Il-pirmli mhux kont nohodhom u waqaft fic-cirka 3 snin qabel it-tieni arrest tal-2014 imma ma kont hadthom qatt fi 12-il sena mill-2002 mill-bidunett
It is not that I used to take the pills and stopped in the roughly 3 years preceeding the second arrest of 2014, but never took them in 12 years from 2002 from the very start
Il-velenu ta' pirmli li l-Psikjatra David Cassar ried ibellghali, li kont ilni ngemma mill-bidunet mill-2002 b'mod partikulari il-pirmla Risperdal 2mg, il-'wonder pill,' li jekk tieqaf tiehu doza mizera u nsinifikanti ta' wahda kuljum tispicca tiggennen tibda tigbor l-annimali mejtin mit-toroq u ssallabhom fis-16 tax-xahar (dawk il-pirmli l-bojod x'aktarx huma l-iStelazine jew l-Anafranil li ordnali fil-bidu fl-2002). L-abbuzi li sofrejt mill-bidunett u l-mod kif jikkalpestawk hekk bil-liberta kollha kif u fi x'hin iridu kienu hekk tal-biza' li mhedded kif kont li Cassar jaqlibni fuq l-injection jew jaqfilni ghall-ghomri fuq xi gidba ohra, dejjem kont nistenna li jivvintaw xi haga gdida fuqi biex jigu jfittxuli d-dar u jsibu li m'hiniex niehu l-pirmli u kont minflok innehhihom mill-package biex jekk jigu nurihom il-package vojt bhala prova li taparsi qed niehodhom u hi r-raguni 'l ghaliex hemm dawk il-pirmli fil-bott. Provi li juru kemm altru milli kont waqaft niehodhom, fil-fatt ma kont hadthom qatt fi 12-il sena mill-bidunett li kien ordnahhomli u dan il-fatt jaqleb kollox ta' taht fuq wara li kienu kkonkludew fil-perizja tat-tieni kaz tal-2014 li n-nuqqasijiet tieghi kienu per konsegwenza ghax kont waqaft niehu l-kura biss fit-3 snin precedenti (allura issa kif se jaqbdu jispjegaw li fid-9 snin precedenti m'ghamiltx reati minkejja li wkoll ma hadtx kura ghas-suppost mard mentali kronaku u gravissimu li vvintaw li kont inbati bih?)
The poison of pills Psychiatrist David Cassar wanted me to take, which I had been collecting from the start from 2002 in particular the pill Risperdal 2mg, the 'wonder pill', which if you stop taking a misery of one single insignificant pill a day you end going crazy begin collecting dead animals from the roads and crucify them on the 16th of the month (those white pills probably are the Stelazine or Anafranil he prescribed me initially in 2002). The abuses I suffered from the start and the way they trample on you with all liberty how much and whenever they wanted were so frightening that threatened as I was that Cassar ends prescribe me the injection or lock me for all my life on some other blatant lie, always expecting them to invent something new on me as an excuse to come fetch my home and find that I was not taking the pills, and instead I used to remove them from the package so that if they come I show them the empty package as a proof as if I was taking them and is the reason there are those pills in the can. Proof that show that far from having stopped taking them, I had actually never took them in 12 years from the very start they were prescribed to me and this fact overturns everything after they had concluded in the court report of the second case of 2014 that my wrong doings were a result that I had stopped taking the medication only in the preceeding 3 years (so now how can they explain that in the preceeding 9 years I did no wrong doings despite also never taking any medication for the supposed chronic and severe mental illnesses they invented that I was suffering from?)
Pirmli Risperdal 2mg bid-data tal-manifattura 2002 ghadhom intatti fil-package.
Pills Risperdal 2mg with the manufacturing date 2002 still intact in package.
Pirmli Risperdal 2mg bid-data tal-manifattura 2003 u 2004 ghadhom intatti fil-package.
Pills Risperdal 2mg with the manufacturing date 2003 and 2004 still intact in package.
Pirmli Risperdal 2mg bid-data tal-manifattura 2005 ghadhom intatti fil-package.
Pills Risperdal 2mg with the manufacturing date 2005 still intact in package.
Tasal tiehu pirmli minn wiehed Psikjatra li njorak meta ghidtlu bl-abbuzi gravissimi li sehhew fuqek fosthom minn Magistrat Carol Peralta li quddiemu kien qed jinstema l-kaz tieghek li heddek bi vjolenza f'awla tal-Qorti, li minflok gideb dawwarhom bhala "deluzjonijiet ta' persekuzzjoni" tieghek u fuq il-gideb sfaccat tieghu jaqflek jissekwestrak abbuzivament u nnocentament l-isptar (fl-2002) ghal xejn anqas minn 37 jum u jkun ghoddu tellfek ix-xoghol? Mhux talli ma hadthom qatt mill-bidunett talli kont ingemmaghhom bhala prova ta' kemm dakinhar kien abbuzivament u nnocentament qafilni issekwestrani l-isptar fuq il-gideb fabbrikat tieghu li ghandi bzonn kura psikjatrika, u ta' kemm kompla jigdeb meta attribwili addirittura aktar mard mentali kronaku u gravissimu iehor li minkejja li qatt ma hadt kura ghalih irnexxieli ma niehu qatt gurnata sick leave mix-xoghol fi 15-il sena u nofs li domt nahdem hlief dawk l-imsemmija 37 jum tal-2002 li fihom qafilni l-isptar, u hadthom altru mhux ghax kont marid imma ghax dawwarha hu li jien hekk ta' prim giddieb u frodista li hu - trid iggarbu biex tkun taf il-psikopatiku tirann li l-vera hu.
Would you take the pills from a Psychiatrist who has ignored you when you told him of the severe abuses that you had suffered amongst them from a Magistrate Carol Peralta in front of whom is being heard your case who threatened you with violence in a court room, that instead lied turned them as if they were your " delusions of persecution" and on his blatant lies locked kidnapped you abusively and innocently in hospital (in 2002) for no less than 37 days and almost lost you the job? Not only I never took them from the start but used to collect them as a proof of how much on that day he had abusively and innocently locked me in hospital on purely fabricated lies that I needed psychiatric medication, and to how much he continued to lie when he labeled me with even more chronic and severe mental illnesses that despite never took medication for them managed not to take just a single day as sick leave from work in the 15 and a half years that I worked except those mentioned 37 days of 2002 in which he had locked kidnapped me in hospital, and I took them by far not because I was sick but because he had turned it that I was so being that big liar and fraudster - you have to experience him to know the psycopath tyrant he really is.