralta himself and made them a cover-up.
- When they did not report these abuses that were done on me and when aware of them, they made themselves accomplices in these abuses: not reporting makes you complicit.
- When they abandoned me in the middle of a Court case (see above) few days before the court sitting of 12-Jun-02, they made this intentionally to facilitate that a severe criminal act be done on me, that of ending kidnapped in Mount Carmel Hospital by Magistrate Carol Peralta and Psychiatrist David Cassar to drug me up at leisure, destroy me mentally and discredit me.
- Allowed this to happen because they had vested interest that I be destroyed mentally and discredited because I had these abuses to reveal on them and their friends of friends.
The above is a payment of Lm100 done by my relatives to lawyer Anglu Farrugia, probably for his services the first time I appeared in Court on 15-Jun-2001 in my first court case as he used not to charge me that much, unlike his successor Tonio Azzopardi, supposed to have been appointed as legal aid to be more vile.