Il-verbal tas-seduta tat-12-Jun-02 li ssemmi Martin Fenech li lilu jmiss it-turn biex jinhatar bhala avukat t'ghajnuna legali imma minflok il-Magistrat Carol Peralta jappunta u jsemmi isem Tonio Azzopardi
Script of the court sitting of 12-Jun-02, mentioning the name of Martin Fenech whose turn it was to be appointed as legal aid but instead Magistrate Carol Peralta appoints and mentions Tonio Azzopardi
English translation:
The Court is referring the sitting from 17th June '02 to today.
Appeared Inspector C.Bartolo and the accused.
The Court (Magistrate Carol Peralta) after seeing the note of the defence lawyers of the accused, that is of Dr. Anglu Farrugia and Dr. Edward Gatt, is nominating Dr. Martin Fenech as legal aid (of the accused) whose turn it is.
Testified Mary Grace Vella Probation Officer. Testified (Psychiatrist) Dr. David Cassar.
The Court is revoking the bail granted to the accused on 15th June 2001 and this after having heard Mary Grace Vella and Psychiatric Dr. David Cassar and is ordering that the accused be arrested again immediately and should be recovered in Mount Carmel Hospital. The Court is reaffirming the nomination of David Cassar who together with Dr. Peter Muscat, Dr. Joseph Saliba (this one later resigned from this role) and Profs Joseph Pisani are to examine the accused and report on his progress and in writing state whether the accused is in a position to respond to the accusations he is accused of. Next sitting scheduled to 8th October 2002 for the report by the experts.
Note how lawyer Martin Fenech is written down as the one who's turn it was to be appointed as legal aid. Yet Magistrate Carol Peralta verbally and abusively nominated lawyer Tonio Azzopardi instead and my relatives ended seeking his advice, the advice of the one they 'heard' being mentioned in this court sitting of 12-Jun-02 by no other than the Magistrate himself.
In my second Court case of 2014, I didn't know of a lawyer who could best defend me, so when asked by the Police during interrogation, decided to nominate this lawyer Dr. Martin Fenech and they made the arrangements themselves calling him, supposedly to defend me, but instead he defrauded me covered up the abuses of those involved.
Abuses of lawyer Martin Fenech in my 2nd Court case of 2014
- Defrauded me with my own money when as my lawyer in my 2nd Court case did not mention anything regarding the abuses made on me by the Police and by Magistrate Carol Peralta himself and did them a cover-up.
- Intentionally refrained from asking Magistrate Carol Peralta to recuse himself from continuing to hear my case owing to his (Peralta) conflict of interest had in the past reported him to the Commission for the Administration of Justice, so as to avoid him the embarrasment and the career come someone asking on what matters had I reported him, and left him with all liberty have his revenge on me he had long been waiting for.
- Defrauded me when as my lawyer didn't mention anything about the intentionally instigated unfounded hatred against me and when mine was a blatant prejudiced case of trial by the media amongst others, and a prime example of an unfair and biased trial from the start, with such travesty of justice violating my human rights for a fair trial in being considered innocent until proven guilty.
The one above dated 28-Apr-14 is one of several payments made by my relatives to laywer Dr. Martin Fenech. There were still 6 court sittings to follow, so one could expect how much more payments my relatives had to do. Now go fetch my court case (if one day it is found, because as I said it has 'mysteriously vanished' from right under the Court's eyes) and see if there was just one instance, just one, when this lawyer dared defend me. You will find nothing because he never, never did - he just fraudulently took me money as my defence lawyer but vilely ended never uttering just a single word to defend me despite the great contradictions in the accusations as done by the Police. He just left them to frame me up and character assassinate me with all liberty amongst others.
Also, while locked at Forensic section at Mount Carmel Hospital till the sentence was given on 26-Jun-14, I was kept in a cell with other 4 inmates, one of them being a certain British national Steve Bradbury. He had some case involving importation of drugs and this same lawyer Martin Fenech had been appointed as his legal aid. Yet this Fenech never appeared in Court to defend him, with the result that this Bradbury ended being given the maximum sentence while Fenech possibly ended pocketing the money from legal aid anyway.