Min hu Frederick Azzopardi?
Who is Frederick Azzopardi?
Frederick Azzopardi was the Chief Executive of Infrastructure Malta, widening roads at the expense of the little virgin land that remains and ruined even more farmland with the Central Link Project, as being that dumb thinks in this way he will solve the problem of traffic congestion. But let us analyse him from his humble beginnings. He graduated as Mechanical Engineer in 1996, and probably without any interview, this is how he got a cosy job with the Government.
He was a MLP councillor first in his hometown Rabat in year 2000 and then in some way found himself in the Mdina council as from year 2006 (Source: Mdina Council website or from a copy on this website). During 2013 election and / or in those before he possibly was a representative of the party at the counting hall, shouting and hurling insults from behind the perspex towards counting agents as from the now defunct website di-ve.com had in 2014 extracted an article which contained the sentence "A PL Delegate also named Frederick Azzopardi took the stand", although I may be mistaking him with someone else with the same name. Soon after Labour's landslide victory in 2013 election with the promise of "meritocracy", they put this term into practice by appointing him as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Water Services Corporation with his "merit" being his continous allegiance to the party as actually up to that time his "expertise" was working at Project House doing some certification / inspection of lifts or something similar. As from January 2014, in less than 10 months from election, he was promoted to CEO of Enemalta, yet 5 months earlier on 19th July 2013 while still CEO of WSC, he was listed as the ‘Applicant’ of the newly proposed gas plant (of Electro Gas) which was planned to be built at Delimara Power Station (DPS), Mepa Case Number: PA/00021/14. The following is an extract of the application I had retreived from Mepa website some time in 2014.
If you happen to search the same application today on the PA server, namely PA00021/14, you will find instead listed as applicant Mr. Michael Konz obo Electro Gas Malta Ltd (instead of Frederick) and as architect Perit John Attard (instead of Peter Zammit whose firm is said to have been paid €189,504.28 in direct order) for plans on the new gas terminal plant at Delimara, yet the date is the same namely 19/7/2013 as well as are all other details as shown below.
The same happened with application PA/00022/14 for the construction of jetty and ancillary facilities, they simply changed the 2 names to wipe away any suspicion of wrong-doing, of corruption, of something which had long been premeditated. If you google search the words "michael konz electro gas" or a combination of some of them you find incredibly absolutely nothing about this "Mr." Konz, who one would expect him to be some renowned big entrepreneur to involve himself in such massive projects. For those who think that the above image with Frederick's name is fake, all they need to do is to check the photo, shown below, of the application that was affixed to DPS boundary wall in 2013/4, with Frederick's name on both applications, extracted from the PA server.
Now considering the allegations of corruption on this power station project that have long been coming out, involving businessman Yorgen Fenech and ex-Minister Conrad Mizzi, an outsider (and/or party financial supporter?) and a new comer respectively in relation to the party, one would instinctively suspect that one like Frederick Azzopardi with years fighting for the party and had even put down his name as the original applicant of this power station may also have had his share. But for sure he does it solely for the love of his country with absolutely no personal interests especially in money to the point that months later within a year or so, began being referred to as Executive Chairman of Enemalta, not because he wanted to save Enemalta that extra salary of a chairman of course not, but most probably because he combined the 2 roles of Chief Executive and Chairman to have the salaries of both, so possibly ended pocketing many times the "official" salary of the then Prime Minister and his then boss Minister Mizzi himself.
If one was to assume that ex-Minister Conrad Mizzi was the mastermind behind this premeditated power station project, a most probable done deal before the 2013 election, who had the contacts and so on, he might as well could have been that greedy to pocket the possible fraudulent commissions from this project all for himself. But at the end, maybe knowing he did not have all the expertise to avoid being caught in financial transactions with today's technology, probably had to ask for the services of Brian Tonna and his Nexia BT. And maybe for this reason ended involving Keith Schembri who like him had used the services of this advisory firm to set up Panama companies just 5 days after the 2013 election. But if everyone was working in a team, with this premeditated power station project being the aim of the party, how possibly not to involve the captain himself, the then Prime Minister, and Frederick Azzopardi the applicant? It was also alleged in 2017 of possible transfer of kickbacks from the LNG tanker deal into bank accounts held by companies belonging to Mizzi and Schembri and all this makes you suspect the reason behind those mysterious companies, Hearville, Tillgate, Egrant, 17 Black, etc. not to mention that Pilatus Bank, was the possible large transfers of fraudulent money that had to be done. It could be they both were kept in office (Mizzi and Schembri) because they were indebted to them for possibly being used as the sacrificial lambs, having their names listed instead of others more prominent persons to whom could possibly have had to transfer part of the kickbacks. It could be that Daphne had to be killed because she was an obstacle with her investigative journalism as she could have ended uncovering these possible trasfers of money or at least part of them that had to be done. So it could have possibly been worthed for them to sacrifice part of the promised money for her assassination rather than remain empty handed.
Returning back to when Frederick was given that new role as CEO of Enemalta in January 2014, being himself so "meritocratically" appointed to this post, he followed the same example and in his first week in his office he appointed on the same "merit" 3 puppets as acting managers / assistant managers. The following is the statement he issued to Enemalta employees (note that he already listed himself as being both Chief Executive and Director and was thus possibly already pocketing another salary or allowance):
As can be seen year 2014 for Enemalta at the helm of Frederick seemed to have started with transfers in mind as by end of first week of January, the 3 managers at DPS at the time, were notified by the then Executive Head Generation Ing. Peter Grima that they will soon be replaced with new managers, to keep the matter secret, and that eventually will end transferred to other sections by end of January 2014. The news eventually came out the day after when the newly appointed ‘Acting’ managers did not report at their respective sections and from the following days began assuming managerial roles, giving orders (in emails and/or verbally) and deciding what to do and what not. These new managers were none other than Ing. Ismail D’Amato, Ing. Ruben Briffa and Eng. Johann Zammit (listed as Ing. but for that title you actually need to have an engineering warrant), appointed in the role of Acting Manager, Acting Assistant Manager Operations and Acting Assistant Manager Maintenance respectively. Some months later a purely fake call for application for the actual posts was made when everyone knew that these were going to be selected on exactly the same "merits" (i.e. instead of Acting Manager became Manager, etc.) to the point that only one or two dared apply if any (apart from Frederick's chosen three) and as was expected were not selected, once again everything was premeditated. Some years later around November 2017 it was rumoured within Enemalta that Frederick was to retain solely the role of Chairman while D'Amato was going to be promoted to Chief Executive but was said to have had some clash with Frederick and instead ended dumped out of Enemalta, Briffa ended later in some cosy managerial role at Enemed where probably with less work to do he ended devoting his office ours at government's expense to research and write articles on international topics to that "independent" newspaper "L-Orizzont," while Zammit was made DPS manager instead.
At the time (January 2014), it was really a shock seeing the existent dedicated and experienced managers being forced to resign in such a humiliating way. It became the talking topic not only at DPS where they were stationed but also throughout Marsa Power Station (MPS), everyone finding it so unbelievable and many frightened things had arrived up to this point. Many other experienced engineers who in the past had applied for posts of managers, felt frustrated and humiliated to have been surpassed with these incompetents (one union, the EPOU, had in fact issued a statement in this regard some time later), chosen solely on the merit of their allegiances towards the party and possibly informants, chosen without any call for application for these posts as should have been done (see image below with extracts from the Collective Agreement for years 2011-15) and hence without "a proper" selection process (otherwise they would have never succeeded without these "merits" / preferences), and still in their 30s (D'Amato possibly was 34 years old, Briffa 39 and Zammit 33), with little experience at DPS and in management in particular. In fact they were such party loyalists and lackeys that were ready to do anything the party demands from them without even considering it as pretentious to replace their predecessors with all their vast experience, and do this in less than a month for the handover of work (for by the beginning of February ’14 they had already dumped the old managers to Marsa).
All 3 of them had came from MPS to DPS months or few years before. Whilst under the previous government (PN), they managed, with the continued preferential treatment probably from the mentioned Ing. Peter Grima, to make their way and jump over other potential candidates in being sent to DPS and thus had their job secured, while other engineers who were not that selfish and brazen faced over their colleagues like them, were left hanging at Marsa Power Station with their fate still unclear once this power station was planned to be closed within few years time (they had been saying this since long). D’Amato was deployed at DPS around 2012 and was soon assigned to the BWSC plant which was at that time being built and commissioned. Johann Zammit was deployed at DPS in July 2013 (after the MLP victory), barely 6 months before being promoted to the above mentioned managerial role, and one can guess what experience he had gained in this little time on the various plants at Delimara. Possibly via some ministerial pressure now that the MLP was in government, he came by forcing himself to DPS Maintenance section when there was no need for him as a few months earlier another engineer had already been deployed from MPS to the same mentioned section. Most probably in 2014 when he was appointed to this post of Acting Assistant Manager he still did not have an Engineering Warrant considering his warrant number subsequently issued was 1415 (while myself when began working at Enemalta in 2000 was the first victim of the excuse that I had to have a Warrant to be deployed simply as engineer on shift basis as they made it that my manager would end being responsible for my actions without it and had to wait for more than a year till I obtained one).
Ruben Briffa was deployed possibly since 2008/9 at DPS on Phase 2B plant. Briffa originated from Hal Ghaxaq, was in the same Engineering course with Frederick Azzopardi (and also like him had chosen the Mechanical branch), and of the same age as his compatriot lawyer Dr. Franco Debono with whom he possibly shared class in the primary school. After 2013 election, he began manoeuvring and pressing the old management (those who eventually finished with a transfer to MPS at the beginning of 2014) to secure his post on BWSC plant since the party had since before election outlined its intentions of possibly closing also Phase 2B plant or using it only for emergencies. Seeing the old management reluctant to his desires, he made ministerial pressure and in this way forced himself on BWSC plant. He always tried to enter Night shifts as much as possible so as to have less work to do and maybe also have time for a long nap and never hesitated to pass bad remarks on the old management and ridicule them with the operators. Engineers who remember him still with long hair while still operations engineer at MPS recount how he used to enter Sundays for work very tired and sometimes even drunk after a night out with friends. At one point at that time, the management at MPS wanted to transfer him to the maintenance section at MPS, something which he strongly objected and was saved when exactly at the same time and out of nowhere, came the above mentioned Johann Zammit (had been working for some months with Farsons) who was eventually deployed at MPS maintenance section instead. Johann Zammit, under the PN and with Ing. P. Grima at the helm, was also the first and probably the only engineer ever to have started working on shift basis from the very start of his appointment (obviously also without a Warrrant, compare with my case where back in year 2000 they had requested that I obtain one first), namely entering Sundays and public holidays (meaning double and triple pay respectively), when he was still on training / 6 months probation period and with barely any work experience (he had graduated some months before) - extra unnecessary expenses for Enemalta for him to fatten his pockets from the very start.
When in 2012/2013 the BWSC plant was still being commissioned and under tests, probably one of these three (guess who, probably they put him instead as Assistant Manager despite being the oldest not to make it that obvious or as an excuse for him to forward the work to the proposed Manager) used to pass information to the party media about Enemalta’s plants and particularly reporting all faults that were happening, a typical one being the photos regarding the damage that once occurred on the BWSC steam turbine blades and obviously such help and contacts merited a reward after the election in some way by their promotion to managers. At least one of them in particular used to be so delighted when things went wrong and always tried to ridicule the new BWSC plant (not that it merits any praise anyway). Now try to imagine what this means, putting as managers those who tried so hard to ridicule/sabotage Enemalta plans, but as long as it was to the party’s advantage everything was fine, it is actually termed 'meritocracy.'
As regards the managers who were forced to resign their post in preference to these 3 by Frederick, namely Drago, Borg and Chircop, in 2014 being 50, 54 and 48 years old respectively, all of them were at DPS almost from its inception after several years experience working at MPS. They had applied to the relevant managerial posts after a call for application was issued some years before (as stipulated the Collective Agreement) and were selected on their merits and experience from several other potential candidates. They were very diligent and committed to their work, often working long office hours, sometimes entering on Sundays or in the middle of a night in case of some turbine trip. Their vast experience meant they were often used as a reference point by other engineers in case of difficulties encountered during maintenance or startups of plant, etc. Despite the beautiful wording in their dismissal (see above letter dated 8th January 2014 issued by Frederick), they were just given a pure transfer to sections were there were already other personnel assigned, confirming even more that their transfer was meant to dump them away forgotten in a remote room in MPS together with all their vast experience to not in any way interfere with Frederick's projects and plans. One manager more than the others was effectively given practically nothing to do, a sort of double vindictive act to destroy him mentally. Eventually months later, they were transferred to some government department and dumped away from Enemalta (one of them years later applied and was chosen to work on the Electro Gas Plant, another one had since April '17 died from hearth problems, and the remaining one on some 2 or 3 occasions I met him at Mount Carmel Hospital seems to have been assigned on some non-sense ridiculous projects which never materialize). But the transfers at the start of the year 2014 of the old managers at DPS could not be complete without giving a transfer also to their 2 secretaries. Incredulous as it may seem, this was in fact what happened as they also finished at MPS (or at some other section) by beginning of February ‘14. Engineers who knew Ruben Briffa very well put it as a personal revenge he had against one of them for refusing to go out with him in his younger days (I had even confirmed this with that ex-secretary concerned when like her I ended transferred to MPS weeks later).
Eventually Ing. P. Grima, who in his heydays used to frighten everyone simply when one received a phone call from him because of his severe discipline (we had even made the mobile Nokia tune 'Toreador' associated with his phone number), but ended a complete lackey with Frederick at the helm of Enemalta possibly betraying his principles and past colleagues in his effort to save his post to suit the vindictive desires of the newly appointed heads, got a taste of Frederick's medicine when they finally found the excuse to sack him, to also dump him out of Enemalta with all his vast experience and pave the way for Enemalta to become a sort of political party club. To say the complete story this Grima didn't use his discipline with everyone, of course not, with that incident of the total shutdown on Good Friday of 2nd April 2010 coming to my mind when I happened to be off duty at home watching the procession on TV when at about 7p.m. came the blackout. To recount that story, at that time operators were not taking telephone calls because of a dispute between GWU and Enemalta (under the PN, the GWU almost dictated everything at Enemalta). It happened that the operations engineer at DPS who happened to be on duty that evening had the habit of staying all shift locked in his office to cater for his family matters (like preparing and printing his children schoolwork and doing research from the internet for them or trimming his beard and washing himself in shower) and didn’t care for once to go to the control room to instruct the operators when to start the gas turbine to cater for the evening peak demand (he was too occupied with personal matters). As a consequence, when he finally was alerted by the operators themselves (i.e. they had even gone against their GWU directive to save his face by phoning him), was way too late and resulted in the tripping one after the other of the Generators at DPS and subsequently after some minutes also those at MPS, because being unfamiliar with the control room (despite being operations engineer), didn’t even come to his mind that by shedding feeders he could have saved a total shutdown across the Maltese islands or at least saved MPS from tripping also. The day after I happened to be on leave by the sea at Comino with some colleageus from the maintenance section when out of curiosity phoned at work and responded himself who was trying to figure out how to plot the trends / charts. This engineer is said to have used the services of Dr. Franco Debono during the course of the subsequent Enemalta’s investigations, and had tried to blame everyone for the trip but not himself, be it other colleagues engineers (including the one at MPS who managed to keep his plant in service for some minutes by shedding load) and his subordinates. This Ing. Peter Grima (possibly was still Chief Technical Officer in 2010), despite knowing all these facts (including this engineer’s habits of staying locked in his office for Grima himself had for long been Assistant Manager and then Manager at DPS in the years before), all of a sudden and suspiciously decided to cover him up in the subsequent second investigation that followed without even giving him a mere charge, warning or fine, let alone a transfer or dismissal, and was said to have come up with the ridiculous excuse that if he were to blame him, Enemalta would in turn be blamed and possibly sued for all the damages caused to consumers (if he really that cared for Enemalta he would have come out with this excuse from the start). This engineer wasn't an isolated case for others considered their job at Enemalta as their part time job, as a sort of extra salary, some giving private tuitions or having set up a company of their own and doing all the research and work for their private businesses during their working hours at Enemalta, while others like me had to carry the burden doing their work, their left-overs, like doing almost all the assessments of my subordinates if fit to work in another "more priviledged" section (say after a number of years they end promoted form plant to senior operators, etc.) and even in some cases doing the work of my subordinates for some came with the excuse that a particular task was not part of their job description (for example coming with the excuse that it was the duty of the maintenance section), refuse to work before some toilet flushing or shower mixer was fixed by the maintenance, not work before they were given a raincoat, safety shoes, gloves, mask, etc. even though they almost ended never wearing them (and if you dared tell them to wear them you risked wasting you some extra half hour for this task), or you found no one available because it happened that another shift was about to enter and end not wanting to dirty their hands after having already had the shower, etc. - from day one in such a Corporation you learn that the biggest headache is not the plant itself because in some way or another it can be fixed, but the personnel you think you have available to do some task but may end finding almost none. There was also a disease specific to Enemalta, they used to call it "football-itis," reporting sick perhaps as a result of some radioactive radiation from the plant they had been exposed to during their blatant re-copying of the hourly readings (of course there were exceptions, there were so many dedicated and talented personnel from whom I learned a lot, much more than from any same rank as me colleagues, book or University course).
Returning to those 3 who Frederick had promoted to managers to serve as his puppets, they already began giving orders what to do and not to do while still in their supposed short handover period from the previous managers as already said (i.e. before 3-Feb-2014). One such order was issued by Briffa in an email sent on 31st January 2014 (printscreen of email shown above, note that he had forwarded it also to that D'Amato) playing it to have been alerted about abuses of changing shift to get "extra pay for which you are not entitled," playing it the innocent virgin when he like D'Amato were part of the scam in their heydays in the years they worked as operations engineers at MPS and possibly both later at DPS. It was a glitch in the roster of the operations engineers which was discovered by those at MPS and eventually found its way through DPS but not everyone knew of it including myself, where one who happened to be off duty on a public holiday and thus would end loose the benefit of triple pay, would make a change shift to appear as if he had entered that particular day and fraudulently obtain that "extra pay," some €100 or more, mentioned by Briffa. He was not referring to that ridiculous €2 or €3 night allowance which one would have obtained if such change shift was done on normal days which I sometimes lost when making change shift with others who wanted to enter night shift instead of my roster so that with less work to do they could do their private work or take a nap so that in the morning be fit for their private business, etc. Some days later I met Briffa in the control room and told me to be cautious as he had alerted the salaries section regarding this change shift abuse not to be repeated in the future. When out of curiosity enquired with an engineer from MPS who was deployed to DPS operations some months or years before about the matter, he expressed his frustration not only in seeing Briffa and D'Amato once of the same rank as him but now after being preferentially and "meritocratically" promoted to managers will end pocket more than him, but also as he himself will pocket less after Briffa had made this scam public and even vilely now that Briffa and D'Amato could no longer enjoy that fraudulent "extra pay" themselves, they wanted to negate it to others, and even said he might as well have remained at operations MPS as no such orders where issued there (there was no changes in management at MPS), resulting with those at DPS being solely and vilely disriminated not able to continue with this scam, and what was even more vile was for this Briffa to picture himself as if he wanted to do something good for the corporation appearing as one who wanted to enforce discipline when he himself had not so much of it before his 2014's promotion. Considering the somewhat much extreme case where members of some criminal gang used to steal banks, but once one of them found himself working as a Police Officer, he wanted to stop them from continuing to practice with their profession of stealing. At the time I just did nothing or would have risked being given a vindictive transfer myself (it was not going to take long to happen), especially seeing how things had degenerated with Frederick at the helm of Enemalta, apart from the fact that Briffa had lent me some magazines on history in the past to scan which made me feel indebted to him and for the moment I decided not to continue to inflate it.
But everything was to change when on 1-Mar-14 I was not at work, yet despite this from home I was working anyway on the figures for the month of February '14 to make a favour to this new "acting" assistant manager Briffa who had just been appointed less than two months earlier and still didn't knew how to do them (the previous assistant manager Borg who used to work out part of these figures, had just got rid of him together with the other 2 managers transferred him to Marsa by beginning of February). For these figures I had to access the email of work, and while there I found another email who sent the other new "acting" manager D'Amato who also took the place of another one (Drago) who was transferred to Marsa, telling us to clean because a Chinese delegation was going to make a visit at DPS. I with no wrong intentions and with a sense of irony that they wanted us to do a cleaners job, forwarded this email to a friend, and this email which contained nothing that crucial and which could have been forwarded also by anyone with a simple copy and paste without being detected by the system, in a way ended on the blog of Daphne Caruana Galizia. Few days later on 4-Mar-14, the then new Chief Executive of Enemalta, Frederick Azzopardi, sent for me accusing me of having sent confidential matters outside the Corporation, and giving me a transfer outright to the point that the day after had to report at Marsa, and such a vindictive and politically motivated transfer that a result of which ended having 30% cut in my pay due to loss of allowances and overtime because I was all of a sudden dismissed from the shift roster.
While waiting for my turn to be seen by Frederick, I could see several Chinese passing to and from, and in fact it was not far away when on 12-Mar-14 was reported that the "Chinese firm Shanghai Electric Power is to inject €320 million into buying a 33 per cent stake in Enemalta." Considering just the property Enemalta owns as substations and so on, this means that such a crucial company was sold for peanuts, a say thousand times even more worse deal than when the PN under Minister John Dalli had sold the then Mid-Med Bank to HSBC. To be more vile, around August 2014, he made a sort of scheme to get rid of many of Enemalta employees by employing them instead with the "for the occasion" created "Engineering Resources Ltd." with such an intentionally misleading name (guess what type of "Engineering" services it does) putting the burden SO FRAUDULENTLY at taxpayers' expense, a sort of putting them on social benefits earning "a salary" for doing nothing, to go to sign they entered work and then "disappear / jisparixxu", for jobs created the "Labour way" (for those who remember Mintoff's labour corps, il-Korpi: Dirghajn il-Maltin, Bahhar u sewwi and Izra' u rabbi, etc.). In the very remote possibility that the PN opposition ever gets elected to Government, they will implement some scheme of millions of Euros to compensate these ERL workers for say the loss in overtime and the mental stress they suffered for being employed in jobs having nothing to do unable to pass time, as the PL had done again and again with others (just again recently before 2022 general election, just after).
Once again seeing Mizzi's involvment in the deal and all his mysterious companies, could you imagine one that greedy like Frederick Azzopardi who most probably just as well played a big role in the premeditated negotiations, not possibly getting anything to fatten his pockets? Also worth mentioning, sometime after Labour landslide victory in 2013, they had set up a sort of tribunal at Enemalta to suppose cater for the injustices incurred under the previous administration. A colleague who sometimes came to pay me a visit when subsequently ended locked in hospital, had once told me that Enemalta had reserved say one million for this purpose. He himself for being that fat had in the past been excluded from forming part of the Fire Fighting team at DPS and so had filed his case seeing it as an injustice, but as there were many who ended filing complaints, there was not going to be money for all and was about to be left empty handed. It happened that Mizzi was making home visits when he came to his home and when this one told him of the matter, Mizzi made a phone call to Frederick, and after some days, either from public coffers or from some other source, another say one million was allocated to practically cover all those who complained of a "PN" injustice to be able to get their share, with this colleague told me he obtained some €1,000 despite never did anything of the duties of Fire Fighting for whom those involved (including myself) had been receiving some petty allowance for our participation. Again they got their share in such a 'meritocratic' way at the expense of being unjust with others, but who cares.
As regards my vindictive and politically motivated transfer, I had been collecting information and was working to file my case to the Ombudsman and this of course included making use of that email sent by Briffa concerning "that extra pay for which you are not entitled," as if the law didn't apply with those involved, I reasoned it out that it should just as well not apply with me. On Tuesday 11-Mar-14 I happened to have had that usual pathetic once every six months appointment at Mater Dei Psychiatric Outpatients, and once ready, when it was raining, continued cycling to Saint Julian's where I left an envelope with CD and some other documents at the head office of newspaper Malta Independent explaining amongst others that change shift abuse but it seems rather than investigating, they were more concerned how to get their share from Government's adverts to keep afloat and in fact they never mentioned anything as a proof of the fake they are and of how they are not "independent" at all but just puppets on a string like the rest of the local media following their dictated agenda. Eventually 2 days later on 19-Mar-14 I was arrested regarding the hanging of crucified dead animals in my hometown and without laptop which was confiscated by the Police, had to abondon everything to a later date.
Until the court sentence was given on 26-Jun-14, while I was detained at Forensic at Mount Carmel Hospital, I was kept in a small cell together with other 4 inmates in a room of length about 2½ times the length of a bed and wide about 3 times the width of a bed. One of these inmates was Richard Gauci, another Enemalta employee who was involved with the tampering of smart meters. He recounted how he and Frederick both from Rabat were related in some way and was expecting some help from him. Gauci was a well known figure in Rabat and people used to call him when having problems concerning Enemalta. Frederick had some years before bought some townhouse in Rabat and was restoring it but had a problem with the electricity meter which seems he wanted placed at some distance from original position. In Enemalta's jargon this is called "relocation of supply" and in those years carried a charge of €160 for it to be done, as well as possibly waiting for many months in the queue after many others. But Frederick avoided all this by contacting instead this relative and friend Gauci who was forced to instead come down with the usual excuse of “burnt tails” (namely the insulation on wire ends at meter corroded/damaged - that is Frederick instead of paying for an Enemalta service like us mere mortals, blamed Enemalta for an invented fault to impressively incur instead all expenses on Enemalta itself!). At some point, another inmate was replaced with Carmel Vella, another Enemalta employee who also was involved with tampered smart meters. One day this Gauci and Vella had a sort of quarrel with Gauci accusing Vella for having been caught - Vella was said to have installed 10 such meters supplied by Gauci and got 2 years in prison and a fine of €3,000, while according to Vella, Gauci had installed some 80 such meters yet because of his contacts and friends, he got just 2½ years in prison and a fine of just €10,000 by Magistrate Carol Peralta. This fine of €10,000 was negotiated before his sentence was given (I have heard him talking about it with us inmates when at Forernsic) as an option for Gauci to admit his involvement at an early stage, much much lower than what he actually pocketed and through which money he once said to have been able to buy a field near Buskett! What remained to concern him was the fact that once out of prison, he was predicting that many would approach him claiming back the Eur1,000 (not €500 as quoted in this article - so much it was so that when his case was still being heard in front of Magistrate Carol Peralta, he recounted with us inmates that one witness some old woman had testified that she was asked initially the sum of €1,000 but then was reduced by some €100, with Peralta joking about saying "so it had a discount") or so he took them to install them a tampered smart meter (and for this reason he wanted the fine not to be that high to always remain on the profit side even in such extreme scenario). Gauci once said to have installed one such tampered smart meter at Marlene Mizzi's mother in Rabat (Marlene was a Labour MEP). I don't know if it was a coincidence or not (everyone hopefully has the brain to judge the most blatant obvious for himself) but the lawyer appearing in the name of Enemalta was Franco Debono (had mentioned him before regarding that Engineer involved in Good Friday 2010 total shutdown and subsequent u-turn by Ing. P. Grima) while the prosecuting Police officers were no other than Daniel and Roderick Zammit, the 2 sons of that incompetent ex-Deputy Police Commissioner Raymond Zammit who so blatantly framed me up, and both of them later ended under inquiry due to irregolarities / unethic practices, and subsequently were mysteriously boarded out of the Police force with the excuse of Psychiatric problems (as a further proof of how fake Psychiatry really is). Some time later this Daniel Zammit (after having been presumably certified as being that complete mental to be no longer fit to go to work) was given a job in the new Enemalta of Frederick Azzopardi with a salary of €60,000 (the salary of 3, 4 common workers) and subsequently because the case came in public everything was cancelled. It is really a case of this Daniel Zammit having had to dump himself prematurely from the Police force for the incompetent and corrupt he was, but with such credentials qualifying him and being above the standards for the Enemalta Frederick had reduced it to (a party club) - again Frederick Azzopardi had put what he understands with 'meritocracy' in practice.
After my court sentence was delivered in 26th June 2014, by August '14 was given my confiscated laptop back and as was hopeful would not take me long to get out of Hospital once I was to appear in front of the then Tribunal for revision in mental health, and as had still not passed 6 months since I was given that vindictive and politically motivated transfer on my placework by Frederick Azzopardi, I filed my complaint with the Ombudsman in a letter dated 16-Aug-14. This is the email with the document I had sent to myself as a copy on 13-Aug-14, as actually the document dated 16-Aug-14 together with extracts from the Collective Agreement and other matters was sent instead to the Ombudsman by post by my sister the day after. In it there is amongst others explained that Change Shift abuse and an abuse years before I mentioned done by Frederick Azzopardi I came to know from that Richard Gauci which would have disqualified him from remaining as CEO of Enemalta and excluded him from any other role within it. This is the Acknowledgement dated 27-Aug-14 I received from a certain Maria Borg from the office of the Ombudsman. Few days later on 28-Aug-14 received a letter from Monica Borg Galea suggesting the "grievance should be discussed" at their "Office" before proceeding. Without suspecting anything wrong from their part, I just accepted their invitation for a meeting with them on 3rd September 2014 at 10:30. As I was locked in hospital, the ward staff had arranged for me the transport and a nursing aid to accompany me to Valletta. When time came to meet the Ombudsman, the nursing aid accepted to wait for me at the reception, while myself went upstairs where there were waiting for me the mentioned Monica and the then Ombudsman Judge Joseph Said Pullicino. I had thought they had sent for me to hear directly from me about the allegations I made and to tell them where they need to research to make the necessary investigations. But not to my expectations, the Ombudsman told me that if I wanted to persist in the part concerning Frederick's abuse and the discriminatory part (that abuse concerning the change shift) he doesn't have anything to do with it and will forward it to the Police but "I give you advice of us as lawyers that we are, you cut out that part and address it to the office of the whistleblower at the Prime Minister's office because it gives you the necessary protection" and subsequently wrote him everything again with that part missing in an email dated that same day 3-Sep-14. It is worth noting how he kept prolonging this meeting to be held on 3-Sep-14, the day before the expiry of the 6 month period since my vindictive transfer on 4-Mar-14 in which I could file my complaint to the Ombudsman. Had he been serious he would have forwarded what I alleged to the Police straight away, but as I learnt by myself later on, he seems he wanted me to send him that part missing so as to cover-up those abuses, discourage me from inflating it further, play it as if he was never informed (in fact that seems to be the reason he had maliciously asked for a meeting with me rather that sending me his "suggestions what best to do" in writing or by email), as if to appear he knew nothing about them - he must have been indebted towards the new Government for having left him in the role of Ombudsman and maybe didn't want to obstruct his plans (as said, in the original document I had also mentioned a fraud by Frederick which would had for sure brought an end to his job as then CEO of Enemalta). I had somewhat suspected his malicious intentions and in fact after had sent him everything afresh in that mentioned email dated 3-Sep-14, the day after I sent him the document revised with that discriminatory part included anyway, but obviously this time received no reply, not even an acknowledgement, as if to confirm once more the blatant cover-ups he was doing. In fact the Ombudsman decides in favour of Enemalta and Fredrick despite the many clauses from the Collective Agreement that were blatantly breached, and to be more vile, even uploaded it on the Ombudsman's website as one of the "Case Studies" which exemplifies "fairness, dedication, committment ... to good public administration" (see link 1 and link 2 and link to Ombudsman's website).
As regards the whistleblower, this was something innovative that the Government had just introduced some months / weeks previously and subsequently I wrote to the office of the whistleblower at the Prime Minister's office on 9-Oct-14 to which I received a reply on 21-Oct-14 stating that it was being forwarded to the office of the whistleblower under the Minister for Energy. Subsequently the supposed to be whistleblower wrote to me on 2-Dec-14 blatantly telling me that my allegation was investigated by Enemalta and no irregularity was found. I wrote him back on 21-Dec-14 telling him how could an investigation by Enemalta be credible when I implied the management that the same Chief Executive had appointed in his first week in this position in this abuse and how they didn't call me as witness to testify in this investigation, and to instead forward everything to the Police to investigate themselves if he wants to be serious, but received no reply from him. Apart from this, Enemalta had its own whistleblower office falling directly under its Chief Executive, that is that Fredrick Azzopardi, and was the first to whom I wrote on 8-Sep-14 (note the part “ceowhistleblower.emc@enemalta.com.mt” in the email address), but obviously received no reply. This that I reported them to the office of the whistleblower thinking I was going to have some protection and arrive to some compromise when I was still not yet discharged from hospital was a fatal mistake I did and ended paying very dearly because the repercussions and the revenge on me were going to be great. The office of the whistleblower instead of giving me the necessary protection as whistleblower, ended giving protection to those whom I reported by not investigating them, by covering-up their abuses and even let them with all liberty have their revenge on me.
As regards the revenge and political discrimination on me by Minister Owen Bonnici, then Minister of Justice, whom I am more than convinced was instigated further by Frederick Azzopardi, see this link. Follows in the same link was the cover-up by the then Commissioner for standards in public life, George Hyzler when reported this Minister Owen Bonnici for his political discrimination on me.