Silta mis-sentenza tal-Qorti tat-28 ta' Gunju '05, pagna 4
Extract from the court sentence of 28th June '05, page 4
English translation:
Saw the script of the court sitting of 15th June 2001 where this Court presided by another in the day of presentation had nominated Psychiatrist Doctor David Cassar to examine the accused.
That on the 12th of June 2002 Psychiatrist Doctor David Cassar [fol 60] testified and explained that he had spoke for long with the accused and in detail concluded without doubt that the accused was suffering from psychosis of delusions of persecution. He explained that in the beginning of the interviews the delusions were light but slowly these began to increase. In the beginning they were called fixations and 'over valued ideas' but with time they became of the type of delusions where the thought was what the Psychiatrist calls 'fixed and ushaken' whereby he doesn't realize that he doesn't have 'insight' to the point that he has bad thoughts and concluded that he needed psychiatric cure [fol 62].
Note that the phrase "in the beginning of the interviews the delusions were light but slowly these began to increase" is also a blatant lie as illustrated by the graph below showing the dosages of daily pills he prescribed me.
As can be seen the dosage reached a climax of 7 daily pills on 25-Mar-02, reduced on 22-Apr-02, increased again on 20-May-02 yet it didn't reach the climax of 25-Mar-02, and on 22-Jun-02, the day after I was seen by the 3 Psychiatrists on 21-Jun-02 including Psychiatrist David Cassar himself, he reduced it again to just 4 daily pills (actually 2 pills Stelazine 2mg). Had the delusions he invented I was suffering from began to increase as he said in this Court sitting on 12-Jun-02, one would have expected him to have increased the dosage of pills progressively in accordance, not reduce it and end contradicting what he intentionally falsely testified in court, in other words a reduction in dosage meant that my delusions, if any, must have decreased and not increased as he intentionally falsely testified in Court. Common sense and logic thus tells you that such a blatant liar who, not in some remote village band club, but in no other than in a court room, during a court sitting, in front of the crucifix affixed prominently on the wall behind the magistrate himself, did not have it on his conscience to intentionally and so maliciously lie on me on one thing, for sure would not have hesitated to lie even further on other things, namely the mentioned "delusions of persecution" he so maliciously invented that I was suffering from. It truly shows how I ended innocently kidnapped and locked in a mental institution on that day of 12-Jun-02 because of his premeditated blatant lies and false testimony, because of the cover-ups of serious crimes he wanted to do. But it comes out that he who had labeled me a mental to discredit me and lessen my credibility, had in the process with all his lies and contradictions, lost the credibility of no other than he himself.
Also worth noting that the idea behind the words "in the beginning of the interviews the delusions were light but slowly these began to increase" was meant to make me pay it both ways: 1) of being depicted as mentally fit when I committed the wrong doings before the arrest and God knows how much they would have fined me with all the favouritisms Magistrate Carol Peralta had shown till then, 2) and of being depicted to have progressively become a mental afterwards to lessen my credibility if I come to reveal the abuses I suffered after the arrest depict them as if they were my imaginations, my "delusions." On the other hand I had argued with Psychiatrist David Cassar in the appointments I had with him prior to this court sitting of 12-Jun-02, that I was depressed without control of myself before the arrest to avoid responsability for my wrong doings, and to have successfully recoverd afterwards with the support of my family as proven in this almost one year since arrest where I behaved well and always respected the extreme conditions of bail amongst others despite never took any cure for these supposed "delusions". But everything was to take another direction after being seen by the 3 Psychiatrists on 21-Jun-02 for their court report: the fact that I kept emphasizing that there were persons who witnessed the abuses I suffered including hearing Magistrate Carol Peralta threatening me with violence in that court sitting of 4-Feb-02, just 128 days (4 months, 8 days) before, forced them to maliciously attribute me so much chronic and severe mental illnesses related to paranoia to further lessen my credibility that it would have been impossible not to have been a complete mental since long, possibly since birth, with fraudster of Psychiatrist David Cassar even coming with the theory of being a disabled person with dopamine missing from my mind. It was yet another big contradiction with me, without any medication, working before arrest and continued working afterwards in a job of responsability and never had took just a single day as sick leave despite all the the illnesses and disabilities I was labelled with. I must have been really a unique case, of one in a million billion, not only unique in the whole world but also in the history of mankind, never before had ever existed someone with such contradictory characteristics. The Psychiatrists for sure merited the Nobel Price in medicine for such a great feat in their so blatantly false diagnoses of me as a mental.
As one can see, this testimony of Psychiatrist David Cassar in this court sitting of 12-Jun-02 was quoted in the sentence delivered in 28-Jun-05 by Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera: despite being pure blatant lies, it was taken in good faith, so much I had a miscarriage of justice, and as a consequence of which I ended innocently sentenced to Mount Carmel Hospital, continued to make use of his false testimony in the appeal which sentence was delivered on 21-Nov-05, effectively kidnapping me to Mount Carmel Hospital where I spent exactly 2 months, after a Tribunal had approved my release but with the final approval letter by the Minister had still not reached office.
The following is an extract of the court sitting of 12-Jun-2002, of what actually happened that day:
English Translation
Dr. David Cassar M.D. son of _ born in Saint Julians, residing in Attard, under oath and in the presence of the accused, is saying:
Court (Magistrate Carol Peralta): You are a medical doctor, am I right, and your profession is?
Witness (Psychiatrist David Cassar): Psychiatrist
Court: Psychiatrist. You have been appointed by this Court to examine the accused Nicholas Grech in a systematic way and report on his mental state in writing. Can you tell the Court what point have you reached up to now, what conclusions have you come to, and what are your recommendations, if you have, regarding this person?
Witness: I examined Nicholas Grech in detail, for long time spoke with him several times, some of them even together with the Probation Officer (Mary Grace Vella). I also discussed his case for long time with the Probation Officer, and as asked by this Honorable Court, I also spoke with the Probation Officer together with the victim. Nicholas Grech is suffering from the condition of psychosis with delusions of persecution. In the beginning they were mild, but with time began increasing. At the beginning they were what we refer to as obsessions and over valued ideas but now have reached the point of delusions where the thought is what we refer to as fixed and unshakeable that he does not realize, he does not have any insight ...
- note how Psychiatrists always use the same tacticts when they want to discredit someone, it is always a repetition of the same story, they use the beautiful wording label you reduce you to being "psychotic" to be suffering from paranoia, "psychosis" (lack of contact with reality), "delusions", and lacking "insight",
- note how Psychiatrist David Cassar is stating clearly to have spoken with the Probation Officer (Mary Grace Vella) "for long time". Now this was present for almost all the court sittings, in particular all those that took place before this date to which Psychiatrist David Cassar was not present (this one was his very 1st), namely the sitting of 5-Jul-01 when they tried to lose me the bail using a video which took place before the arrest framing me up as if it had taken place afterwards, and was also present in the court sitting of 4-Feb-02 in which when I tried to point out to Magistrate Carol Peralta this false testimony and tampering of evidence, he responded by threatening me with the words "don't respond me because I will smash you against the wall" to which fraudster and big liar Psychiatrist David Cassar is under oath reducing them manipulating them as if they were my "delusions of persecution" (imagine a child telling the head of school he was abused by his teacher and the former tells him they are just his delusions and intimidate him by kidnapping him drugging him, ending the victim once twice). So Psychiatrist David Cassar cannot say that he was not aware of what had happened in these sittings, for if he did not believe me because I was in the disadvantaged role of the accused, he could have asked this Probation Officer about them during the time he spoke for "long time" with her, to the point that she was one of 4 witnesses whom I referred to the Commission for the Administration of Justice when later reported amongst others these abuses of Peralta. This could indirectly mean she was part of the conspiracy to have me maliciously labelled as mental to save amongst others Peralta's career, for she must have reasoned it rather befriend such big heads, than in any way help me the accused, she was for sure an accomplice through her silence (covered up crimes by not reporting them).
How to discredit a person labelling him a mental
Given: One who is amongst others saying that in a court sitting he had, false evidence and tampering of evidence took place to make him loose the bail, that he was framed-up by presenting a Police statement in his name not with his true signature to the point that he was accused with falsifying of signatures, that in another court sitting he was threatened with violence by none other than the Magistrate himself in the court room. He is an obstinate guy who can't be easily silenced, he wasn't intimated and traumatized enough by the Magistrate with the threats of being smashed against the wall and even aggravated the situation, and any attempt to condition his mind and sedate him with pills proved futile because either the pills are ineffective or he is not taking them at all.
Current situation: He doesn't have any treatment order by the Court which obliges him by force to take the cure and the role of the appointed Psychiatrist is solely to write a report on his condition, but don't worry no one will take this into consideration, the Magistrate is an accomplice for his career in the judicary is at stake. Neither will anyone ask whether a scientific test say blood or urine test was used to detect the illnesses he is going to be attributed of suffering from. His lawyer has just renounced from remaining his lawyer and the Magistrate is about to appoint one as legal aid instead of another one whose turn it is specifically to continue in the steps of the first lawyer and not proceed on the abuses he is saying to have suffered.
Aim: To discredit him before it is to late, to further intimidate him and to cover-up the abuses he is saying to have suffered, especially important as it concerns crimes of persons in high position and friends of friends.
Method: Hastily make a court sitting. Say that he needs psychiatric cure as an excuse to lock him up in a mental institution where with the stigma such place carries will serve as a basis for what is yet to come. Prejudice the case labeling him a mental and to be suffering from an illness like psychosis (related words: fixation, obsession) of delusions (related words: illusion, hallucination, fantasy) of persecution to discredit him lessing his credibility making him appear as if he is imaging things. Appoint other psychiatrists to examine him so that everything appears to be running smoothly, knowing that a doctor does not contradict another one, a colleague, especially when the current Psychiatrist has been seeing the victim the last 4 months and for sure the other Psychiatrists will get the impression that current psychiatrist has already a clear picture of the victim on which they can rely without doubting him. Instruct the specifically appointed lawyer to send him a letter before he is going to be examined by the psychiatrists threatening him with extortion that the only way forward, for freedom, is to take the pills they will prescribe him if he wants to ever obtain back liberty, that is accept the lie that he is sick or else despair remain locked up. Everything will appear to have been done in good faith, no suspisions at all, and even appear to have been really providential the magistrate appointed a psychiatrist to examine him because it makes you wonder where he would have ended without cure for all the chronic and severe mental illnesses they will subsequently label him with. Sic transit gloria mundi.