Silta mis-seduta tal-Qorti tal-5 ta' Lulju '01
Extract from the court sitting of 5th July '01
English translation: (the parts in brackets are my additions)
(pg.27) Now, neither to say hello, nor to apologize ourselves and this after a warning that was given by the Police to not in any way communicate with her. We explained to him, neither with her nor with any other. I understand that to Mr. Romeo Camilleri and all his family, a letter of this sort annoys them, namely because it was not the first time, was not the first letter. We made the recourse neither because it is an apology, nor because it is something else, simply because of the fact he communicated with them. He was ordered to in no way communicate with them. We did not make the recourse because of the videos in question (the mentioned Romeo Camilleri had few minutes before falsely testified mentioning the video), those came after the letter, after we made the recourse came the videos. We are still investigating in this regard. When we made the recourse we had in hand the letter. When we got the videos in hand, we began investigating them.
Court: To which timeframe do the videos refer to? (Note Magistrate Carol Peralta is asking on the videos because of the commotion created in the Court after Romeo Camilleri had few minutes before testified, albeit falsely and with malignant intention, about them).
Witness: Mr. Romeo Camilleri had spoken with us (Note the plural) regarding the videos, we asked him to bring them, he subsequently brought them, we had already submitted it (the recourse) because had came the letter and submitted the recourse immediately. We did not make the recourse concerning the videos. I felt I had to do the recourse because of this communication made, and when we talked with him myself and the Assistant Commissioner Rizzo (the two for whom the plural was used), he admitted he had sent this letter.
The handwritten parts are my notes after having probably submitted this document to the Commission for the Administration of Justice and are: 1) Police Inspector Carmelo Bartolo (the witness) avoids the question, 2) The complicity of John Rizzo in the frame-up of the video and the scratch on the car.
Note how first they came with this supposedly overwhelming evidence of the video, let alone "videos", to make me loose the bail, and then it resulted in being no evidence at all because it was never mentioned again in any of the subsequent court sittins - it was a blatant frame-up and perjury false testimony. Romeo Camilleri was an ex-registrar of the Courts and Magistrate Carol Peralta used to refer to him as "my friend". As regards the mentioned apology letter I had sent them, it was sort to make them fall for my bait, in part to excuse myself for my wrongdoings and at the same time exploit their intense appetite for revenge for them to end commit crimes on me that would help me expose their evil, possibly turning the case in my favour, make mine look negligible compared to theirs, as in fact happened by ending labeling me as a mental to make it more difficult for me to expose the abuses and be that easily believed, in particular when myself still did not have such documentd amongst others in hand.
From the way that Romeo Camilleri had testified when asked to describe the contents of the video, I realized that it was in fact me who was recorded in the video, only that this had happened before my arrest, yet they, with all the blessing of the Police, tried to frame me up made it appear to have taken place afterwards to end loose me the bail. The subsequent abuse by Magistrate Carol Peralta in the 4th Court sitting of 4-Feb-02 threatening me of smashing me against the wall was a direct consequence of this frame-up on me with this video in his attempt to cover-up this and other abuses I had just told him about. This wasn't the only frame-up the Police had done on me, another one was the Police statement, despite not containing my true signature to the point that I ended having one of the accusations, i, that of falsification of signatures ("he did falsifications with fake signatures") they submitted it to the Court in my name anyway.
Timeline of events
- Wed 13-Jun-01 - was arrested after returning home from work by bus at around 16:00.
- Fri 15-Jun-01 - my 1st Court experience, appeared in front of Magistrate Carol Peralta who released me out on bail under extreme conditions (had to sign twice daily, all night stay locked at home, not approach 5 towns, 4 of them had nothing to do with the case, namely Sliema, St. Julians, and Rabat which included Mdina within, simply for being places containing night life and entertainment venues, which the daughter of that ex-registrar of the Court used to frequent, while ironically to save her the face, at the same time portraying her instead as that pure virgin and me as obsessed of her). Inspector Carmelo Bartolo submits in my name a Police statement not containing my true signature and at the same time accuses me with falsification of signatures.
- Thur 21-Jun-01 - tried my luck wrote an apology letter and sent it same day, reaching destination the day after. Note that I simply wrote my name at the end, didn't put my signature for I didn't trust them and was expecting some form of revenge.
- Fri 22-Jun-01 - that ex-registrar of the Court Romeo Camilleri receives the letter and informs Police immediately same day. Probably the Police tell him that simply an apology letter won't suffice to loose me the bail, so they had to additionally frame me up with something really nasty.
- Night between Sat 23 - Sun 24-Jun-01 - they invented to have seen me during this night in Bahar ic-Caghak near their home. The problem was that during my arrest, the Police had confiscated my motorcycle, so ended without a means of transport, in particular during the night when there used to be no bus service. And ask yourself what purpose it was for me to go there for nothing simply to give them the excuse to loose myself the bail? Had it been really the case, I would presume they to have also informed the Police immediately the same night or at most early Sunday morning, as they had done with the apology letter.
- Mon 25-Jun-01 - so much was intense their appetite for revenge on me, that they also invented that on this day I had gone to scratch a car of one I never knew from Adam. Also on this day a recource by the Police was submitted to the Court to loose me the bail for having sent the apology letter (mentions the ex-registrar of the Court Romeo Camilleri to have informed them of this on 22-Jun-01), but there is absolutely no mention at all of me to have been seen at Bahar ic-Caghak despite this supposed to have happened 2 nights before and the Police had thus ample time to investigate it.
- Thur 28-Jun-01 - lawyer Joe Giglio on behalf of that ex-registrar of the Court Romeo Camilleri and his family, submits a recourse to the Court to loose me the bail, on grounds of having sent them the apology letter and mentioning framing me up with things I didn't do to have scratched a car and I was seen at night at Bahar ic-Caghak.
- During same week - I think it was some time during this week when was asked to go to the Police Depot where found waiting for me Assistant Commissioner John Rizzo and Inspector Carmelo Bartolo who interrogated me regarding the apology letter which I admitted to have sent, on the scratch on the car which I denied any involvement, and saying they had a video showing me on a motorcycle at Bahar ic-Caghak which I likewise denied.
- Thur 5-Jul-01 - was again arraigned to Court specifically in their attempt to loose me the bail. After all the fuss, no mention at all that I had scratched some car neither by the Police nor by that Romeo Camilleri. Romeo Camilleri testifies, albeit falsely and with malignant intention, what was supposed to be seen in a video showing me on a motor cycle near his home, when this has happened before the arrest and they tried to frame me up portraying it to have taken place afterwards as explained further above (rest assured had I dared do any acts of vandalism as they amongst others ended accusing me of, they would have selected a video recording me doing such things to further aggravate the matter). Inspector Carmelo Bartolo says they are still investigating the video after presumably to have already been in their hands now for 11 days, and in the next court sittings was never mentioned again, nor what has resulted from its supposed investigation.
- Mon 4-Feb-02 - my 4th court sitting. When was called by Magistrate Carol Peralta to go near him to talk to me face to face, just managed to tell him that false testimony had taken place in a previous court sitting, only to end threatened by him with the words "don't respond me because I will smash you against the wall." When back home, recounted what happened to my father who told me "duk fursi bix ma jurix li se jejnik / Maybe to not let them know he is going to help you." It happened that my uncle-in-law was friends with Peralta (had their boats / yachts moored near each other in Msida or something of this sort) and sometime between the 2nd court sitting and this sitting he went to find Peralta in Courts to speak about my case in the hope he could be of help in some way. Peralta offered him next time to come together with my parents as in fact happened and told them something of this sort "Nara x'nista' naghmel, imma ghamel hafna / Will see what I can do, but he did a lot." So I ended taking the advise of my father and kept back from reporting immediately the incident of this court sitting. But when 2 weeks later was seen all of a sudden for the very 1st time by Psychiatrist David Cassar, indirectly told me the way Magistrate Carol Peralta intended to have me sentenced (Peralta's "what I can do"): save me the career by not sentencing me to prison, but had to pay for the defamation and so on, but I told him that if they were to continue prosecuting against me, they should prosecute against Magistrate Carol Peralta in the 1st place.
- Tue 12-Jun-02 - made a Court sitting to kidnap me lock me at Mount Carmel Hospital with the blatant lies by the big fraudster of Psychiatrist David Cassar that I was suffering from delusions of persecution, indirectly to discredit me give me the label of a mental make it further difficult for me to uncover the abuses and be that easily believed, in particular to save Magistrate Carol Peralta the career. My lawyer had intentionally abondoned me a few days before to facilitate me ending kidnapped. Magistrate Carol Peralta nominates instead lawyer Tonio Azzopardi (instead of another one who's turn it was) who the day before I was to be seen by the 3 Psychiatrists sent me this letter threatening me with extortion (rikatt). After no less than 37 days locked, kidnapped (these 37 consecutive days were the only days I ever took as sick leave in the 15 and a half years that I worked), I reported the matter to the Commission for the Administration of Justice.
Now ask yourself if such a big fraudster and liar of Psychiatrist David Cassar who covers-up abuses of mere staff / nurses whom I had reported for passing entire nights when on work sleeping, of stealing patients' food and even ended smashing my laptop, would you think he would have thought it twice to cover-up the abuses of such big head as Magistrate Carol Peralta and the rest of the friends of friends?
Abuses of Police Inspector, now Supretendent, Carmelo Bartolo in my 1st Court case of 2001
- He framed me up in my first Court case when he presented to the Court a Police statement in my name when he knew it did not contain my true signature to the point that he accused me with falsification of signatures.
- He was an accomplice in the frame-up of the video mentioned on 5-Jul-01 (see above) to make me loose the Provisional Liberty and even testified falsely in Court that the video was still being investigated.
- He tampered with evidence, a video that took place before the arrest made it appear it happened after the arrest to make me loose the bail.
- He made these crimes when he was duty bound to prevent.
With this Police Inspector Carmelo Bartolo by then had since long been promoted to Superintendent, ended mentioned in the media, grasped the opportunity and on same day of 19-Oct-2021 sent this email to the Commissioner of Police asking him to be interrogated regarding these abuses he had done on me in the past, but was all in vain.