The way Magistrate Carol Peralta had threatened me in a court sitting

L-ittra tal-Avukat Tonio Azzopardi datata 20 ta' Gunju '02, inkitbet gurnata qabel kellhom jezaminawni l-Psikjatri

The letter from lawyer Tonio Azzopardi, dated 20th June 2002, was written the day before the psychiatrists were scheduled to assess me

Lawyer Tonio Azzopardi threatening me with extortion
English translation:
I am your new lawyer and spoke with you on the phone a few days ago. TODAY, I discussed your condition with the Court and can inform you of the following:
1. TOMORROW, you will be evaluated by three Psychiatrists.
2. After that, new arrangements can be made.
You will eventually regain your freedom, provided that you agree to take the medication prescribed by the doctors. If you feel the dosage is too high, please inform me, and I will see what I can do to have it reduced where possible.
If you follow my guidance, your situation will improve significantly.
Lawyer Tonio Azzopardi


Note the date of the letter, 20-Jun-02, and how lawyer Tonio Azzopardi, after 'having spoken with the Court'—specifically with Magistrate Carol Peralta , who abusively appointed him as my legal aid instead of the one who was supposed to be assigned, already knew beforehand what the three psychiatrists would conclude when they saw me the next day, 21-Jun-02 (note the word TOMORROW). He knew they would declare me mentally ill and that Psychiatrist David Cassar would prescribe me medication.

From the very start, before I even had the chance to explain my case, this lawyer began mocking me. He was literally instructing me to accept sedation, claiming that 'things will improve significantly'—not for me, of course, but for Peralta and his associates, so their crimes could be covered up and swept under the carpet, leaving me to bear the consequences. Their 'improvement' meant I would be labeled mentally ill, silenced, and destroyed by medication, or even injections if I dared to resist his 'guidance.'

He even resorted to threats (extortion / rikatt), implying that the only way I could regain my freedom was by taking the prescribed pills. This proves how much of a fraud he was, pretending to defend me while in reality, he was cruelly ridiculing me. This is yet another confirmation that the psychiatrists' report was staged, dictated entirely by David Cassar, showing what it means to be prejudged as mentally ill once locked in a psychiatric institution.

In a letter dated 9-Aug-06, I wrote to the Commission for the Administration of Justice, which was also responsible for hearing complaints against lawyers (under the formal title 'Committee for the Lawyers of the Commission for the Administration of Justice'). Among other things, I mentioned that, in my case, Azzopardi charged me for his services despite being appointed by the Court as my legal aid. I forwarded two letters in which I had raised this issue with him and also provided proof, including telephone recordings. In a recording dated 17-Jan-03, he can be heard saying, 'It has nothing to do with this' when I asked if he needed more money.

However, just as the Commission failed to take action against Magistrate Carol Peralta for threatening to smash me against a courtroom wall, it also took no action against this lawyer (see also court plea, letter 1 and letter 2 explained in more detail here).

Abuses by Lawyer Tonio Azzopardi in My First Court Case (2001)

Lawyer Tonio AzzopardiThe fraudulent lawyer Tonio Azzopardi.

  1. He defrauded me using my own money when, as my lawyer in my first court case, he failed to mention the abuses committed against me by my opponents and by Magistrate Carol Peralta, effectively covering them up.
  2. He defrauded me using my own money by deliberately prolonging my court case, as more court sittings meant more money for him, despite supposedly serving as my court-appointed legal aid.
  3. He charged me for his services (Recording of 17-Jan-03) despite being appointed by the Court as my legal aid and continued to do so even after I informed him in writing that he should not.
  4. By failing to report the abuses against me, despite being aware of them, he made himself complicit in these abuses. Not reporting wrongdoing makes one an accomplice.
  5. When he sent me the letter dated 20-Jun-02, just one day before I was to be assessed by three psychiatrists, he attempted to coerce me, essentially engaging in extortion. The message was clear: either accept the prescribed pills and be labeled as mentally ill in exchange for my freedom, or refuse and remain locked up.
  6. When I was forcibly hospitalized in 2002, he knew in advance that I would be drugged and that the psychiatrists' report would be fabricated to label me as mentally ill.