Il-verbal tas-seduta tat-12-Jun-02 li ssemmi Martin Fenech li lilu jmiss it-turn biex jinhatar bhala avukat t'ghajnuna legali imma minflok il-Magistrat Carol Peralta jappunta u jsemmi isem Tonio Azzopardi
The transcript of the court sitting on 12th June, 2002, mentions Martin Fenech, who was next in line for appointment as legal aid. However, Magistrate Carol Peralta instead appoints and names Tonio Azzopardi.
English translation:
The Court is adjourning the sitting from 17th June 2002 to today.
Inspector C. Bartolo and the accused were present.
The Court (Magistrate Carol Peralta), after reviewing the note submitted by the defense lawyers, Dr. Anglu Farrugia and Dr. Edward Gatt, is appointing Dr. Martin Fenech as legal aid for the accused, as it is his turn to serve in this role.
Mary Grace Vella, Probation Officer, testified. Dr. David Cassar, Psychiatrist, also testified.
The Court is revoking the bail granted to the accused on 15th June 2001, following the testimonies of Mary Grace Vella and Dr. David Cassar. Consequently, the Court orders the immediate re-arrest of the accused and his transfer to Mount Carmel Hospital.
Furthermore, the Court reaffirms the appointment of Dr. David Cassar, who, together with Dr. Peter Muscat, Dr. Joseph Saliba (who later resigned from this role), and Professor Joseph Pisani, is to examine the accused and submit a written report on his progress. The report should indicate whether the accused is fit to stand trial and respond to the charges against him.
The next sitting is scheduled for 8th October 2002 for the submission of the experts’ report.
Note how lawyer Martin Fenech was listed as the one whose turn it was to be appointed as legal aid. Yet, Magistrate Carol Peralta verbally and abusively nominated lawyer Tonio Azzopardi instead. As a result, my relatives ended up seeking his advice—the advice of the very lawyer they 'heard' being mentioned in this court sitting on 12th June 2002 by none other than the Magistrate himself.
In my second court case in 2014, I did not know which lawyer would best defend me. So, when asked by the police during interrogation, I decided to nominate Dr. Martin Fenech. They made the arrangements themselves, calling him supposedly to defend me, but instead he just as well defrauded me and covered up the abuses of those involved, of the police themselves in particular.
Abuses by lawyer Martin Fenech in My 2nd Court case (2014)
- Martin Fenech defrauded me using my own money. As my lawyer in my second court case, he failed to mention the abuses I suffered at the hands of the Police and Magistrate Carol Peralta. Instead, he covered them up.
- He intentionally refrained from requesting that Magistrate Carol Peralta recuse himself from my case, despite a clear conflict of interest. In the past, I had reported Peralta to the Commission for the Administration of Justice. To spare him embarrassment and avoid questions about my complaint, Fenech allowed Peralta to remain on the case, giving him free rein to take revenge on me, something he had long been waiting for.
- Fenech also failed to address the deliberately instigated, baseless hatred against me. My case was a clear example of trial by media, prejudice, and a gross miscarriage of justice. From the outset, the trial was unfair and biased, violating my fundamental human rights, including the right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
The payment above, dated 28-Apr-14, is one of several made by my relatives to lawyer Dr. Martin Fenech. At that point, six more court sittings were still to come, so one can imagine how much more my relatives had to pay.
Now, go and retrieve my court case, if it is ever found, since, as I said, it has mysteriously vanished from right under the Court's nose, and see if there is even a single instance where this lawyer dared to defend me. You will find nothing because he never did. He fraudulently took my money as my defense lawyer but ultimately never uttered a single word in my defense, despite the blatant contradictions in the accusations made by the police. He simply allowed them to frame me and assassinate my character without any resistance.
While I was locked in the Forensic section of Mount Carmel Hospital until my sentencing on 26-Jun-14, I was kept in a cell with four other inmates, one of whom was a British national named Steve Bradbury. He had a case related to drug importation, and the same lawyer, Martin Fenech, had been appointed as his legal aid. Yet, Fenech never appeared in court to defend him, resulting in Bradbury receiving the maximum sentence, while Fenech likely pocketed the legal aid money anyway.