The way Magistrate Carol Peralta had threatened me in a court sitting

Silta mis-sentenza tal-Qorti tas-26 ta' Jun '14, pagna 2: l-akkuzi nfondati ntizi li jidhru l-aktar makabri possibli

Extract from the court sentence of 26th June 2014, page 2: the unfounded accusations intentioned to appear the most macabre possible

English translation:


The first three accusations are completely unfounded, intentionally exaggerated to be as macabre as possible, aiming to frame me and assassinate my character in the most vile way. The police were more than certain, beyond any doubt, that I had not committed any of these alleged acts. This was evident in the first accusation, where they never even felt the need to examine the three pet cats I had at home or involve the Animal Welfare authorities.

The second accusation was even more absurd, as it solely concerned the research I was conducting on the remains of my hometown's old church. For this purpose, I had entered the mentioned locations carrying only a ruler, measuring tape, and a camera.

Particularly worth noting is the third accusation, which involved "the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, the official religion of Malta." Why do we criticize countries like Iran and Pakistan for being Islamic states that implement Sharia law and outdated practices, when here in Malta, a European Union member, we have our own version of police-enforced religious law? And what was my alleged crime? Simply carrying out a prank that involved animals placed on crucifixes.

The fourth accusation involved me entering the cave beneath the Speranza Chapel solely to take photographs, without disturbing anything. Just like in the second accusation, no one from the church authorities or any other entity had reported anything to the police—these accusations were solely based on photos they found on my laptop after my arrest.

The media knew from the start Nicholas Grech was no cat killer
Notice how the media had inside information from the start (was arrested on 19-Mar-14, above article dated the day after 20th Mar!) that I, Nicholas Grech, only used animals that were already dead. Yet, they deliberately spread false accusations, wrongly labeling me as the "Mosta cat killer" and fueling public outrage against me. In doing so, they actively aided the police in framing me.